What Kind Of High Was This?!?! - Was It laced?!?!

Jwh is super cheap.... I paid about 20 a gram from one source, and if a dose is 30mg ( very high dose, but for arguments sake) that's less than a dollar per dose... why wouldn't some one spice up some shit weed for an extra dollar? I'm not saying that your weed was laced, but i don't see why some think that its so unlikely.

As for the mob supplying this weed.... well that sounds kind of silly... but then again, some Korean guys were running a multi million dollar operation in my county, so it is possible.

Also, do people still/ have they ever laced weed with Raid bug spray? That was the rumor going around when I started smoking.
i hate to disagree but cbd actually has no psychoactive effects. its a VERY medicinal cannabinoid with many many uses. the main uses noted would be Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Antispasmodic, Anti-oxidant, and then the 2 that pertain to this discussion : Anti-psychotic and Anxiolytic. THC has been known to cause extreme paranoia, as has been evident in marinol patients who have experienced panic attacks (marinol is 100% synthetic thc without cbd or any other cannabinoids being present). CBD also has many other effects but they arent quite as pronounced as the ones i have mentioned. THC in absolutely no way acts as an Anxiolytic unless you count stress relief as an indirect factor is this case. at least this is what all recent science is showing us :) ty Oaksterdam for the classes hehe :)

yeah re read what i posted, we are agreeing
Jwh is super cheap.... I paid about 20 a gram from one source, and if a dose is 30mg ( very high dose, but for arguments sake) that's less than a dollar per dose... why wouldn't some one spice up some shit weed for an extra dollar? I'm not saying that your weed was laced, but i don't see why some think that its so unlikely.

As for the mob supplying this weed.... well that sounds kind of silly... but then again, some Korean guys were running a multi million dollar operation in my county, so it is possible.

Also, do people still/ have they ever laced weed with Raid bug spray? That was the rumor going around when I started smoking.

its not cheap for the good stuff any more, i got 5 grams of 18 for 50 bucks, if i was to try and get some now it would be 250. and you should be able to taste it if its on weed, i can.

didn't say it wasn't possible, but if you have the sources, and the cash, why do you need to get rid of it on weed, just sell it as is or on a cheaper herb than weed. i just dont see it... would never pass for regular weed to me any ways, would have to come broken up... full buds would be laced wrong..

but like i said from the effects he mentioned, if it was laced, it was likely jwh.
i was skimming ill admit but i never saw any one clear up the bit where he said he shook the weed around in a container and little black specs came out this could be the problem right here and as many people say oh lacing is stupid it never happens blah blah blah it does i have got laced weed many times and i know a old friend of mine who laces his shit to keep his customer base and sure nuff ask around and you here oh ya man buy from buddie he has the best shit i laugh and say no but dont kid yourselves its outthere.
well for one if that's what smoking (bullshit)"dank" does to a brother, than naaa no thanks, i prefer not to feel as though i'm on the brink of death (GOW reference)- but i've never smoked hash or anything like that, some keef once o twice but nothing along the lines of high concentration.
hash is awsome man!!! you should try it
i was skimming ill admit but i never saw any one clear up the bit where he said he shook the weed around in a container and little black specs came out this could be the problem right here and as many people say oh lacing is stupid it never happens blah blah blah it does i have got laced weed many times and i know a old friend of mine who laces his shit to keep his customer base and sure nuff ask around and you here oh ya man buy from buddie he has the best shit i laugh and say no but dont kid yourselves its outthere.
laced with what? jwh?
in all honesty its a little saddening people have experiences like this in the first place. regardless of whether it was laced or not it always just sucks to have or even hear about negetive experiences with cannabis >_<
People do not lace weed to sell, thats the kind of shit they program into you in the D.A.R.E. program. only time ive EVER seen laced shit was a dealers own personal stash that had drug problems. if you actually think about it... its not even a plausible scenario. a dealer is going to spend MORE money to get you hooked to HIS product? not likely. first off they are trying to make money not spend money. then if they have to raise the price to compensate, you go somewhere else. or they have to continue to lace your buds FOREVER. because as soon as you get that first batch that doesnt kick like it used to you would be pissed and go elsewhere. in almost every possible scenario with lacing a dealer is either going to lose customers or money. For dealers those arent good options :)

Doesn't make a whole lot of since, you spend money to make MORE MONEY, the argument goes what if the mob who gave it to my bro who gave it to me, has drugs that are indispensable- better argument would be those who buy a 4th of crack/cocain and sell it and make more off what they bought, the very same way someone could buy an oz and sell all 28grams for 10+ and make much more off than what they bought it for the original pricing.

Saying people do not lace weed nor the idea is simply impractical is absurd and naive, why wouldn't someone lave a popular drug? as i said, i would but i cannot find myself ding that to people UNLESS i was in a private group of friends who wanted to try new experiences. Why wouldn't someone lace it? make someone feel shit and get pleasure of seeing it- also known as having a schadenfreude, i have one, so saying the possibility is low is just dumb. WHAT COULD BE DONE is buy a 4th of whatever and one time lace their weed so people think they have some really bomb ish and retain customers, that would inturn buy double or even more of the product. hell that sounds like a really good idea. More on the argument at hand is what i smoked wasn't a normal high for me. :P something had to either be in it or excessively added to it.
Jwh is super cheap.... I paid about 20 a gram from one source, and if a dose is 30mg ( very high dose, but for arguments sake) that's less than a dollar per dose... why wouldn't some one spice up some shit weed for an extra dollar? I'm not saying that your weed was laced, but i don't see why some think that its so unlikely.

As for the mob supplying this weed.... well that sounds kind of silly... but then again, some Korean guys were running a multi million dollar operation in my county, so it is possible.

Also, do people still/ have they ever laced weed with Raid bug spray? That was the rumor going around when I started smoking.

Heh, well the mob over here (what they call themselves) are the latin counts or whatever, i read up and someone said if you shake the weed against an inclosed pill bottle or vial and shit falls off, it's laced, so i did it, and well some black particles fell ff and sifted to the bottom followed by some particles that looked funny.

That what i'm saying though, many people would spice up their shit if the "spice" at hand was given for cheap as a way to sell better products or just to get unsuspecting folks hooked.

as the raid shit...wtf? xD i'm no cockroach!
also CBD actually mitigates paranoia and anxiety. the LOWER the CBD the more likely a light smoker will have a reaction like this :)

well i guess i am a light smoker, i don't do the shit everyday nor very frequently but more so every now and then like maybe a few times out of some months.
so what does a rather high cbd level experience like?
in all honesty its a little saddening people have experiences like this in the first place. regardless of whether it was laced or not it always just sucks to have or even hear about negetive experiences with cannabis >_<

I had a few friends that just couldn't smoke weed, some would freak out every time, some would vomit like the exorcist, others were allergic..
they should try eating mild doses. ive found its a lot harder to have a bad experience eating a cupcake (with a mild dose) than it is smoking :) but yea i used to have a friend that would puke like crazy when she got too high. always baffled me lol. like how does an antiemetic cause such a crazy reaction. some people must have a strange body chemistry :)
Doesn't make a whole lot of since, you spend money to make MORE MONEY, the argument goes what if the mob who gave it to my bro who gave it to me, has drugs that are indispensable- better argument would be those who buy a 4th of crack/cocain and sell it and make more off what they bought, the very same way someone could buy an oz and sell all 28grams for 10+ and make much more off than what they bought it for the original pricing.

Saying people do not lace weed nor the idea is simply impractical is absurd and naive, why wouldn't someone lave a popular drug? as i said, i would but i cannot find myself ding that to people UNLESS i was in a private group of friends who wanted to try new experiences. Why wouldn't someone lace it? make someone feel shit and get pleasure of seeing it- also known as having a schadenfreude, i have one, so saying the possibility is low is just dumb. WHAT COULD BE DONE is buy a 4th of whatever and one time lace their weed so people think they have some really bomb ish and retain customers, that would inturn buy double or even more of the product. hell that sounds like a really good idea. More on the argument at hand is what i smoked wasn't a normal high for me. :P something had to either be in it or excessively added to it.

the only thing that would work to lace weed to make it better is jwh, anything else i can think of would make it more speed like, cept pcp, which were all pretty sure wasn't on there,

now for the black stuff???? there isn't a drug out there i can think of that would do this......
laced with what? jwh?

could be laced with any amount of addictive property having drugs- like i said, people could have an abundance of crack, herion, cocain, pcp, (black people hardly would know what jwh is so idk least in Detroit it's more so cack/herion etc, real hard drugs) and just decide to make a little more money (if it's an abundance meaning over supply/more than an whats needed) and just so happen to throw it on some popular weed.

I mean i've had some pretty badass kush (smelled much worse[better] much more skunky, and dense was was some few hitter quiter) but this shit was not all that stank, and although it was pretty dense itself, smell wasn't really there, and as for the hairs (gather a distinction from this detail), hardly any and they looked to be lately harvested (is deteriorated thc better/cause heavier highs?)
the only thing that would work to lace weed to make it better is jwh, anything else i can think of would make it more speed like, cept pcp, which were all pretty sure wasn't on there,

now for the black stuff???? there isn't a drug out there i can think of that would do this......

then what other kind of possibility could be present if this wasn't laced and go a little more into the affects of jwh, i really don't know a whole lot about it and well if you're the expert on the jwh scene i'd like some info on it if you don't mind. First experienced you had with it (since this would be my first time exp something like this) it may relate back to what i could have had in it.

otherwise could it just be the fact that it might've been just some really good weed? whats "dank" actually make you feel- cause i doubt people like feeling on the brink of death. xD
could be laced with any amount of addictive property having drugs- like i said, people could have an abundance of crack, herion, cocain, pcp,

crack would make weed worse, and dont see how you would lace weed with crack, and crack is white or brown, not black

never ever ever heard of H laced weed, but i want some, deffinatly would not cause panic attack though, more like relax attack, lol

cocain, does happen but is actually sought after, and coke is worth more money than weed, you'd make more off it selling it as coke or crack, than you would by giving it away for free in weed.

pcp and you wouldn't have been able to move, or would have gotten naked and pooped in a wendy's,

all speculation.... im not all knowing, just pretty informed.