What kind of politics or political system will there be when hell comes to earth

No shit, rudd is back in top position? that's good. Do I not watch the news? I do sometimes, but considering that I don't live in your country anymore, I don't exactly get news FROM your country, [Immature childish voice] MORON. [/Immature childish voice]

what? the rapture? the **** is that? Echelon, don't turn this into a religious discussion... I mean, you can include religion if you are that way inclined, but I'm talking about scientific stuff here, okay old timer?
It is a fact that we have a sun... you know that, yeh? right? and well, according to scientific principle that sun is going to one day come to an end, and that is what this topic is partially about.

Note to everyone reading this: Notice how this natively-racist Australian(Echelon1k1) has already categorised me into two groups! which he suspects I may belong to, and thus he is attempting to treat me with derogatory, hoping that he will anger me. (fail)
You're way too dumb for me Echelon1k1... You have been very persistent, but really? you're just being a pest. which is quite sad if you ask me.

the ignorance and hypocrisy in nearly all your posts is alarming... Grow up and get some vagisil; either that or tell mummy to stop washing it with sand... Must be hot where you are seeing as your vag is quite inflamed...

howlowankunts muff.jpg
That's nice echelon1k1, you just keep on being your self.

In light of this:

This doesn't make much sense:

Had you not included the bolded, then your argument would be valid.

There is no argument. Only weak minds try to convince others that something is more than it really is when the truth is so plainly clear.
Yea ok ok but you do realise the comment was aimed directly at eche? yeh? I thought you were bright!? (at least that's the impression I got before) I mean, It's not as if I truly men't what I said. (though if eche asks, I did mean it :mrgreen: )

A bright person wouldn't be asking what kind of political system we'll have on earth once a 5,500 degree star comes towards us probably ending all life...

I only said what I said to piss him off, that should be abundantly obvious to anyone... come on now, settle your kettle. He does deserve it after all, being the cunt that he is, having posted so many rude remarks towards me simply because I was saying that many (not all) Australians are racist and have bad character.

Rude remarks? check half your posts, I only give as good as I get, I've got no problem pointing out how ridiculous half of your statements are!Where did you live when you were here?

Ironic imo, that he went off his rocker and began displaying the very bad character I was talking about, while he attempted to shut me up, because in his unenlightened opinion I was spewing garbage, that of which he apparently could not even disprove. in fact he has apparently no knowledge of the things I have said, yet he claims I am wrong. (or he's just a liar) Kind of like the Australians who go around and tell the rest of the world that Australia has the best weather in the world. lol

You are still spewing garbage you make the claims, you back it up... You haven't once, you've avoided it two separate posts that were clear as day... But you're too smart for us.... :dunce:

People in My country think that Australia is a paradise (clearly cuzz they were lied to). But its really just a big desert with some natural wonders here and there. (what country doesn't have its natural wonders?)

Maybe coz your country isn't so good? Don't be ashamed of where you came from! Obviously the sun here is too much for you - hats, shirts, sunscreen etc have been specifically designed to combat the UV rays from the sun - just an FYI...

Honestly, I don't think you've been here, I think you're full of shit, but that goes without saying...
A bright person wouldn't be asking what kind of political system we'll have on earth once a 5,500 degree star comes towards us probably ending all life...

No sorry you're wrong and you're dumb. This thread is proof.

please just shut up already, you're not a retard I can tell, but your brain cells have become so twisted that your train of thought is no more efficient than if you indeed had downs.

Actually I did once back up something I said. (though, how many times have you used the word "spew", Must be 100 by now!) avoided it? avoided what? more eloquence please!
You can't expect me to ignore your worthless bouts of incoherent Dribble and filter out the parts that actually have an ounce of meaning.
too smart for you? lol, too right I am. If only you were smart enough to recognise that. maybe then you'd bugger off.

Oh lolz man.. Lolz, you really "BURNT" me with that last line with the hats, oh my oh my you are such a comedian aren't you! Bravo funny man, BRAAVO.
That's nice echelon1k1, you just keep on being your self.

There is no argument. Only weak minds try to convince others that something is more than it really is when the truth is so plainly clear.

The painfully obvious truth here is that you have repeatedly denigrated Aussies in general. If it was just echelon that you were directing your anger at, then Cockatoo wouldn't be bringing up your various claims about all Aussies in multiple threads. The fact is, you keep on making broad statements to piss off one person, and now you're catching the consequences.
The painfully obvious truth here is that you have repeatedly denigrated Aussies in general.

No I have not.

I have done two things.

One: I have stated things that I have heard on the news about what happens in Australia while I was living there. (and knowledge i gained with personal experience) Yes they were harsh criticisms, and that is exactly why I said them, because they are harsh realities which I do not believe I aught to keep to my self simply because they are shameful to both eche and the cockofatoo

Two: I have made racist remarks to the two aussie morons here who clearly have an IQ on par with Homer simpson. That doesn't actually make me racist. If you think it does then please think again because it would be a shame if I had to explain to you why it does not.
That's some elementary shit right there.
No I have not.

I have done two things.

One: I have stated things that I have heard on the news about what happens in Australia while I was living there. (and knowledge i gained with personal experience) Yes they were harsh criticisms, and that is exactly why I said them, because they are harsh realities which I do not believe I aught to keep to my self simply because they are shameful to both eche and the cockofatoo

Two: I have made racist remarks to the two aussie morons here who clearly have an IQ on par with Homer simpson. That doesn't actually make me racist. If you think it does then please think again because it would be a shame if I had to explain to you why it does not.
That's some elementary shit right there.

This is where your bullshit started...

haha, yea Australia is a pretty fucked up place, I have to say. I lived there for a while so I know what I'm talking about. It's the heat man. Not all people can handle such heat. Average of 30ºc

Nope, wrong. It’s like 10ºc where I am atm...

You know, In Australia they have needle disposal bins in public places. (true story) / fucking drug use (public fucking needle disposal bins are NOT normal)

Harm reduction has been proven to work. We have some of the lowest rates of HIV in the world. Stepping on used syringes in Florence is not cool... I’m proud of this initiative - Needle and syringe programs: A review of the evidence

A 2002 review of HIV and hepatitis C prevalence in 103 cities around the world before and after Needle and Syringe Programs found that Needle and Syringe Programs were very cost-effective. Australian Governments invested $130 million in Needle and Syringe Programs between 1991 and 2000. This resulted in:

• An estimated 25,000 cases of HIV infection being prevented
• An estimated 21,000 cases of hepatitis C infection being prevented
• An estimated 4,590 lives being saved by 2010
• An estimated saving to the health system in avoided treatment costs over a lifetime of between $2.4 and $7.7 billion.

Fucking atm bombings / Oh and, its funny how you're all "fine" with atm bombings..

A couple of cases in Perth, not a common occurrence by any means. Please point me to my endorsement of what is essentially a domestic terrorist threat? Plus the douchebag blew himself up recently – i hope he died

mad police who think that the best way to combat crime is to turn 50% of the population into the police force. They want to fight fire with fire obviously. (I'm over exaggerating with the 50% thing) rather than actually using their brains to solve crimes.

The military have that luxury not law enforcement. Again, You don’t understand how policing works – nice try though, most State Police forces here are understaffed, Queensland included...

And they even copied some of the accent. Grass for instance; The yanks and the brits say grass completely differently. New zealanders say it the British way (makes sense) but the Australians developed a new accent over the years it seems and they say grass the same way that the Americans say it, but the rest of their accent is more similar to the NZ accent.

That’s just downright ig’nant dog...

This one time I saw some guy get out of his car (which he parked in the middle of the street, literally in the middle. on the median island) I watched him walk to the back of his car and take out a chainsaw! he started it up (in the middle of a concrete city) and he started walking towards some people who had obviously pissed him off. He wanted to scare them or something.

I’ve lived here over 30 years, never seen that, quite frankly something like would’ve made the news... Got a link?

The contrast between Australians and other cultures is quite profound, and the theory that the excessive heat is responsible for their stupidity is imo both quite funny in a situation like this (right now) and a perfectly valid theory.

Dude, you’re getting dumber by the minute...

They started making baseless claims about my intelligence and demanded that I give evidence to the claims that I made.

That’s correct, try to back up half of your garbage or cry and bitch like a child....
Yea ok ok but you do realise the comment was aimed directly at eche? yeh? I thought you were bright!? (at least that's the impression I got before) I mean, It's not as if I truly men't what I said. (though if eche asks, I did mean it :mrgreen: )
I only said what I said to piss him off, that should be abundantly obvious to anyone... come on now, settle your kettle.

He does deserve it after all, being the cunt that he is, having posted so many rude remarks towards me simply because I was saying that many (not all) Australians are racist and have bad character. Ironic imo, that he went off his rocker and began displaying the very bad character I was talking about, while he attempted to shut me up, because in his unenlightened opinion I was spewing garbage, that of which he apparently could not even disprove. in fact he has apparently no knowledge of the things I have said, yet he claims I am wrong. (or he's just a liar) Kind of like the Australians who go around and tell the rest of the world that Australia has the best weather in the world. lol

People in My country think that Australia is a paradise (clearly cuzz they were lied to). But its really just a big desert with some natural wonders here and there. (what country doesn't have its natural wonders?)

I am not offended by your double standards or attempted insults , just pointing these things out when i see them
it is not me that you need to justify yourself to, i am not Australian

I think you and the rest of the royalists will be spewing when we become a republic - just waiting for the old bird to kick the bucket...

I'll be cheering that day, brother!

The Federated Republic of Australia. Sound Magnificent. :)
Xenophobic, not racist. "Australian" is not a race; it's a nationality.

ill settle for him being xenophobic

to lump any group of folk together and believe they all have the same traits because of their nationality/race/ethnicity is based on the same form of stereotyping
while i do understand the difference between race nationality and ethnicity i did not feel the need to be so specific

the charge of xenophobic is equal to that of a racist or perhaps homophobia

No I have not.

I have done two things.

One: I have stated things that I have heard on the news about what happens in Australia while I was living there. (and knowledge i gained with personal experience) Yes they were harsh criticisms, and that is exactly why I said them, because they are harsh realities which I do not believe I aught to keep to my self simply because they are shameful to both eche and the cockofatoo

Two: I have made racist remarks to the two aussie morons here who clearly have an IQ on par with Homer simpson. That doesn't actually make me racist. If you think it does then please think again because it would be a shame if I had to explain to you why it does not.
That's some elementary shit right there.

Kpmarine is correct, you are xenophobic towards Australians, this is no less of a charge than racism imo
and you keep implying other folk are not as smart as you with these silly insults

What is your problem with Australian people ?
Well, I don't. Since there is no such thing as race, genetically, we find. All of the broad characteristics we call race are actually environmental adaptations in the epi-genome, the methyl markings that express or suppress geneitc traits. It is exactly why for example identical twins are not really completely identical. Only the DNA is identical.

What we reject is the culture and the rejection of the culture is because of the isolation that created the epi-genome differences, and is the only reason why we have different skin color and face builds. We hate "other." That also is genetic.

Now to the present day. Survival pressures are different, we have indoor plumbing. The only thing that can turn whites to black is to go live outside at the equator for 20,000 years.

The only thing that can turn black to white, is to go live in the ice and snow, outside for 20,000 years.

We don't do that right now. So, we are stuck in our perception of skin color. But, in the coming ice age if mankind loses modern sheltering techniques, we will all be as pale a Norsemen.

And in the inter-age heat up, if we can maintain shelter, we are not adapting. But, if we lose shelter tech, we will all be dark skinned in 20, 000 years.
There is no new buzz word to describe the hate of someones nationality

xenophobic actually implies a fear of strangers or nationalities although this can lead to genocide so i guess hate is not too far from mind
racist implies a hatred or belief of superiority over other races

race is an old term now, ethnic group is the popular buzz word used today
Well, yeah. The buzz words change.

Xenophopic has a culture connotaion, only. Fear of all "other." So that is much closer, to real, I think.
race classification would be associated with terms that are classed as racist today, is that ironic ?


are the ones folk complain about
This is where your bullshit started...
Nope, wrong. It’s like 10ºc where I am atm...
10ºc Average where you live? Why do you say I am full of shit when first of all, I am not, and second of all, you are. ???

Harm reduction has been proven to work. We have some of the lowest rates of HIV in the world. Stepping on used syringes in Florence is not cool... I’m proud of this initiative - Needle and syringe programs: A review of the evidence

A 2002 review of HIV and hepatitis C prevalence in 103 cities around the world before and after Needle and Syringe Programs found that Needle and Syringe Programs were very cost-effective. Australian Governments invested $130 million in Needle and Syringe Programs between 1991 and 2000. This resulted in:

• An estimated 25,000 cases of HIV infection being prevented
• An estimated 21,000 cases of hepatitis C infection being prevented
• An estimated 4,590 lives being saved by 2010
• An estimated saving to the health system in avoided treatment costs over a lifetime of between $2.4 and $7.7 billion.

yea yea ok, If you guys have a problem with drugs, by all means I agree it is much better to provide bins for the wandering drug addicts who drop needles like birds drop droppings.
The point which clearly went over your head (like 95% of things apparently, this joke included, I bet) is that Australia has a pretty substanial drug problem.. Oh but don't worry, I bet there are other countries who have worse problem and therefore you can actually make a positive comment about your country on the issues when comparing Aus to the other worse countries. Good for you, right? That is all you're worried about after all isn't it, your pride?

A couple of cases in Perth, not a common occurrence by any means. Please point me to my endorsement of what is essentially a domestic terrorist threat? Plus the douchebag blew himself up recently – i hope he died

not common you say? well ok, the point is that violence is common in Australia, even by the police who're actually supposed to stop violence. Ironic. Australia, just as bad as America. Iv said that once now, and now iv said it twice, and I bet that really pisses you off because everyone knows the kind of reputation they have, and I'm sure you're shivering in your trousers over the thought of your country suffering a similar fate. Its bound to happen sooner or later, that is unless you guys clean your act up! (needle bins, that's a start!)

The military have that luxury not law enforcement. Again, You don’t understand how policing works – nice try though, most State Police forces here are understaffed, Queensland included...
The police don't have the luxury of using their brains? Oh okay! thank you for that news flash! :mrgreen:

That’s just downright ig’nant dog...
Ig'nant you say? Well do you even understand why I made that comment? ... I don't of course expect you to answer because I know you're too afraid.
Australians have a similar accent to Americans, imo, because they copy them, simple as that.

Or perhaps its an intelligence thing? hmm, that's a new theory! (kidding!)

I’ve lived here over 30 years, never seen that, quite frankly something like would’ve made the news... Got a link?
Na I don't think that made the news.. I turned the tv on to see if anyone had reported the incident, but there was nothing.
I mean, he didn't actually harm anyone, he just took his fkn chainsaw out in the middle of the city and held it up and walked towards these kids, and shouted at them (I don't think he intended to cut any tree's :mrgreen: )
seriously though, he wanted to scare them, though that was a pretty fucked up thing to do considering anyone could have called the police on him, and the police could have easily just drove by!!

Dude, you’re getting dumber by the minute...
Are you sure I'm not just getting harder to understand?

That’s correct, try to back up half of your garbage or cry and bitch like a child....

I don't need to back this up. I have no hate towards any person unless its well deserved, therefore I do not discriminate towards people simply because of their position on the earth, or because of the idiots that they live with, and therefore I do not make this shit up just like that. also, I'm being honest and at least I can say that I am being honest. And ftr you guys have taken seriously a couple things that were merely jests.
Now, I would advise you to think carefully before you continue to tell people that I am full of shit (as you have done on numerous occasions already!) Because technically you do not know that what I have said is false, therefore to say that it is false is a fallacy of your character. (fallacy is probably the wrong word to use there, oh well)