What kind of disgusting shit do you consume? AKA the "What Do You Eat" thread.

I am just grumpy about being insensitive to groups of people. I made insensitive posts before like "why are atheists (scum)" and "why are gays shitty guys" but anyway I discovered that looking at humans this way is not nice for everyone. Sure, a few will laugh, but many will cry. Just remember that when the next fatty binges on 10 deluxe tacobell tacos at 2.AM, it is sad to consider that some people are trapped and die in their own deadly sins (gluttony, fornication). Because RIU is 99 percent atheist/satanic, I believe people have forgotten that eating too much food is called Gluttony and it kills you.

Has anyone withion this thread done anything with Amaranth , if you haven't you might wish to give it a close look.


i try to eat mostly natural healthy foods. i take vitamins as well such as multi vitamins, fish oil, amino acids, and a few other supplements time to time. Sometimes i will go weeks without any junk food at all but usually i have a little treat every now and then. From what i know, the reason people are so unhealthy is because they lack the most important things which are nutrition and exercise. Also a major part of disease and health issues is directly from the processed food that people buy. Carcinogens and whatever other horrible shit that is in the food remains stuck in your body and continues to build up until you have a large amount of it. You hear about people getting lung cancer and they never smoked a day in their life, or other messed up things. It is most likely from all of these things. I am not a scientist or a nutrition expert, but it is not hard to find the facts about all of this which is what i do. I don't even mean to lecture but at this point i figured i might as well right some good info since obesity and health is being discussed. It is very hard to avoid processed crap these days because most people are going to eat it time to time so my best advice to everyone is to eat healthy for the most part but another very good thing you can do is a water fast. Water fasting detoxes your body and gets rid of lots of bad shit out of your system. Another great thing to do is a fruit/vegetable juice fast which can restore proper health in many unhealthy people and can set you back on track to a healthy lifestyle or at least to cut back your habit of eating too much bad food. Hope this can help someone lol
Ketchup chips
Cheez whiz

But in the last 8 days i've only consumed 1 pepsi (1/4 of the can)
I luv apple juice :)
apple juice has always been one of those things that i have always hated and will never drink... same with yogurt.
which is weird because i love apples, and i love apple cider..
apple juice has always been one of those things that i have always hated and will never drink... same with yogurt.
which is weird because i love apples, and i love apple cider..

LOL apple juice is the shit, hot apple cider is yummy but i can't really do the cider, i like my juice clear, and not chunky. Why no yogurt? the texture? I prefer the thicker kind like La creme, toss some granola in and yummy :)
LOL apple juice is the shit, hot apple cider is yummy but i can't really do the cider, i like my juice clear, and not chunky. Why no yogurt? the texture? I prefer the thicker kind like La creme, toss some granola in and yummy :)

the texture, the smell, the taste... plus i don't eat dairy anyway lol.

only cheese on a rare occasion, but i try to stay away from the dairy as much as possible.
lactose intolerant.
and i don't like taking the pills just so i can eat/drink dairy, doesn't seem natural.

plus i'm not all that fond of most dairy products anyway when it comes to taste.

Same here. Or there is that lactofree milk as a soy/rice/almond alternative. I thought the pills were just lactase? It's natural, but I guess if you're not making enough of it milk isn't meant for you. I could drink milk up until 2 years ago then all of a sudden...
i've tried some other options in coffee, soy was one of them... they all make my stomach hurt. even with just a splash.

now i just stick to black with a little raw sugar, i like it better now.
Soy used to make me sick, but I got used to the unsweetened one after a few months.

I like my tea black... Those coffee creamer powder/pot with tinfoil on top things taste weird. I hate artificial sweeteners too. Raw sugar is fun to gnaw on in a chunks, however bad for your teeth..
if your cant eat lactose try so delicious coconut milk. its good tastes the most like milk i think compared to soy or rice or almond. you could also use that in coffee.
Glad to see people are starting to avoid dairy. Little do people know is that everybody is allergic to dairy. While it may not be called lactose intolerant for everyone it is indeed a human shared food allergy. The common misconception for the reason to drink milk is that its how you get your calcium. This is simply a lie or an ignorant statement. Cow's milk is one of the worst forms of calcium imo. Your body cannot break down or absorb any of the calcium found in cows milk and it actually takes calcium out of your bones to counter balance the calcium that was consumed making cows milk actually bad for you. When your body takes calcium from your bones it leaves hollow spots resulting in weak spots. Cows milk also increases mucous secretion throughout the body and lowers the immune system resulting in a cold, runny nose, and excess phlegm. As I said in another post, too much animal protein consumption causes cancer. There is plenty of research proving dairy is bad yet Got Milk ads still run on tv encouraging parents to feed it to their children. The reason for that is because in the mid 1900s the dairy industry started sleeping with the U.S. government and the FDA. The dairy industry has had so much say in everything food related, its sad. So many obese children out there now days. Milk and dairy are not worth dieing over no matter what your parents taught you.. Do some research before you criticize.

One more thing. This might be more meaningful to the carnivores out there. Cows Milk is intended to fatten up baby cows until they have grown enough to eat grass, they drink it for a couple months and never again. It's not for humans to drink every morning with breakfast. Cows have 4 stomachs and digest much differently than humans. Humans have one stomach. We are totally different creatures with totally different nutritious needs.

Edit: As an alternative we drink unsweetened almond milk made by Blue Diamond and I like it a lot. We switch it up every now and then with some Soy Milk or Rice Dream.. OOOO I just tried Blue Diamond's Almond/Coconut mix and its unbeatable. After drinking almond milk for 2 years, cows milk makes me want to spit it out. It taste sour lol
Glad to see people are starting to avoid dairy. Little do people know is that everybody is allergic to dairy. While it may not be called lactose intolerant for everyone it is indeed a human shared food allergy. The common misconception for the reason to drink milk is that its how you get your calcium. This is simply a lie or an ignorant statement. Cow's milk is one of the worst forms of calcium imo. Your body cannot break down or absorb any of the calcium found in cows milk and it actually takes calcium out of your bones to counter balance the calcium that was consumed making cows milk actually bad for you. When your body takes calcium from your bones it leaves hollow spots resulting in weak spots. Cows milk also increases mucous secretion throughout the body and lowers the immune system resulting in a cold, runny nose, and excess phlegm. As I said in another post, too much animal protein consumption causes cancer. There is plenty of research proving dairy is bad yet Got Milk ads still run on tv encouraging parents to feed it to their children. The reason for that is because in the mid 1900s the dairy industry started sleeping with the U.S. government and the FDA. The dairy industry has had so much say in everything food related, its sad. So many obese children out there now days. Milk and dairy are not worth dieing over no matter what your parents taught you.. Do some research before you criticize.

One more thing. This might be more meaningful to the carnivores out there. Cows Milk is intended to fatten up baby cows until they have grown enough to eat grass, they drink it for a couple months and never again. It's not for humans to drink every morning with breakfast. Cows have 4 stomachs and digest much differently than humans. Humans have one stomach. We are totally different creatures with totally different nutritious needs.

Edit: As an alternative we drink unsweetened almond milk made by Blue Diamond and I like it a lot. We switch it up every now and then with some Soy Milk or Rice Dream.. OOOO I just tried Blue Diamond's Almond/Coconut mix and its unbeatable. After drinking almond milk for 2 years, cows milk makes me want to spit it out. It taste sour lol

i heard soy products are unhealthy. do you know anything about that?