What is the rarest type of marijuana in the world

Ruderalis is rare, very rare.

Ruderalis is a variety of cannabis that grows wild in parts of Eastern Europe and Russia. It is characterized by its early flowering, with some plants starting irrespective of the photo-period.
Free is the rarest!! I occasionally get that type , when my buddy wants to give me a zip from his new grow
I have heard sour diesel is clone only and hard to find. That's 2nd hand hearse though.

Best weed I've ever had though
Ruderalis is rare, very rare.

Ruderalis is a variety of cannabis that grows wild in parts of Eastern Europe and Russia. It is characterized by its early flowering, with some plants starting irrespective of the photo-period.

what are you talking about any of the lower ryder strains are rudy's

lets get some stuff going

alright theres purple haze now extinct " the one that are out there are just recreations"

there panama red hard to find true but many crosses

the real mouie wouwie so inbread its now classed as a mostly indica when it started out 100% sativa

I think it was called japanese dream gready grower let this one go extic or still has clones but hasnt been around for about 20 years

theres so many out there its hard to get it straight smoke shit that gets you stoned be happy
dickweed!!!! a strain i made years ago ppl used to call me dick, short for well you know..... anyhoo everyone always used to ask me what it was called well i had no answer it came from a bagseed that came from a brick of the brown frown but turned out to be amazing shit when cared for properly, so eventually everyone just started calling it dickweed and another local legend was born it only lives in my garage now and only serves me theese days but after about 8 years of mothers and clones and new mothers and clones it is still growin strong and will be as long as im able. rare yes, few ppl know of its existance and few have smoked it but those who have know the power of the dick. gooood weeeed
tyrefyre (pronounced : "tire fire")

a mind-blowing 100% sativa that my favorite collective USED to have on the regular...

it was shut down by the feds AFTER our "saviors" up high in DC promised shit like that would end.. alas... :evil:

...still plenty of bomb left around though :mrgreen:!
tyrefyre (pronounced : "tire fire")

a mind-blowing 100% sativa that my favorite collective USED to have on the regular...

it was shut down by the feds AFTER our "saviors" up high in DC promised shit like that would end.. alas... :evil:

...still plenty of bomb left around though :mrgreen:!

Sigh, why does everyone try and rain on our parade? :cry:
Because Morbid, didn't you know? It's suuuuupppeeer important. Haha, people know something and feel the compulsion, the innate desire to bestow said arcane like knowledge upon the masses. Super important, like I said. What would we do without these wise wizards. ;)
This is definitely one of those questions that has no answer, but also has infinite answers... there are so many strains developed by people that no one outside of their circle will get because our beloved plant is illegal, and to me strains like "white widow" the one from the early 90's people used to drool over, once they're gone that's it. people try and recreate the original and may get something almost excact, but it's never the same. Sour Diesel is EVERYWHERE in the south right now, not sure why but it's fire and it's everywhere, but MY PERSONAL favorite was Purple Urkel, it was clone only and no there aren't any like it anymore since we morphed all the purple strains into imbred hermies (ok i'm ranting)...

I want this Alaskan Thunderfuct, i've seen pics and heard stories, but this shit sounds amazing!!!

rollmeupscotty, welcome to the world of politics, democrat or republican... say one thing, do another...
Because Morbid, didn't you know? It's suuuuupppeeer important. Haha, people know something and feel the compulsion, the innate desire to bestow said arcane like knowledge upon the masses. Super important, like I said. What would we do without these wise wizards. ;)

How is Canada?