Cockatoo, what you need to do is go and do what you've so nicely quoted in your signature.
And maybe in actual fact, smoking weed isn't healthy for you anymore? (clearly it doesn't help with your anger)
People say its "medicine" but there is such a thing as having too much weed. Do you know why psychosis is? You have it.
Basically when a person is susceptible to mental issues, weed makes it worse. Everyone who smokes too much experiences it! You know, stuff like extreme Paranoia, shit like that.
The video`s are substantial evidence, because anyone unfortunate enough to have been following your little escapade will see the video`s as proof to the fact that my claims have not been made up out of thin air.
And if anyone truly cares to look for more evidence then they can do so on their own time

Oh, and do you know who might be such a person who's interested in such video`s?
EVERYONE who wants to research Australia to see if its a good country worth travelling to. So, the more that people see such video`s, the more truth they are exposed to.
Also, the more that you deny such claims, the more you make it apparent that you are simply in denial of the facts that go on in your own country. Have a nice life, quit stalking me because I don't like it. Now go hug mumy.
Btw denial is also a mental issue.
Listen up, I'm going to tell you this in language that a 5 year old should be able to understand, so put your thinking cap on (it may help!) and imagine the voice of a small child when reading the next sentence.
I'm not racist, I was just saying racist things to those two cunts because they're cunts. (still not convince?) I don't actually feel racist.
Seriously. A 5 year old can understand such a simple concept.
@echelon1k1 Fucked in the head you say? and why is it that you say that? I simply made some claims in the other thread (best place for white people thread) that Australia was racist. My claims were on topic, and then you and the cock came along and started this little witch hunt to shut me up because you didn't want me telling people the bad bad nasty nasty things which happen in your country everyday.
you both then followed me around DEMANDING proof!!! as if you have some bully complex and I had better get the proof fast, or else! so you know, I got some video`s (nice and easy for everyone) the proof is there, yet, You say Im fucked in the head?
care to elaborate?? or are you just mad?
I think everyone can tell that in actual fact, the things you say about me are partially derived from your anger towards me.
Btw you still have my country wrong.. and, Isn't pom a derogatory term? I think the others might get offended. Who knows, maybe not! though if not then I sense double standards and hypocrisy. cough* cup cake chick COugh*
Not a pom! If I was a pom, I would have busted Jullian Assange out of prison ages ago.
well? yea that's somewhat the case.. but you really said it in a nasty way.
I personally thought Steve Erwin was the Man!
Also apparently some of those aussies have invented some cool gadgets! and besides, we wouldn't want to generalise their whole population! that wouldn't be fair.
but! this forum ALONE has Australians and they are proving your point for you, so fret not
And the point is?
Oh really was I? I definitely did not say I was doing that, you just assumed so. In fact I was just randomly typing out some things that were included in the video.
Just because I have said before that Aus is a racist place, doesn't mean that everything I posted thereafter was posted to proof that case.
For example then, why do you not start harassing me about being a dumb cunt for thinking that road rage is also a race? huh wise guy? Because if you did that you would truly look like a retard to even those who have trouble making the distinguishment.
Clearly you're confused because you did not understand the purpose of the survey, nor do you understand what it is really about.
What is abundantly clear though, is that you are simply working against me here. You are not picking these stupid details out because you wish to correct me, you are doing it cuzz you're a cunt and you have chosen the other side of the argument with the two Australians who act like.... well, everyone can see what they act like. So piss off. btw Christian is spelt with a capital C. silly child!
The video is of a study on Australians. Are you senile? no no, you're just a yank.