He prolly showed up and realized you are not what he thought you were. It's happened to me plenty of times, I've showed up and the girl was nothing like what they said they were or what their pictures showed them as. At least he was nice enough to stay and smoke with you. I just turned around and said fuck that! The moral here is, stop putting up fake pics of yourself and you'll get someone that actually wants to do you. Either that or make sure they REALLY know what you look like before they make the trip, I can't tell you how many times I was like ... fuck this I'm out, yer too fat for me, or ugly, or pimply or down syndromey (that was a weird one). Bitches be lyin!
As a side note, maybe he really only wanted a smoking buddy, stop being so horny! If you want a dude to do you, make yourself doable. Other than that, just accept the fact that you are only "friend" material HAH!
EDIT: Holy crap! after posting this I realized this is 7 pages .... I only read like the first 8 posts ... so if this was said already, I agree 100% with whomever said it ... other than that ... Here's the Ugly Truth Urca