What kind of indulgence to fail a test


I have to take a test after the 3rd of Jan for a job I want. I have never taken one so I have no idea what the situation will be. Will they watch me in the bathroom? Will they not allow me to bring my handbag into the bathroom? If is have been clean for 3 weeks except for touch my plants in flower will THC show up from the touching? Does the $35 bottle of Xxxtra Gold clinical cleansing really work? Can that be detected? Please fill me in on all this. Thanks :confused:

Juicy Fruit

Active Member
Youd should be ok just drink alot of water to help flush, and mabey work out a bit so your body eats off some of its fat (as mj is fat souluble and stores itself in your fatty tissues) just suggestions though :) gl though.


Active Member
Sounds like your gtg. If it's for a regular non-law enforcement, military, etc. type drug test they won't watch you but they won't let you bring anything in either. The 100% foolproof method is to smuggle in some synthetic urine attached to your body somewhere. (Wear baggy clothes, get creative.) Make sure it's up to temp. by wearing it around for a few hours beforehand. =)


Sounds like your gtg. If it's for a regular non-law enforcement, military, etc. type drug test they won't watch you but they won't let you bring anything in either. The 100% foolproof method is to smuggle in some synthetic urine attached to your body somewhere. (Wear baggy clothes, get creative.) Make sure it's up to temp. by wearing it around for a few hours beforehand. =)
Do you think synthetic urine is safer than the Xxxtragold cleanser?


Well-Known Member
water and water and water.

depending how much you smoke and how fatty your body is 3 weeks should be ok.

gd luck.


Well-Known Member
Synthetic urine is basically undetectable as such. Its what they use to calibrate their test equipment. It shows up as perfect pee.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your gtg. If it's for a regular non-law enforcement, military, etc. type drug test they won't watch you but they won't let you bring anything in either. The 100% foolproof method is to smuggle in some synthetic urine attached to your body somewhere. (Wear baggy clothes, get creative.) Make sure it's up to temp. by wearing it around for a few hours beforehand. =)
thats not altogeather true some places will watch you pee even if its not law inforcement , mlitary, when i lived in santa cruz, Ca they had a "doctors on duty" and i had to go there a couple times to piss test for a job and my friend had to go to......My friend was real sketchy lookin dreads shabby clothes tats smelled....They went in the bathroom with im to watch him pee....I went to same place in nice clothes and haircut smell good they didnt go in bathroom....this tells me that theres no protecal at ALL places just depends on where you go and what you look like and what the person thinks about you.......

If its been 3weeks and your not a heavy smoker you should be fine.......took me over a month to piss clean when i quit but im a real heavy smoker


Active Member
Quit stressin dog. you be fine 3 weeks is more than enough. *Drink plenty of fluids* water, juices, gatorade and shit, The detox is worth it but not nessecary. Smuggling in somones piss/fake piss would be the way to go but it can be hard. i personally can get clean in 3 days notice, Good luck


I failed the test. I used xxxtragold, followed the directions. It is the first time I took a test. I should have used the synthetic pee. Well not sure if they will reconsider me for the job as they have bought my ticket for out of state training that is supposed to start next week.

Robert Paulson

Active Member
whats xxxtragold? the only thing i have known to work positively other than a friends real pee is this stuff called minuteman. i have to drive up to washington to buy it. it is real dehydrated piss that comes in a little kit to mix it up and heat it up. you will fail a piss test with synthetic piss. or at where i worked you would have. they would use a cheap piss test kit from costco basically. if you passed you passed. but if there were any irregularities it was sent to a hospital lab and put under a much more scrutinizing test. i think this is standard procedure in oregon.


Active Member
I havent heard of any good detox drinks latley stick to synthetics...... i wonder whats next in the evolution of cheating tests