What is wrong with this place???


Well-Known Member
It could also be that we really don't give a shit about your thread - looked at it and found it to have been a waste of a few seconds of time, lacked anything remotely interesting or worthy of a comment - good or bad.

Welcome to RIU, stay and contribute or shut up and piss off, no one gives a shit really.
Wow fitting name, and I already figured no one really gave a shit, well most atleast, that was blatantly obvious.

On another note I went ahead and reposted the first part of journal. Hope someone find somethings of use in it.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I'm here all the time, I click the 'new posts' button pretty frequently, I can honestly say I didn't see your thread.

Some people choose sections to post in more often than others, so sometimes it depends on the section you put your thread in. The 'toke n talk' section is pretty general, so that usually gets more views/responses. Personally, I'm in there, the 'politics', 'spirituality, sexuality and philosophy', and most recently, the 'hallucinatory substances' sections most often myself and I've probably never clicked on the 'hydro' section as I've only had 2 grows, both outdoor.

So yeah, don't get discouraged bro, there's a ton of friendly people here and it's definitely worth sticking around. Keep posting, and keep a positive attitude and you'll build up more of a reputation and meet more like minded people.
I've been lurking here for about a year. It's a great board. Peeps are generally nice and helpful. Maybe you're on a bad string of luck. I think someone else said, and I agree, that sometimes the volume of posts bury you're new thread. It just happens on popular boards I think. Try a repost maybe.


hi there im new trying to find out how to post pictures of my grow BUT NO ONE WILL HELP so i no what it fills like all i need is some one to say you need to do this than do that whats so f..... hard anyway wood some one be nicer nuf to help ......

.......help a stoner and he mite help you.........

Turtle Koi

Active Member
jesus fucking christ why dont you ladies pair up and start a MINUS 50 IQ MEMBERS thread maybe it'll stick


Well-Known Member
jesus fucking christ why dont you ladies pair up and start a MINUS 50 IQ MEMBERS thread maybe it'll stick
Maybe we should..... could be fun never know... thanks for the idea.

BUD087 the only way I have found to post pics is in the same place where you type your post, you need to be in advanced and you will have a bunch of buttons above the text box and one looks like a paperclip same icon you have for an attachment in an email. click on that and you should be able to figure it out from there. It is a bit confusing considering all the instructions I could find in the stickes are incorrect and the "Post your Pictures Here" forum displays a blank page and the albums in your profile is useless as well.


Well-Known Member
hi there im new trying to find out how to post pictures of my grow
Hey man, sorry you're not getting the views either.. could also be because it's nighttime, 11:30pm on the west coast..

Simple to post pics, I usually link the image direct to make it easier, so people don't have to click on it. To do that, go to photobucket.com, create an account (free), upload your saved picture to the site, then copy the link at the bottom of the picture, it'll have an tag next to it, then past that as text in this text box, where you want the picture to be. Make sure you select an appropriate size first, a lot of times they're too huge for the forum.

If you don't want to do it that way, you can click "add attachments" at the bottom of the text box and it'll link the image like that, but people will have to click on it. Hope that helped man.[/COLOR]


Well-Known Member
I am happy, thanks :D
Hey bro, glad everyone cheered u up! I was getting worried did want u to jump off the golden gate, LOL. I'll check out your other thread, What's it called. Im kinda new here, i tell my boyfriend to check it out too. Grumpy is funny! peace & happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Hey man, sorry you're not getting the views either.. could also be because it's nighttime, 11:30pm on the west coast..

Simple to post pics, I usually link the image direct to make it easier, so people don't have to click on it. To do that, go to photobucket.com, create an account (free), upload your saved picture to the site, then copy the link at the bottom of the picture, it'll have an tag next to it, then past that as text in this text box, where you want the picture to be. Make sure you select an appropriate size first, a lot of times they're too huge for the forum.

If you don't want to do it that way, you can click "add attachments" at the bottom of the text box and it'll link the image like that, but people will have to click on it. Hope that helped man.[/COLOR][/QUOTE]

oh so the pics i put in my journal people have to click on? it shows them to me when i look at it.


Well-Known Member
And you don't have to go advanced to insert a pic in your post. Look above the text-entry box, third icon from the right (in the left side group of icons).


Well-Known Member
whats up absoulute
check it out the journal forum is not a great place to receive feedback or info on growing it is simply there for you to reference back to your grow i use mine for this exact reason for if i loose count on my ladies or something of that nature i can refer back to my journal and see them from start of flower and what not. i also had this problem when i first joined went months without any help on my ?'s in my journal so i started a thread about my grow in the hydro forum with complete ? i was wondering about and the first few days it was 4 pages long it is still going and streaming loads of info for people (still dont have any replies on my journal which is fine) and is at almost 200 posts in a couple of months. all in all you need to explore more forums on this site and find where you like to post best and you will get what you are looking for. although i was frustrated when signing up with this site about the lack of help i never started a thread like this just looked elsewhere (other forums). this is a great site with loads of good people willing to help.


Well-Known Member
i have looked through so many journals.. i may have left 1 or 2 posts total.. i go through journals to look, get ideas etc.. not to critique/praise every one of them.. sometimes no responses are a good thing :)