What kind of disgusting shit do you consume? AKA the "What Do You Eat" thread.

The reason people don't tolerate milk is because it is pasteurized., destroying all the beneficial enzymes. Studies have shown that many lactose intolerant people CAN drink whole unpasteurized milk. So why do they portray raw milk as evil? like you said Big Ag wants you to drink theirs, not the milk from the local farmer. ALso, calcium is a fine source of calcium and Vit D if RAW. If pasturized, it is supplemented back but much less efficient.
i heard soy products are unhealthy. do you know anything about that?

Yes there is and always will be a soy debate. While I'm not positive on the exact facts I believe it has something to to with Phytoestrogens (plant derived xenoestrogens or chemicals that change the estrogen levels in the body) It's basically what I was saying about animal protein how too much causes cancer. It is to my knowledge that eating a 16oz sirloin steak is more harmful than consuming a handful of soybeans unless you are allergic to soy. From what I have learned over the years is that women should moderate their soy intake more than men because it can alter their hormones more easily. Either way if your not worried about animal protein I wouldn't worry about soy products. But I am no doctor so check into it yourself before going soy crazy. I eat edamame once or twice a month for a different source of protein and feel great after. Everything is good in moderation. Happy eating!!!
The reason people don't tolerate milk is because it is pasteurized., destroying all the beneficial enzymes. Studies have shown that many lactose intolerant people CAN drink whole unpasteurized milk. So why do they portray raw milk as evil? like you said Big Ag wants you to drink theirs, not the milk from the local farmer. ALso, calcium is a fine source of calcium and Vit D if RAW. If pasturized, it is supplemented back but much less efficient.

It is true that raw cows milk is much better than pasteurized and Raw Organic grass fed whole cow's milk may be the best form but the fat content, calcium, phosphorous, and protein levels are much different than human milk. I need to learn more about milk in the raw but will probably not drink it anyway. It's fat and protein that comes out of a cow's 4 inch nipple, YUMMY!!!
I make and eat philly cheasesteaks a lot lately. If you're a truly passionate american eater you know what those are.

I just made some homemade deep fried chicken for the fuck of it, was pretty good.

I have pasta, mashed & baked potatoes, lasagna, fish, rice and chicken usually though.
It is true that raw cows milk is much better than pasteurized and Raw Organic grass fed whole cow's milk may be the best form but the fat content, calcium, phosphorous, and protein levels are much different than human milk. I need to learn more about milk in the raw but will probably not drink it anyway. It's fat and protein that comes out of a cow's 4 inch nipple, YUMMY!!!

Here is an example how big AG and Pharma brainwash people: 1) High LDL and low HDL causes heart attacks. So lets create statins to lower your serum levels to "acceptable" levels. False: 50% of heart attack victims have normal hdl/ldl but still have clogged arteries. Even the medicin states it has not been proven
2) Dietary cholesterol is bad for you so they invented vegetable oils and margarine later proven to cause heart attacks (Trans fats) .
3) Eggs are bad. False: Now they are good for you!! even though they are high in cholesterol. It is proven that there is no correlation between dietary cholesterol and clogging of arteries.

4) Fat is bad for you. False: Fat ON you is bad but dietary fat is a good source in moderation.

Did you know Coconut oil is very high in saturated fat but metabolizes such that it goes directly to your cells ? It is a wonder food.

Big Ag wants you to eat grains because it is easy to grow, cheap, and has the highest profit margin. The problem with that is Grains and all the other "no-fat, gluten-free, no this or that " is they are high glycemic carbs. That is what makes people fat. Carbs, carbs,carbs. What's worse than being fat is being a diabetic. And the only way to destroy your insulin regulation is to eat carbs.
I can go on and on.
All I'm saying is that Vegan is ok, Paleo is ok, Atkins is OK. The monster is CARBS. Carbs increases the appetite. Fats satiate you so you don't eat as much overall. But of course also one must exersize, 800 Kcal for a lazy desk jobber, and 400 Kcal for the average person. 5 days a week.
It's fun watching your body transform eating Paleo. The fat melts right off, your muscles become lean, more defined. Abs start toning themselves, you build a very strong core...and that's just from eating.
Add some pullups, pushups, squats, and planks and shit gets chiseled.
Here is an example how big AG and Pharma brainwash people: 1) High LDL and low HDL causes heart attacks. So lets create statins to lower your serum levels to "acceptable" levels. False: 50% of heart attack victims have normal hdl/ldl but still have clogged arteries. Even the medicin states it has not been proven
2) Dietary cholesterol is bad for you so they invented vegetable oils and margarine later proven to cause heart attacks (Trans fats) .
3) Eggs are bad. False: Now they are good for you!! even though they are high in cholesterol. It is proven that there is no correlation between dietary cholesterol and clogging of arteries.

4) Fat is bad for you. False: Fat ON you is bad but dietary fat is a good source in moderation.

Did you know Coconut oil is very high in saturated fat but metabolizes such that it goes directly to your cells ? It is a wonder food.

Big Ag wants you to eat grains because it is easy to grow, cheap, and has the highest profit margin. The problem with that is Grains and all the other "no-fat, gluten-free, no this or that " is they are high glycemic carbs. That is what makes people fat. Carbs, carbs,carbs. What's worse than being fat is being a diabetic. And the only way to destroy your insulin regulation is to eat carbs.
I can go on and on.
All I'm saying is that Vegan is ok, Paleo is ok, Atkins is OK. The monster is CARBS. Carbs increases the appetite. Fats satiate you so you don't eat as much overall. But of course also one must exersize, 800 Kcal for a lazy desk jobber, and 400 Kcal for the average person. 5 days a week.

I like a carb ... cn
Glad to see people are starting to avoid dairy. Little do people know is that everybody is allergic to dairy. While it may not be called lactose intolerant for everyone it is indeed a human shared food allergy. The common misconception for the reason to drink milk is that its how you get your calcium. This is simply a lie or an ignorant statement. Cow's milk is one of the worst forms of calcium imo. Your body cannot break down or absorb any of the calcium found in cows milk and it actually takes calcium out of your bones to counter balance the calcium that was consumed making cows milk actually bad for you. When your body takes calcium from your bones it leaves hollow spots resulting in weak spots. Cows milk also increases mucous secretion throughout the body and lowers the immune system resulting in a cold, runny nose, and excess phlegm. As I said in another post, too much animal protein consumption causes cancer. There is plenty of research proving dairy is bad yet Got Milk ads still run on tv encouraging parents to feed it to their children. The reason for that is because in the mid 1900s the dairy industry started sleeping with the U.S. government and the FDA. The dairy industry has had so much say in everything food related, its sad. So many obese children out there now days. Milk and dairy are not worth dieing over no matter what your parents taught you.. Do some research before you criticize.

One more thing. This might be more meaningful to the carnivores out there. Cows Milk is intended to fatten up baby cows until they have grown enough to eat grass, they drink it for a couple months and never again. It's not for humans to drink every morning with breakfast. Cows have 4 stomachs and digest much differently than humans. Humans have one stomach. We are totally different creatures with totally different nutritious needs.

Edit: As an alternative we drink unsweetened almond milk made by Blue Diamond and I like it a lot. We switch it up every now and then with some Soy Milk or Rice Dream.. OOOO I just tried Blue Diamond's Almond/Coconut mix and its unbeatable. After drinking almond milk for 2 years, cows milk makes me want to spit it out. It taste sour lol

Now you want me to tell you exactly what's in your Blue Diamond Almond Milk.
And I can start going through your Vegan Propaganda above line by line if you wish. If I were you though I wouldn't really try to be bullshitting * me* about BigAg , you might read a bit and find out why before you decide to go off on a flame war.

I *work* in the industry , and though I'm no friend to BigAg ( because I know *exactly* what they do) I'm also not likelt to set real still for Vegan propaganda , and be forewarned that bringing the aggressive PETA whack Bay Area style Vegan rhetoric at me will end up VERY badly for you.

Shall we start with your ***bullshit*** as regards protein? Seems like a good place to begin and since you'll do it anyway , bring up Soy Protein .........please do.
All I'm saying is that Vegan is ok, Paleo is ok, Atkins is OK. The monster is CARBS. Carbs increases the appetite. Fats satiate you so you don't eat as much overall. But of course also one must exersize, 800 Kcal for a lazy desk jobber, and 400 Kcal for the average person. 5 days a week.

More bullshit. You're in error , the problem is B A L A N C E and not " carbs ". Overconsumption of the wrong sort of carbohydrates NOT " carbs" , which is infinitely too simplistic and highly misleading faddist crap.
Too many carbs for me, although it is LOADED with Cal/Mag. No shit maybe it would be good on a grow !!

You and I are destined to be at loggerheads with that FAD crap about carbs. Be forewarned that I don't open my yap about items I don't have direct hard knowledge of and I *still* train athletes , primarily endurance athletes , fighters and wrestlers though it's a hobby now instead of a vocation.

Best beware of going overboard with the fad bullshit on carbs , folks went down those same roads as regards protein and fats so the FAD is nothing new.

Learn your glycemic indexs and consume the *proper carbs in the *proper quantities*.. not th3e " cut out ALL carbs and you'll have magic results " results crap.

Again... B A L A N C E .......
Now you want me to tell you exactly what's in your Blue Diamond Almond Milk.
And I can start going through your Vegan Propaganda above line by line if you wish. If I were you though I wouldn't really try to be bullshitting * me* about BigAg , you might read a bit and find out why before you decide to go off on a flame war.

I *work* in the industry , and though I'm no friend to BigAg ( because I know *exactly* what they do) I'm also not likelt to set real still for Vegan propaganda , and be forewarned that bringing the aggressive PETA whack Bay Area style Vegan rhetoric at me will end up VERY badly for you.

Shall we start with your ***bullshit*** as regards protein? Seems like a good place to begin and since you'll do it anyway , bring up Soy Protein .........please do.
i. Another great thing to do is a fruit/vegetable juice fast which can restore proper health in many unhealthy people and can set you back on track to a healthy lifestyle or at least to cut back your habit of eating too much bad food. Hope this can help someone lol

And then when said Juice fast is overdone you've driven your body into a catabolic state via starving it of proteins and fats temporarily..............yet another myth promoted by the Diet ****INDUSTRY*****.

Y'all look at that word and mull it over a bit prior to taking the Latest Greatest Diet Guru and his wrods to heart , it's an I N D U S T Y................their J O B is to SELL you whatever is " latest and greatest" and a lotta bullshit panaceas along with it.

There ****is NO magic***** to it , eat a balanced diet , eat as close to fresh as you can and quit listening to bullshit artist who attempt to sell you on " you can get fit with no exercise " and " lose weight while expending NO calories"..........

It's REAL simple , expend more calories than you take in you lose weight , you don't do that you won't lose weight *PERIOD* and I don't care WHAT you eat or WHAT ' Diet Guru' follow.

All this bleating " graaaiiinnnnnns bbbbbaaaddd"............mayhap those folks should take a look at what mankind started cultivating first , along with harvesting naturally.
And then when said Juice fast is overdone you've driven your body into a catabolic state via starving it of proteins and fats temporarily..............yet another myth promoted by the Diet ****INDUSTRY*****.

Y'all look at that word and mull it over a bit prior to taking the Latest Greatest Diet Guru and his wrods to heart , it's an I N D U S T Y................their J O B is to SELL you whatever is " latest and greatest" and a lotta bullshit panaceas along with it.

There ****is NO magic***** to it , eat a balanced diet , eat as close to fresh as you can and quit listening to bullshit artist who attempt to sell you on " you can get fit with no exercise " and " lose weight while expending NO calories"..........

It's REAL simple , expend more calories than you take in you lose weight , you don't do that you won't lose weight *PERIOD* and I don't care WHAT you eat or WHAT ' Diet Guru' follow.

All this bleating " graaaiiinnnnnns bbbbbaaaddd"............mayhap those folks should take a look at what mankind started cultivating first , along with harvesting naturally.

dude tell me whats healthier, fast food and garbage each day or freshly juiced vegetables/fruits? sure you can't live on it forever but say you went a week or so of doing that you would lose fat and be inclined to start over with a healthy diet. that was my only point. It is a good way to get back on track to a healthy lifestyle.
dude tell me whats healthier, fast food and garbage each day or freshly juiced vegetables/fruits? sure you can't live on it forever but say you went a week or so of doing that you would lose fat and be inclined to start over with a healthy diet. that was my only point. It is a good way to get back on track to a healthy lifestyle.

And we're OFF to the races. Now start by showing us ALL where *I* stated that anyone should eat " fast foods and garbage"? Do that right now before anything else , because we can have a rational discussion on this as long as you refrain from putting BULLSHIT word in my mouth that I didn't say.

We CLEAR on that? Or do I need to make that even PLAINER for you. I;m NOT going to take the usual Radical Vegan bullshit. Ya got that?

Ya quote a post wherein I STATE " eat as close to fresh as possible" and then yap as if I recommended " fast food and garbage".............that's just flat out a dishonest method of arguement and is going to put us at loggerheads right quicklike.

Now ONCE AGAIN , if you go for a WEEK on nothing but juice you will drive your body into a catabolic state and it will begin to consume muscle mass to meet it's protein needs. This is a FACT and has been a FACT and will remain SO regardless of all the caterwauling hyperbole.

Again , if you wish to discuss this fine , but don't put words in my mouth again.
Now you want me to tell you exactly what's in your Blue Diamond Almond Milk.
And I can start going through your Vegan Propaganda above line by line if you wish. If I were you though I wouldn't really try to be bullshitting * me* about BigAg , you might read a bit and find out why before you decide to go off on a flame war.

I *work* in the industry , and though I'm no friend to BigAg ( because I know *exactly* what they do) I'm also not likelt to set real still for Vegan propaganda , and be forewarned that bringing the aggressive PETA whack Bay Area style Vegan rhetoric at me will end up VERY badly for you.

Shall we start with your ***bullshit*** as regards protein? Seems like a good place to begin and since you'll do it anyway , bring up Soy Protein .........please do.

Hey easy buddy. I'm not even close to a vegan and that wasn't vegan propaganda lol. I'm an omnivore that enjoys taking care of my body to the best of my ability and knowledge. I believe the proper balance between meat and veggies will help your body live a long painless life. I strive to eat mostly organic, local, non gmo, and no msg type foods and try to avoid eating foods sprayed with pesticides as much as the system allows. Doing so I have noticed a huge improvement in my health and wellness both mentally and physically. I am 6'2" 175lbs and have never felt better.

I'm not trying to bullshit anything about big agi. If I am proven to be misinformed or wrong than I will change my views. Is Monsanto not considered BigAg? What do cows eat? You probably don't want to answer that last one.

Also on the protein thing, have you ever heard of The China Study? It is one of the largest studies ever done on how food/protein effects the human body. If you haven't heard of it I suggest watching the movie Forks Over Knives. Its free on netflix and may open your narrow perception on a vegan lifestyle

Oh and I had to google what PETA meant lol. I had an idea but wasn't sure. I'm no PETA activist lol, can you read my name? I've killed 6 innocent field mice in the last month. PETA wouldn't approve :)
I'll say it again and again....

Two all beef pattys, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun!

Mmmmmm! The breakfast of champions!