What kind of guy does this? Made me wary?


Active Member
Yeah I'm thinking either they weren't listening to music or they were not listening to the right music, and maybe he didn't know what she looked like and then when he saw her wasn't into it, that's what happenes when you don't tell someone what to expect or don't show them pix of what you really look like, then when they meet your their disappointed.
Well she said he seen her. Maybe she looked good in pic or clothes made her look good? Then again this probably never happened...


Well-Known Member
Everything I say I did or happened in my threads is 100% true. Lol I have no reason to lie, Im not ashamed. I think i looked ok in person, ok in my pictures


Well-Known Member
you should have said that to start with, maybe it wasn't a good drawing? was it portrait quality? how did you do it? with charcoal or in color? did you mail it to him? maybe the package never arrived. Maybe you should think about getting a digital carera and then if he has the internet you could email him a photograph of yourself so he will know what to expect next time.


Well-Known Member
lol yeah because my camera phone and his camera phone dont show exactly what a picture looks like?


Well-Known Member
lol yeah because my camera phone and his camera phone dont show exactly what a picture looks like?
Maybe the screen or the lens is to small, I'm not an expert on this stuff, maybe he saw the pix and thought it was one of those joke pictures from the internet people send to be funny.

Big P

Well-Known Member
It was a brand new picture, of both body and face. I didnt lie, didnt tell him anything but the truth. Its possible he was just being friendly, never attracted, which is the answer i think im going with. Lol at least i didnt try to kiss and touch or whatever, like the girls in your story did

ok then, that means he likes you and didnt have the balls to kiss you.

theres lots of guys who r too shy specially if they have zero expiriance

if you guys were talking online kinda sexy stuff and he saw your real pic and he drove 2 hours to see you

he definatly wants to fuck you

U NEED TO TELL HIM YOU LIKE HIM AND THINK HE IS CUTE, then when he says you r cute too them ask him why he didnt try to kiss you.

somtimes you gotta do more than just hint with a guy.

lol when I met my ex-wife for the first time I was so nervious I chugged a bottle of tequila on the way to her house. (like I said I had shyness issues so I would self medicate with alchol to relax and actually get laid)

anyway we had a great time, talked and drank all night at her crib watched a movie and made out. then she said she was tired and was going to sleep. she said I could crash on her couch, and my crazy ass took this as her regecting me so I declined to sleep on her couch and drove home shitty drunk

I vowed never to call her again because I was hurt and rejected. (im not sure why the poor gurl made out with me)

anyway she contacted me again herself and was like wtf why havnt you called and I said well you dissed me. and she was like "i dissed you cuz I didnt let you sleep in my bed on the first date?"

and i was like ya I thought u were dissing me, and she explained that she is just not a ho but that she liked me,

long story short we got married and Divorced ;)

so some guys litteraly need to be hit upside the head wid the pussy, you need to tell him what I said above specially if he is still green behind the ears or young. you may find a good guy there, but who knows I could be compleatly wrong

first time i got laid the gurl had to litteraly drag me by my hand to the bedroom

Big P

Well-Known Member
Ya how is your step fathers penis anyway? tell it I say hi

I havnt been able to sleep for a week thinkin about it.

I just picture a fillet penis getting scraped.