What kind of disgusting shit do you consume? AKA the "What Do You Eat" thread.

I'm pretty sure the obese people eat out too often and on top of that, don't exercise enough or at all to lose the weight.
No you dumb ass, YOU were the one accusing ME I was saying a carb is a carb so I explained my reference to bad carbs means: "High Glycemic " carbs. I never said you were unaware of GI. You're embarrassing yourself.

Your Grain fetish? Did you look up the GI for whole wheat bread? How bout oatmeal,rye? White Rice??

I will give you a fact and let's see if your Riod rage can refute it: A SLICE OF WHOLE WHEAT BREAD HAS A HIGHER GI THAN GLUCOSE.

For the last time I'm not saying no carb . I'm saying exercise, Carbs< 75gr/day, by as much veggies as you can, The rest of calories in Protein and fats. Why are you ragging on me. Is my take on this not "Balanced?" Just be calm and explain yourself instead of sounding like the almighty spirit of Jack LaLanne.

No shit there are variances in the glycemic index of carbs , golly that's a freaking BRILLIANT observation , I was really unaware of that , I really freaking needed you to inform me of that. And YEAH you basically stated the bleating " carbs bad" line , adn did it around someone who has been stacking carbs based on glycemic index for a coupla decades in athletic application.

And as usual the ' Diet Guru" type rhetoric and bullshit insults come along . Now we get nowhere until you PROVE that I've got a " grain fetish" . Nice method of arguement there.

And that would be " Roid Rage" not " Riod" , and such insult is yet ANOTHER example of the arguement tactic of assholes like yourself. You can prove that one too.

And then of course the inherent postulation ( after admitting that I'm aware of the G.I.) that I'm less than informed on the various grains............you are of course in error , but then you don't wish to DISCUSS , you merely wish to push the " fad of the day"..

Now either back up your personally oriented postulations or shut up with them , unless of course you really wish to go down that road.

Carbs are a NECESSARY component of the diet. PERIOD. And by the way the G.I. is set as Glucose being the mean standard at 100 last I looked whole wheat bread wasn't a 100 on the G.I. scale.

In addition you highlight the superficial nature of your knowledge on this subject when you discuss SOLELY the G.I. which mean exactly JACK without taking into account glycemic load , nor do you take into account the available variance factors , as an example potatoes will vary dependent upon ripeness with a given strain , so will corn and any other grain. The G.I. is a *guide*.

Then one must consider insulin response factors and other associated possible items that may play an effect.

You're yapping at the wrong guy and trying to portray him as " stupid" , when it's actually YOU that's uninformed or more correctly only superficially informed.

Want to see an *actual* diet that works on Carb Control and proper utilisation of Carbs and their burn rates then take a look at the Montignac Diet and the manipulation of carbs inherent in it and what they're taken in with , Note the *types* of fats.

Problem with Montignac being that he still doesn't admit that you have to burn more calories than you take in to lose weight. But then few of the diet gurus admit that basic truth.
I know all about GI load, types of fats and types of ass holes. You are a BIG ass hole. When spelling comes into the conversation, it has reached the end. I will correct my "riod" when you correct your "utilisation"

You are right though, Glucose is 100 as the reference, I meant to say table sugar. My Bad.

I don't see any purpose going any further on this with you. All we can do is agree to disagree. You are too crass and incapable of friendly conversation with your fucking nose all up in the air in your delusional, superior world. It is a waste of energy.
I know all about GI load, types of fats and types of ass holes. You are a BIG ass hole. When spelling comes into the conversation, it has reached the end. I will correct my "riod" when you correct your "utilisation"

You are right though, Glucose is 100 as the reference, I meant to say table sugar. My Bad.

I don't see any purpose going any further on this with you. All we can do agree to disagree. It is a waste of energy.

Best go look in a dictionary clown , because you'll find that it's correct with both the z and the s , just as with many other words , now since you're so allfired informed on linguistics perhaps you'd care to explain why that is.

And evidently , you'll cut and run , you'd rather have ad hominem than actual info either. Now you're covering for a basic mistake , yeah right you meant TABLE SUGAR , problem for you is that you're WRONG AGAIN......wheat bread DOES NOT have a higher G.I. than sugar......... don't take my word for it , look for yourself , that fact is all over the place.

Here , this table is *actually* useful.........

Best go look in a dictionary clown , because you'll find that it's correct with both the z and the s , just as with many other words , now since you're so allfired informed on linguistics perhaps you'd care to explain why that is.

And evidently , you'll cut and run , you'd rather have ad hominem than actual info either. Now you're covering for a basic mistake , yeah right you meant TABLE SUGAR , problem for you is that you're WRONG AGAIN......wheat bread DOES NOT have a higher G.I. than sugar......... don't take my word for it , look for yourself , that fact is all over the place.

Here , this table is *actually* useful.........



Shows whole wheat bread @ 71, Harvard

Table sugar has a GI value of 60-65.

I'm not going to play google all night.

I am cutting and running because you are boring.
Brutal migraines, ibuprofen allergy, tylenol poisoning, au revoir eyebrows.

so you got no eyebrows cause of those? i dont get it

i like to eat as healthy as i can, but i still get fast food and cook microwave dinners mainly cause im lazy. i just ate a 11oz steak with mashed taters and veggies at texas roadhouse and it was fantastic
so you got no eyebrows cause of those? i dont get it

If you consume too much acetaminophen, the chief ingredient in Tylenol, you can get poisoned and lose your eyebrows, lashes and even hair. Now that I have migraine meds, and no more Tylenol, my eyebrows will eventually come back.
If you consume too much acetaminophen, the chief ingredient in Tylenol, you can get poisoned and lose your eyebrows, lashes and even hair. Now that I have migraine meds, and no more Tylenol, my eyebrows will eventually come back.
Doesn't that take heroic (10 grams) doses of acetaminophen? cn
If you consume too much acetaminophen, the chief ingredient in Tylenol, you can get poisoned and lose your eyebrows, lashes and even hair. Now that I have migraine meds, and no more Tylenol, my eyebrows will eventually come back.

damn that sucks miss im sorry[FONT=arial, sans-serif]. makes me not wanna take anythin with tylenol in it now. atleast you're a girl so the eyebrow thing works for you.[/FONT]
copius amounts of Tylenol.
My head would hurt so much I would eat 6, then 8, then 10, then 12 at a time.

Oh dear. I get some serious migraines as well ... oh praise everybody for triptans. My acetaminophen intake was limited by the fact that it was just a vehicle for the hydrcodone. I wish i could still use the narcotics as medicine. cn