Didn't even bother to look beyond the single example did you. And nope you're cutting and running because you ***wanted to be right*** not because you wished actual discussion or discovery of any new information. What you wanted was to expound and Be The Expert............
Beyond what? What else would you like me to look up for you? A Harvard reference not good enough for you?
And what you stated was in error , you've already admitted to an error that could have hurt someone had they taken it as truth i.e. your admitted mistake in G.I.levels as regards wheat bread.
So someone thinking wheat bread has a higher GI than glucose can hurt someone? Really?
And in addition because you've adopted the bleating gggrrrraainnnns bbbaaaaaaAADDD faddists stance you utterly failed to take into account what I stated as regards B A L A N C E , along with the fact that the problems come from not THE CARBS themselves but from the way they are utilised.
One more time: I advocate <75 gr carb/day, the rest in protein and fats and exercise. You ranting balance, well that's just a no-brainer.
These will continue to be FACTS, regardless of whether YOU choose to accept them or not , and it will still continue to be FACT that to lose weight one must expend more calories than one ingests.