What is the most you've ever smoked?


Well-Known Member
Lets hear some good stories! How much have you smoked in a day? Week? Month? Lets not mention lifetimes cause that would probably be tons hopefully:joint: :hump:

Personally the most ive ever smoked in a day was probably 24 joints. one for every hour thing i did with a few people.
Ok most I ever smoked was an ounce in about 5 hours. We all sat in my friends room with a hookah, an ounce, and a huge bag of tangerines. The three of us smoked nonstop and ended up eating the whole sack of tangerines. They were delicious. Oh man what a great night that was. :hump:
A couple of weeks ago I smoked 7 bowls, a blunt (that we hotboxed), and a joint. I accomplished this task in 6 hours traveling to several different parties with my friend James. Fun fact: I only smoked 2 bowls of my own stuff.:mrgreen:
Smoked 15 g's for my birthday, just me and my friend. Man I wish I had a bong that day.
Tough question. One time in college we had the 'Day of Many Drugs' - a group of about eight us had collectively enough of everything to get us locked away for decades. Multiple sheets (hundred of hits) of LSD, lots of shrooms, mescaline, close to elbow (maybe more) of weed, hash, don't even remember how many eight balls and some X. There were pills in there too, I think valiums, oh yeah, and some speed. It was a hell of a sight to see all laid out. If we'd of had ether, we could have given Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas a run.

Before the era of digital cameras. It was shortly after that I took a little break-we were starting to attract attention.

Back to the topic though, about an oz and a touch in day. Probably most of a quarter lb. in a long weekend, with a little help from my friends. If its killa, tough to smoke alot. If its not killa, tough (these days) to stay motivated to smoke alot.
three of my buddys showed up at my house with a half each and all i had was like a 20. we smoked it all within like 4 hours just sittin on my couch in the backyard rollin joints. then 1 of my buddys pull out a pint of prominthazin codine (purple drink). i was so hi my eyes looked like they were bleedin. great times man great times
I have nothing spectacular to contribute, as I don't like smoking shit tons of weed in one sitting, but I can't wait to hear what ukgrower says. If he's to be believed, that dude regularly smokes an ounce or more every day. I can't imagine how much he's smoked when he really got down for a special occasion.
I have nothing spectacular to contribute, as I don't like smoking shit tons of weed in one sitting, but I can't wait to hear what ukgrower says. If he's to be believed, that dude regularly smokes an ounce or more every day. I can't imagine how much he's smoked when he really got down for a special occasion.

the most ive managed to smoke in a day was 45 grams, it got very fucked and i couldnt get any higher no matter how many blunts id smoked, the 0 a day is fairly close, usually around 25 grams altho if its a shitty day i will easily get through 32 grams, the prob is no matter how much i smoke it feels soo weak and last like 2 - 3 mins, i end up smoking loads and eventually feelin like shit, then i go bed wake up and blaze a 8th of sativa and feel ready to go.
the most ive managed to smoke in a day was 45 grams, it got very fucked and i couldnt get any higher no matter how many blunts id smoked, the 0 a day is fairly close, usually around 25 grams altho if its a shitty day i will easily get through 32 grams, the prob is no matter how much i smoke it feels soo weak and last like 2 - 3 mins, i end up smoking loads and eventually feelin like shit, then i go bed wake up and blaze a 8th of sativa and feel ready to go.
See, I knew it'd be a shit ton, lol.
haha i used to smoke alot but now ive made an effort to not smoke all day and really cut back... i used to average an 1/8th a day sometimes getting close to a 1/4 now i smoke maybe a half a jay and really get baked... i almost forgot what it was like to get really high, maybe its the homegrown rather than crusty mids combined with not smoking much but i do feel much higher when i do blaze....

its just like anything (cigs, coffee, or pills if your a druggy.. you do it all day every day that becomes the norm and you feel like shit when your not high, waiting untill the afternoon to blaze makes shit crazy. and i really do have more energy. try that shit if you miss the old days of giggling and really getting "stoned"

and i really do like bug out its sweeeet

seriously try it, shits dank
See, I knew it'd be a shit ton, lol.

it was some ver very dense cheese and 1 bud was a fat spliff, so 42 spliff, well prob 30 spliffs and 7 blunts, its not soo much, 1a my customers smokes around 20 grams a day, my fav customer, i always have a few special trees just 4 him and at a nice cost so he doesnt spend all his cash on weed, he smoked 35 grams in a day, it just depends on how high u get, once 4 grams lasts u an hour or 2 at the most u know ur blazin too much, and i advise anyone who thinks its a good idea to consider whether being able to eat, sleep and shit based on how much uve smoked beforehand is really the way u wna live, i completely love mary jane and everytime she hits me i feel no pain, only pleasure, some will understand some wont, those that wont are just waitin for the day when she can show u who she truly is.
I think my most is probably about a half O to myself. Over spring break this year I was hanging with some bros and I woke up at like 10 bought a half O and then around 1 I bought an O and by the end of the night I had like a quarter left, so 35 grams with a bunch of friends
When you get a hella high tolerance you really can't get extremely high very easily, so I strive to reach that highness again, without quiting smoking because well I really have no desire to stop for any reason haha