What Kind Of High Was This?!?! - Was It laced?!?!

i once smoked some purple that had me high and scared for couple hours. not to mention i had to drive to meet a girl in the mall lol i was so wasted.

haaaa, shit just had me gone for days and munchies like a bitch, my stomach almost burst xD
felt like i was becoming a boomer.

didn't freak or scare her away did you? xD
Embalming fluid is used to dissolve pcp, so it can be easily applied to MJ, which is why people often say embalming fluid, when its really pcp thats getting them high, though embalming fluid carries its own high, its more like poisoning your body. (know a guy who used to drink it to get fucked up) And i know some of you like pcp, I meant most people who get it unknowingly on there weed, dont like it. lol i think i would like it now. but when i smoked wet back in high school, i didn't really care for it..
I don't think formaldehyde has any psychoactive properties of its own. But I am sure drinking it straight induced somekind of reactions.

It is an important ingredient in the marquis reagent.
I don't think formaldehyde has any psychoactive properties of its own. But I am sure drinking it straight induced somekind of reactions.

It is an important ingredient in the marquis reagent.

yeah drinking it, i dont think smoking it plain would do much. the guy i knew who used to drink it, used it mixed with liquor, terrible terrible stuff.
noone laces weed. weed sells on its own. they lace other shit like dipping cig aka love boat or mint, tea and whatnot. your prbly just noob
If I was to guess ... U got some TOP SHELF Sativa strain ....
And simply Wigged OUT to the high THC and CBD count ...

But I am only a Fish !

Are people lacing bud with JWH yet? Those chems are cheap, and could raise your heartbeat. I've never heard of anyone doing this. I just wouldn't be surprised if it was happening.
I have noticed that when i smoke JWH blends that increased heart rate ALWAYS follows...

EDIT: and yes paople do it, probably not for re-sale, but i got a gram of pure 018 (back when it was legal) and would sprinkle a little on a bowl of week swag to 'spice' it up..
Its not laced man it just isn't.. Really strong weed just does that shit to you sometimes, it just depends on what your used to, what you bought.. If it was laced you'd know in a split second. The only things you could even be laced with are meth, crack, random jwh chems.. I mean Iguess the jwh thing is a possibility, but its just not..

I used to think my weed was laced constantly.. But no, it was just because either I just started smoking, or I just started smoking dank, or I just started smoking hash..

I trip balls when I smoke sometimes, I know there's other people lol
noone laces weed. weed sells on its own. they lace other shit like dipping cig aka love boat or mint, tea and whatnot. your prbly just noob

that's like saying human beings don't kill each other, bullshit, someone would lace anything especially a popular dug like weed if they wanted you to slowly ave their supply, i would-but i can't find myself to do that to people. And you're probably 13 yea old snot, trying to tell me i'm a noob, lolz, gtfo. xD
If I was to guess ... U got some TOP SHELF Sativa strain ....
And simply Wigged OUT to the high THC and CBD count ...

But I am only a Fish !


so go a little into those cbd count and thc content, i'm sure the higher the cbd the more i freak? This weed was said to be obtained from "the mob" from the area i live, so i'm sue the mob would do some stupid shit like that. (idgaf what you call gangs whee you live, that's just what i was told and can careless for mobs/gangs)
Its not laced man it just isn't.. Really strong weed just does that shit to you sometimes, it just depends on what your used to, what you bought.. If it was laced you'd know in a split second. The only things you could even be laced with are meth, crack, random jwh chems.. I mean Iguess the jwh thing is a possibility, but its just not..


well as i said man that wasn't a NORMAL HIGH from a kush type of weed- that's the odd thing about it all, i usually smoke decent kush stains and don't feel that way- maybe the higher the cbd level the more chance of a panic attack (which i read is closely to what i had)?
I used to think my weed was laced constantly.. But no, it was just because either I just started smoking, or I just started smoking dank, or I just started smoking hash..

I trip balls when I smoke sometimes, I know there's other people lol

well for one if that's what smoking (bullshit)"dank" does to a brother, than naaa no thanks, i prefer not to feel as though i'm on the brink of death (GOW reference)- but i've never smoked hash or anything like that, some keef once o twice but nothing along the lines of high concentration.
People do not lace weed to sell, thats the kind of shit they program into you in the D.A.R.E. program. only time ive EVER seen laced shit was a dealers own personal stash that had drug problems. if you actually think about it... its not even a plausible scenario. a dealer is going to spend MORE money to get you hooked to HIS product? not likely. first off they are trying to make money not spend money. then if they have to raise the price to compensate, you go somewhere else. or they have to continue to lace your buds FOREVER. because as soon as you get that first batch that doesnt kick like it used to you would be pissed and go elsewhere. in almost every possible scenario with lacing a dealer is either going to lose customers or money. For dealers those arent good options :)
that's like saying human beings don't kill each other, bullshit, someone would lace anything especially a popular dug like weed if they wanted you to slowly ave their supply, i would-but i can't find myself to do that to people. And you're probably 13 yea old snot, trying to tell me i'm a noob, lolz, gtfo. xD

dude what could you possible lace weed with thats addictive, and would make you crave it?
i'd really like to hear this...

thing is there are so few things that some one could lace stuff with, and then the effects of those drugs... dont really go with what your saying the effects are...

JWH is a possibility, but dude that weed would have been worth double, they guy would probably lose money selling shit laced with jwh, unless he has tons... which is pretty unlikely..

I just dont see you getting laced weed, and not being able to be 100% percent sure. TASTE is first factor. you would taste the other drug, and it wouldn't taste like weed.
if they want to get you hooked, they give you free crack. <truly happens.

if it had coke on it, price would be factor, also you would notice some powder, and a harsh thick smoke that dont taste great,

pcp, belive me you would know,

jwh, most likely based on effects you mentioned, but very unlikely, as its effects are that of weed, also the price would likely double at least.

heres the thing, while jwh cause panic attacks, its pretty much the same as a weed panic attack, which believe it or not, happens from just good weed.

I'd look into CBD content, as weed low in cbd levels, can cause panic attacks, that why strains like lsd, have very low cbd, and are much more psychedelic.. which is the most likely cause.

OR maybe your weed had some non drug chems on it like, pesticides and foliar sprays...
well as i said man that wasn't a NORMAL HIGH from a kush type of weed- that's the odd thing about it all, i usually smoke decent kush stains and don't feel that way- maybe the higher the cbd level the more chance of a panic attack (which i read is closely to what i had)?

opposite of that actually, more cbd less chance of freak out, cbd is the sedative effects, pain killer strains normally have really high cbd.

really high thc, with really low cbd, can make people trip out.
hmpf misclicked quote on wrong person :D

i hate to disagree but cbd actually has no psychoactive effects. its a VERY medicinal cannabinoid with many many uses. the main uses noted would be Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Antispasmodic, Anti-oxidant, and then the 2 that pertain to this discussion : Anti-psychotic and Anxiolytic. THC has been known to cause extreme paranoia, as has been evident in marinol patients who have experienced panic attacks (marinol is 100% synthetic thc without cbd or any other cannabinoids being present). CBD also has many other effects but they arent quite as pronounced as the ones i have mentioned. THC in absolutely no way acts as an Anxiolytic unless you count stress relief as an indirect factor is this case. at least this is what all recent science is showing us :) ty Oaksterdam for the classes hehe :)

i would suggest something like cannatonic or harlequin. or maybe a concentrate of one of them to add to your norm. would immensely help this from happening again >_<