What kind of politics or political system will there be when hell comes to earth

You're wrong about the park bench. You insinuate that I would behave better because of fear that you would "swat" me. That's just feeble minded.

politics may have been about violence and it may still be about violence, but it shouldn't be. Only feeble minds think that it should be. Now agree with me or ill smack your face. And no back chat. You're not a doer, you're a done for!

You shouldn't be such an idiot. If I tell you to shut your gob in a park, you will. I can make it so you won't speak for weeks and eat thru a straw.

That's politics. I'm not talking about agreement I'm taking about discussion and civility. You will be civil to me in person or you will pay. Very simple.

You are just hiding in forum.
You said to me before that you thought I was a coward. I'm not a coward, I'm just peaceful in my nature. Unbeknown to you, I am actually quite intelligent, I'm not merely just a simple mind.
You describe a situation at a park bench and you assume you think you will know what happens, but really you're just acting like a bit of a dick behind your own computer screen.
Being clever as I am, it's plain and simple to think of what really might happen at the park bench. Of all the possible outcomes, I could simply ignore you.

Also being as clever as I am, I consider other things, for example, why would I do what I do? and why might I avoid, say, killing you for example? Maybe I'm an angry crack fiend... (You know how those people can be)
Obviously the police are a big factor here, as your death would either have to be very well covered up, by ME, or I would have to make my self disappear and never be caught.

anyway, there is often much to consider, and really politics is all about handling life. It isn't about violence. To say that politics is about violence is like saying that cooking is all about excessive heat in the kitchen.
You know the saying "if you cant handle the heat then get out of the kitchen", well, anyway, politics is about handling a community; War and violence aren't necessary. What is necessary is to keep the peace, amongst other things.
You said to me before that you thought I was a coward. I'm not a coward, I'm just peaceful in my nature. Unbeknown to you, I am actually quite intelligent, I'm not merely just a simple mind.
You describe a situation at a park bench and you assume you think you will know what happens, but really you're just acting like a bit of a dick behind your own computer screen.
Being clever as I am, it's plain and simple to think of what really might happen at the park bench. Of all the possible outcomes, I could simply ignore you.

Also being as clever as I am, I consider other things, for example, why would I do what do? and why might I avoid, say, killing you for example? Maybe I'm an angry crack fiend... (You know how those people can be)
Obviously the police are a big factor here, as your death would either have to be very well covered up, by ME, or I would have to make my self disappear and never be caught.

anyway, there is often much to consider, and really politics is all about handling life. It isn't about violence. To say that politics is about violence is like saying that cooking is all about excessive heat in the kitchen.
You know the saying "if you cant handle the heat then get out of the kitchen", well, anyway, politics is about handling a community; War and violence aren't necessary. What is necessary is to keep the peace, amongst other things.

lovely generalised sentiments from a teen, you don't think an adult can read through that crap... No you're not a cleaver dick for if you were you would understand the bolded...
Oh course dumbass, if you ignore me. But you said you were ignoring me here.

I am just pointing out, that if we were toe to toe, I will perform the action regardless of my prediction of the outcome, but I will do it in such a way as to ensure the outcome. Get it?

You can only try to kill me. That just gets me to a new level of kill you. It is all violence, this life. The next noise at the door, tonight can bring it into your home.

It has happened to me 3 times now. So, at that point politics is over and war has happened, just like that. No cops, no declarations.

Only my wits got me thru, such is the element of surprise. So, be civil in a civil society and have honor. Honor is when you are still civil even when no one can swat you.
No, E, it is too subtle for him.

We keep the peace, that is necessary. Now how do we keep the peace? With violence and the threat of that. That is how we accomplish all things necessary.

Violence is a tool for all times.
No E, it is too subtle for him.

We keep the peace, that is necessary. Now how do we keep the peace? With violence and the threat of that. That is how we accomplish all things necessary.

Violence is a tool for all times.

I enjoy good ol violence like the next man but I had to point out your nonsense your for violence but only if it favors your chosen people. It is a matter of time before the whole world agrees israel's violence isn't in the name of defense but a violent offense against all non "chosen people".
No doer, you're wrong.. I don't really know what it is you imagined would happen at the park bench, but whatever it is, your resital of the story sounds quite childish and naive with all the assumptions.

lovely generalised sentiments from a teen, you don't think an adult can read through that crap... No you're not a cleaver dick for if you were you would understand the bolded...

Are you saying that criticising your country (Australia) is not keeping the peace?
Someone tell the towel that this is not about Israel. This is about Politics and violence. Only a truly sick person enjoys violence.
Someone tell the shipping yard that this is about what might happen when the sun begins to expand and swallow all of its surrounding planets.
Earth will become hotter and hotter and people on earth will struggle more and more. Idk wtf you're on about?....
No doer, you're wrong.. I don't really know what it is you imagined would happen at the park bench, but whatever it is, your resital of the story sounds quite childish and naive with all the assumptions.

Are you saying that criticising your country (Australia) is not keeping the peace?

Legitimate criticism is one thing, your nonsensical garbage is just plain ignorant... I don't think you understand how peace in this world is really maintained... In the UK they use cameras and a large and expansive surveillance infrastructure, not that you'd know :grin:
screw it... you're not worth my time!! Iv already given you so much dignity by entertaining your existence.

You won't convince a single smart person that what you say is right and that what I said before is wrong.

btw, how old are you? don't kids constantly repeat insults? are you a kid??? You know the internet is 13+, right?
screw it... you're not worth my time!! Iv already given you so much dignity by entertaining your existence.

You won't convince a single smart person that what you say is right and that what I said before is wrong.

btw, how old are you? don't kids constantly repeat insults? are you a kid??? You know the I nternet is 13+, right?

everything you've said is wrong. no need to convince anyone otherwise. proof of concept is your childish posts that lack maturity and any real life experience... Grow up, because what WE ALL get from you is a head-in-the-clouds, fairy dust approach to political realities... pro tip - if you don't want to be insulted, don't act like a moron...
Childish? I don't know what you mean. And why are you always being so rude? I did nothing to you.

Rude awakening? uh, Hello, you're Australian! I don't expect much from you Eche! Everything that you have done so far is no surprise to me, considering ur from the land down under and all of that.
Even that Kevin Rud (the old prime minster of Australia) got stabbed in the back by Gillard. (she took over when "opinions" weren't in his favour) No rude awakenings here old man.
Though I suppose that when the earth comes to an end and is engulfed by the sun, Maybe you will be more tolerant of the heat? (that's good!) ....and you will most definitely suffer the least amount of brain damage!
Rude awakening? uh, Hello, you're Australian! I don't expect much from you Eche! Everything that you have done so far is no surprise to me, considering ur from the land down under and all of that.
Even that Kevin Rud (the old prime minster of Australia) got stabbed in the back by Gillard. (she took over when "opinions" weren't in his favour) No rude awakenings here old man.
Though I suppose that when the earth comes to an end and is engulfed by the sun, Maybe you will be more tolerant of the heat? (that's good!) ....and you will most definitely suffer the least amount of brain damage!

I think you and the rest of the royalists will be spewing when we become a republic - just waiting for the old bird to kick the bucket...

Don't watch the news champ? Rudd is our Prime Minister, MORON...

Oh and thanks for the sly little religious comment at the end, you can say the sun but we all know you mean rapture...
No shit, rudd is back in top position? that's good. Do I not watch the news? I do sometimes, but considering that I don't live in your country anymore, I don't exactly get news FROM your country, [Immature childish voice] MORON. [/Immature childish voice]

what? the rapture? the **** is that? Echelon, don't turn this into a religious discussion... I mean, you can include religion if you are that way inclined, but I'm talking about scientific stuff here, okay old timer?
It is a fact that we have a sun... you know that, yeh? right? and well, according to scientific principle that sun is going to one day come to an end, and that is what this topic is partially about.

Note to everyone reading this: Notice how this natively-racist Australian(Echelon1k1) has already categorised me into two groups! which he suspects I may belong to, and thus he is attempting to treat me with derogatory, hoping that he will anger me. (fail)
You're way too dumb for me Echelon1k1... You have been very persistent, but really? you're just being a pest. which is quite sad if you ask me.
Rude awakening? uh, Hello, you're Australian! I don't expect much from you Eche! Everything that you have done so far is no surprise to me, considering ur from the land down under and all of that.
Even that Kevin Rud (the old prime minster of Australia) got stabbed in the back by Gillard. (she took over when "opinions" weren't in his favour) No rude awakenings here old man.
Though I suppose that when the earth comes to an end and is engulfed by the sun, Maybe you will be more tolerant of the heat? (that's good!) ....and you will most definitely suffer the least amount of brain damage!

Your post is racist towards Australians
Rude awakening? uh, Hello, you're Australian! I don't expect much from you

Rude awakening? uh, Hello, you're Nigerian! I don't expect much from you
Rude awakening? uh, Hello, you're Chinese! I don't expect much from you
exchange the country referenced in your initial statement for a country perceived to be populated by non-whites
and the clear racist overtones of your original statement becomes apparent to "non-thinkers"

as you can see, your statement was racist
but i guess you think it is ok to make racist statements about countries you perceive to be populated by white skinned folk
this is perfectly normal behavior for those who are unable to think for themselves
i like to call these type of folk "Politically correct brainwashed fawning minions" or "masters of hypocrisy"

peace :)
Yea ok ok but you do realise the comment was aimed directly at eche? yeh? I thought you were bright!? (at least that's the impression I got before) I mean, It's not as if I truly men't what I said. (though if eche asks, I did mean it :mrgreen: )
I only said what I said to piss him off, that should be abundantly obvious to anyone... come on now, settle your kettle.

He does deserve it after all, being the cunt that he is, having posted so many rude remarks towards me simply because I was saying that many (not all) Australians are racist and have bad character. Ironic imo, that he went off his rocker and began displaying the very bad character I was talking about, while he attempted to shut me up, because in his unenlightened opinion I was spewing garbage, that of which he apparently could not even disprove. in fact he has apparently no knowledge of the things I have said, yet he claims I am wrong. (or he's just a liar) Kind of like the Australians who go around and tell the rest of the world that Australia has the best weather in the world. lol

People in My country think that Australia is a paradise (clearly cuzz they were lied to). But its really just a big desert with some natural wonders here and there. (what country doesn't have its natural wonders?)