What kind of politics or political system will there be when hell comes to earth

Well first of all, I am no guru on religions and cultures.
Second of all, I did not make any connection between Islam and race; Such as saying that Islam is a race.
Do you see those "full stops" at the end of the lines? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_stop

anyway, even if there were no full stops, it wouldn't change anything! quit being a bitch. Aren't you better than that?

You were using a survey on people's feelings about Islamic folks as evidence of racism. So you either thought Islam was a race, or you were deliberately attempting to convolute racism with dislike of a religion. The guy in the video you posted clearly fails at basic English comprehension as well. Seeing as the two quoted survey questions at the beginning of the video both describe things that are not solely racial. One being "Is it a good thing for a society to be made up of people from different cultures?"; and the other regarding how a person would feel if a close relative were to marry someone from a different "background". In both of these cases, the issue is not racial. Both the words "culture" and "background" are not immutably connected to race. Based on his questions, I would be a racist for not liking that my daughter married a christian raised by farmers ("Culture" being christian, and "farmer" being background).

Your quoted source is doing a disservice to the actual definition of racism by mixing it in with people who don't like a particular moral standpoint or general upbringing.
Cockatoo, what you need to do is go and do what you've so nicely quoted in your signature.

And maybe in actual fact, smoking weed isn't healthy for you anymore? (clearly it doesn't help with your anger)
People say its "medicine" but there is such a thing as having too much weed. Do you know why psychosis is? You have it.
  1. A severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality
Basically when a person is susceptible to mental issues, weed makes it worse. Everyone who smokes too much experiences it! You know, stuff like extreme Paranoia, shit like that.

The video`s are substantial evidence, because anyone unfortunate enough to have been following your little escapade will see the video`s as proof to the fact that my claims have not been made up out of thin air.
And if anyone truly cares to look for more evidence then they can do so on their own time :) Oh, and do you know who might be such a person who's interested in such video`s?
EVERYONE who wants to research Australia to see if its a good country worth travelling to. So, the more that people see such video`s, the more truth they are exposed to.

Also, the more that you deny such claims, the more you make it apparent that you are simply in denial of the facts that go on in your own country. Have a nice life, quit stalking me because I don't like it. Now go hug mumy.
Btw denial is also a mental issue.

using someones nationality as a medium of insult ,
i think we established with the help of other members of this thread this is xenophobia

Just because I say racist things to them
it's ok for you to say racist things to the people you do not like, but would be wrong to be racist to strangers ?

what is an ordinary Australian ?

Listen up, I'm going to tell you this in language that a 5 year old should be able to understand, so put your thinking cap on (it may help!) and imagine the voice of a small child when reading the next sentence.

I'm not racist, I was just saying racist things to those two cunts because they're cunts. (still not convince?) I don't actually feel racist.

Seriously. A 5 year old can understand such a simple concept.

@echelon1k1 Fucked in the head you say? and why is it that you say that? I simply made some claims in the other thread (best place for white people thread) that Australia was racist. My claims were on topic, and then you and the cock came along and started this little witch hunt to shut me up because you didn't want me telling people the bad bad nasty nasty things which happen in your country everyday.

you both then followed me around DEMANDING proof!!! as if you have some bully complex and I had better get the proof fast, or else! so you know, I got some video`s (nice and easy for everyone) the proof is there, yet, You say Im fucked in the head?

care to elaborate?? or are you just mad?

I think everyone can tell that in actual fact, the things you say about me are partially derived from your anger towards me.

Btw you still have my country wrong.. and, Isn't pom a derogatory term? I think the others might get offended. Who knows, maybe not! though if not then I sense double standards and hypocrisy. cough* cup cake chick COugh*

Is highlow a pom? no wonder he thinks 20c is hot, isn't it like 2 c there every day? ;-)

Not a pom! If I was a pom, I would have busted Jullian Assange out of prison ages ago.

Was Australia not a penal colony in the beginning? If that be the case, I can understand a claim that those there are dumb. Folks usually resort to crime due to a lack of money. That usually comes from a lack of intelligence. So all those dumb people sent to Australia, screwing other dumb people to create a dumb population. Sounds reasonable to me.

well? yea that's somewhat the case.. but you really said it in a nasty way.

I personally thought Steve Erwin was the Man!
Also apparently some of those aussies have invented some cool gadgets! and besides, we wouldn't want to generalise their whole population! that wouldn't be fair.
but! this forum ALONE has Australians and they are proving your point for you, so fret not ;)

Did you know that that US was used for the same purpose by the british? They only came to, what is now Australia after the revolutionary war. Quite a few british covicts working those plantations back in the day...

And the point is?

You were using a survey on people's feelings about Islamic folks as evidence of racism.

Oh really was I? I definitely did not say I was doing that, you just assumed so. In fact I was just randomly typing out some things that were included in the video.
Just because I have said before that Aus is a racist place, doesn't mean that everything I posted thereafter was posted to proof that case.
For example then, why do you not start harassing me about being a dumb cunt for thinking that road rage is also a race? huh wise guy? Because if you did that you would truly look like a retard to even those who have trouble making the distinguishment.

So you either thought Islam was a race, or you were deliberately attempting to convolute racism with dislike of a religion. The guy in the video you posted clearly fails at basic English comprehension as well. Seeing as the two quoted survey questions at the beginning of the video both describe things that are not solely racial. One being "Is it a good thing for a society to be made up of people from different cultures?"; and the other regarding how a person would feel if a close relative were to marry someone from a different "background". In both of these cases, the issue is not racial. Both the words "culture" and "background" are not immutably connected to race. Based on his questions, I would be a racist for not liking that my daughter married a christian raised by farmers ("Culture" being christian, and "farmer" being background).

Your quoted source is doing a disservice to the actual definition of racism by mixing it in with people who don't like a particular moral standpoint or general upbringing.

Clearly you're confused because you did not understand the purpose of the survey, nor do you understand what it is really about.

What is abundantly clear though, is that you are simply working against me here. You are not picking these stupid details out because you wish to correct me, you are doing it cuzz you're a cunt and you have chosen the other side of the argument with the two Australians who act like.... well, everyone can see what they act like. So piss off. btw Christian is spelt with a capital C. silly child!

Your quoted source is doing a disservice to the actual definition of racism by mixing it in with people who don't like a particular moral standpoint or general upbringing.

The video is of a study on Australians. Are you senile? no no, you're just a yank.
Cockatoo, what you need to do is go and do what you've so nicely quoted in your signature.

And maybe in actual fact, smoking weed isn't healthy for you anymore? (clearly it doesn't help with your anger)
People say its "medicine" but there is such a thing as having too much weed. Do you know why psychosis is? You have it.

Basically when a person is susceptible to mental issues, weed makes it worse. Everyone who smokes too much experiences it! You know, stuff like extreme Paranoia, shit like that.

The video`s are substantial evidence, because anyone unfortunate enough to have been following your little escapade will see the video`s as proof to the fact that my claims have not been made up out of thin air.
And if anyone truly cares to look for more evidence then they can do so on their own time :) Oh, and do you know who might be such a person who's interested in such video`s?
EVERYONE who wants to research Australia to see if its a good country worth travelling to. So, the more that people see such video`s, the more truth they are exposed to.

Also, the more that you deny such claims, the more you make it apparent that you are simply in denial of the facts that go on in your own country. Have a nice life, quit stalking me because I don't like it. Now go hug mumy.
Btw denial is also a mental issue.

Listen up, I'm going to tell you this in language that a 5 year old should be able to understand, so put your thinking cap on (it may help!) and imagine the voice of a small child when reading the next sentence.

I'm not racist, I was just saying racist things to those two cunts because they're cunts. (still not convince?) I don't actually feel racist.

Seriously. A 5 year old can understand such a simple concept.

@echelon1k1 Fucked in the head you say? and why is it that you say that? I simply made some claims in the other thread (best place for white people thread) that Australia was racist. My claims were on topic, and then you and the cock came along and started this little witch hunt to shut me up because you didn't want me telling people the bad bad nasty nasty things which happen in your country everyday.

you both then followed me around DEMANDING proof!!! as if you have some bully complex and I had better get the proof fast, or else! so you know, I got some video`s (nice and easy for everyone) the proof is there, yet, You say Im fucked in the head?

care to elaborate?? or are you just mad?

I think everyone can tell that in actual fact, the things you say about me are partially derived from your anger towards me.

Btw you still have my country wrong.. and, Isn't pom a derogatory term? I think the others might get offended. Who knows, maybe not! though if not then I sense double standards and hypocrisy. cough* cup cake chick COugh*

Not a pom! If I was a pom, I would have busted Jullian Assange out of prison ages ago.

well? yea that's somewhat the case.. but you really said it in a nasty way.

I personally thought Steve Erwin was the Man!
Also apparently some of those aussies have invented some cool gadgets! and besides, we wouldn't want to generalise their whole population! that wouldn't be fair.
but! this forum ALONE has Australians and they are proving your point for you, so fret not ;)

And the point is?

Oh really was I? I definitely did not say I was doing that, you just assumed so. In fact I was just randomly typing out some things that were included in the video.
Just because I have said before that Aus is a racist place, doesn't mean that everything I posted thereafter was posted to proof that case.
For example then, why do you not start harassing me about being a dumb cunt for thinking that road rage is also a race? huh wise guy? Because if you did that you would truly look like a retard to even those who have trouble making the distinguishment.

Clearly you're confused because you did not understand the purpose of the survey, nor do you understand what it is really about.

What is abundantly clear though, is that you are simply working against me here. You are not picking these stupid details out because you wish to correct me, you are doing it cuzz you're a cunt and you have chosen the other side of the argument with the two Australians who act like.... well, everyone can see what they act like. So piss off. btw Christian is spelt with a capital C. silly child!

The video is of a study on Australians. Are you senile? no no, you're just a yank.

A severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality
Oh really was I? I definitely did not say I was doing that, you just assumed so. In fact I was just randomly typing out some things that were included in the video.
You posted the video as evidence of racism in Australia. If you claim the video is evidence of racism, then why did you choose a video that based it's opening point on things that weren't inherently racist? Why randomly type out only points that weren't inherently racist, either?

Just because I have said before that Aus is a racist place, doesn't mean that everything I posted thereafter was posted to proof that case.
For example then, why do you not start harassing me about being a dumb cunt for thinking that road rage is also a race? huh wise guy? Because if you did that you would truly look like a retard to even those who have trouble making the distinguishment.

Much like "road rage", there is no race known as "Islamic". Once again, You are making up an issue that doesn't exist; much like disapproval of islam=racism.

Clearly you're confused because you did not understand the purpose of the survey, nor do you understand what it is really about.
Any survey that leads with such vague questions is not worthy of much. Also, a survey which views discrimination against how someone was raised as "racism" is clearly misguided.

What is abundantly clear though, is that you are simply working against me here. You are not picking these stupid details out because you wish to correct me, you are doing it cuzz you're a cunt and you have chosen the other side of the argument with the two Australians who act like.... well, everyone can see what they act like. So piss off. btw Christian is spelt with a capital C. silly child!
I'm not working against you due to anything other than your objectionable viewpoints. You can spur that persecution complex all you want, but it's nothing but a dead horse.

In regards to choosing the side I have in an argument: Have you not also chosen a "side"? I thought a position that
a person held was a "side" in an argument. As some additional fun, can't you only correct someone if you're right (a.k.a correct)? I do believe that is the definition of the word; please, feel free to disprove me. I have insulted Ech. in the past (More than once, even.), yet I managed to not attack people from his country for the sake of a rise from him.

You are right about my punctuation, though. If you want to know more about my punctuation errors, then I would suggest referencing my many other posts where I refuse to consistently capitalize all religions. That lack of capitalizing isn't always an error; it's a real lack of respect for some proper nouns. In the case you mentioned, that "C" was intentionally lowercase.

The video is of a study on Australians. Are you senile? no no, you're just a yank.
What does my nationality have to do with my argument?
Did you know that that US was used for the same purpose by the british? They only came to, what is now Australia after the revolutionary war. Quite a few british covicts working those plantations back in the day...

The aussie history is pretty boring they were criminals marooned this history is not disputed, however the American history seems to be disputed by many Americans
i guess Americans are taught a more romantic version of their history

this is a brief account of what we were taught in the uk of American history

Americans were spawned by a soup of Europeans, notably the religious psychopaths known as English puritans
they wore hats with belt buckles and were raping and burning women that were not even witches !!!

the puritans were expelled from England to the new country along with the many Irish folk who at the time were starving from one potato famine or another

the puritans carried on practices of genocide and killing women in the name of Christianity
this was in the 1600s these folk were said to be real butches killing in the name of god

they built some farms and churches

the English still claimed ownership of these peoples for many years and these people worked as slaves for England for over 100 years
after sometime the religious psychopaths decided they wanted to break free from their English masters

the French caught wind of this and decided to help the puritans , the French mostly being Catholics were much larger enemies of the English church
and at this time in the world the 2nd most powerful nation after England
word got out to the Italians also catholic around the same time,

the puritans the french and the expelled Irish alongside the Italians banded together to fight the English church
after sometime the catholic/puritan team won the war they declared independence from the mother land England

after a while the English puritan, Irish, french, Italian, soup of peoples started to breed with each other
at some point they stopped burning and hanging women
this new victorious breed/amalgamation of Europeans decided to call themselves Americans

i guess the moral of the story is, if it wasn't for the French, Americans would be speaking English < literal sarcasm instead of the bastardised version, of English they call American English
the french gave America a mascot of victory, the statute of liberty
the new Americans did have a vote and decided not to speak French even after receiving such nice gifts from the french lol

maybe this could explain why America today is ridden with the contagious disease known as Christianity

Listen up, I'm going to tell you this in language that a 5 year old should be able to understand, so put your thinking cap on (it may help!) and imagine the voice of a small child when reading the next sentence. I'm not racist, I was just saying racist things to those two cunts because they're cunts. (still not convince?) I don't actually feel racist.

What i like about you is i only have to read one or two lines of your posts before i find something contradictory

your statement > I'm not racist, I was just saying racist things

do you see what is wrong with your statement above ?
you are directly contradicting yourself,
by saying racist things, this makes you a racist

Why do you keep making these claims that i am of limited intelligence ?
people are free to make up their own minds weather they think my opinion is worthy or not , i do not think they will let your opinion persuade them either way
so your silly insults are futile
So, true, those words. the wazup wants to be a chimera, the chamleon. He wants us see him as the righteous victim. But, he forgets where all the strife begins.

Tiz him, tiz true.
The aussie history is pretty boring they were criminals marooned this history is not disputed, however the American history seems to be disputed by many Americans
i guess Americans are taught a more romantic version of their history

this is a brief account of what we were taught in the uk of American history

Americans were spawned by a soup of Europeans, notably the religious psychopaths known as English puritans
they wore hats with belt buckles and were raping and burning women that were not even witches !!!

the puritans were expelled from England to the new country along with the many Irish folk who at the time were starving from one potato famine or another

the puritans carried on practices of genocide and killing women in the name of Christianity
this was in the 1600s these folk were said to be real butches killing in the name of god

they built some farms and churches

the English still claimed ownership of these peoples for many years and these people worked as slaves for England for over 100 years
after sometime the religious psychopaths decided they wanted to break free from their English masters

the French caught wind of this and decided to help the puritans , the French mostly being Catholics were much larger enemies of the English church
and at this time in the world the 2nd most powerful nation after England
word got out to the Italians also catholic around the same time,

the puritans the french and the expelled Irish alongside the Italians banded together to fight the English church
after sometime the catholic/puritan team won the war they declared independence from the mother land England

after a while the English puritan, Irish, french, Italian, soup of peoples started to breed with each other
at some point they stopped burning and hanging women
this new victorious breed/amalgamation of Europeans decided to call themselves Americans

i guess the moral of the story is, if it wasn't for the French, Americans would be speaking English < literal sarcasm instead of the bastardised version, of English they call American English
the french gave America a mascot of victory, the statute of liability
the new Americans did have a vote and decided not to speak French even after receiving such nice gifts from the french lol

maybe this could explain why America today is ridden with the contagious disease known as Christianity


Speaks the Church of England. Not any Christians over here until Europe infected the place. There are a lot Royalist types around but most Americans know the story of the French and Indian Wars. Many of Quebecoi, the French left US territory during those Wars on the frontier with the Mohawks, Hurons, etc. Washington cut his bones in that War. In fact, he started it, almost single handedly, with bio-terror.

So, just like you don't speak German because of the US, we don't speak French because of the British. In 1812 the French were sort of neutral allies, and yet they were active allies of the South in the Civil war.
@ kpmarine um. It's not cool to make a big deal out of something that doesn't matter. I'm not saying you're not cool, but just letting you know that that's not generally cool. (it depends, and things can be complicated, but in this case, you're definitely wasting your time, and mine)

Maybe you did spot a discrepancy in the order of things that I listed showing evidence of intolerance of a certain percentage of the Australian nation, and even if that is the case, its such an insignificant little thing for anyone to be pursuing, that I can only come to the conclusion that you are a young person and you do not realise this. But if you are in fact older than.... um? 17? 18? well, let it go mate. Do you think you are going to make a big splash in the water, telling people that I thought Muslim was a race? Not that this is true, I did not think that, but the point is that you need to find something bigger to point out! of which you will not find here.

The rest of the kaka you posted is a waste of fucking time, omfg. Weed isn't for kids. Smoking weed temporarily blocks your ability to learn.

I'm not working against you due to anything other than your objectionable viewpoints.

Objectionable viewpoints? pshh, care to share mate? since you are all about those tiny little unimportant details, i'm sure you are going to be very specific when you quote me on my objectionable viewpoints. Otherwise we won't be able to finally begin to conduct a feasible conversation. So far you've just been nit picking, little child.

Have you not also chosen a "side"? I thought a position that

You do realised that the fact is that Many Australians ARE indeed intolerant, racist, xenophobic, use any phrase your little undeveloped mind desires, many Australians are racist and that is a fact, therefore there is no arguing that.
if there is no argument, then there is no side to side with. and your bitch ass is just arguing with me because that's all your bitch ass is.. a bitch ass.

yet I managed to not attack people from his country for the sake of a rise from him.


If somebody does something bad, and you point that out to everyone, that is not an attack. Do you understand, my slow mentally challenged friend?
So when I made clear to everyone the fact that Australians are racist (not all of them) that was not an attack, do we have an understanding?

Lower case C? Oh, thanks mate, because I really give a fuck. seriously though I was really just making fun of you by pretending to give a fuck about those little insignificant details that don't matter for shit. Unless you're writing an essay. Understand, Esse?

What does my nationality have to do with my argument?
They are stupid as fuck and that is typical of someone of your nationality. That ain't racism either, that's just like saying "Africans are black". Americans are dumb, same concept. lmao. (disclaimer: Obviously not all Americans are dumb)


Oh dude. that's the best post from you thus far... Er, change of words: That's the only good post, thus inherently the best from you yet.


lololol Awesome dude.
And no one here will disagree with me when I say you are judgmental little kid, still wet behind the brain stem.

So, you are a meat eater that thinks cows are treated UN-fairly and now, a world traveling, expert on Australia and racial issues although you have never traveled there and are no expert om anything and probably don't even have a job .
What i like about you is i only have to read one or two lines of your posts before i find something contradictory

your statement > I'm not racist, I was just saying racist things

do you see what is wrong with your statement above ?
you are directly contradicting yourself,
by saying racist things, this makes you a racist

Why do you keep making these claims that i am of limited intelligence ?
people are free to make up their own minds weather they think my opinion is worthy or not , i do not think they will let your opinion persuade them either way
so your silly insults are futile

Limited intelligence? well, whatever, you clearly do not understand the simple concept I am trying to explain here.

If I say "Everybody freeze, this is a robbery" does that make me a robber?
If I say "I'm gay" does that actually make me a homosexual?

If I paint my self blue, and get a tube a orange paint and start squirting orange paint, does that make me orange?
If I lose my temper and start screaming profanities, does that make me an angry person?

Are comedians who tells racist jokes racist?

If I am leading an army of soldiers under a false flag, pretending to be an army of goblins, does that really mean that I am a goblin?

If some douche pisses me off, and in retaliation I decide to piss them off in return by making a racist remark, does that mean I actually feel and think like a racist, or does it just mean I used a racist remark to get back at them?
Now, whether you are of limited intelligence in this particular case depends on whether or not you can understand such a simple elementary point.

So, true, those words. the wazup wants to be a chimera, the chamleon. He wants us see him as the righteous victim. But, he forgets where all the strife begins.

Tiz him, tiz true.

That's a good idea.. Let me go back to the very first post of mine which started this all, and we can reflect. ;)

This is where it all began


In fact other people were talking about Australia before I was. They were saying it was the best place for white people who want to live in a place where there are only white people.

And I simply added this:

haha, yea Australia is a pretty fucked up place, I have to say. I lived there for a while so I know what I'm talking about. It's the heat man. Not all people can handle such heat. Average of 30ºc
I'm not hating on them or anything. So just in case any aussies are reading this and feeling offended, don't be offended. Just ask ya self, how much bullshit do you see on the TV?

There's allot of bullshit on Aussie tv, and a fair amount of "senseless jokes". Now, when I say "senseless jokes", what I actually mean is that the typical emotional IQ of the people on the tv in Aus is probably the same as that of a 12 year old Australian child.
(yes, excessive heat clearly stunts brain growth!... Calm down guys, I'm only joking! right?)

List of facts correlating to my post quoted above.
1: Australia is a pretty fucked up country. Maybe it wasn't always and maybe people would rather think it is a nice place, and Maybe people would rather that the whole world doesn't find out about the race killling's and, stabbing, gang shootings.. TONS and TONS of fucked up shit happens there.

2: I have lived there and I do know what I am talking about.
That's a fact now stfu.

3: Too much heat = very bad.
News flash, excessive heat can and does cause brain damage. according to personal experience and the net, the average HIGH temperature is indeed around 30ºc

4: Pointing out your flaws may make you feel a little bit sad, but that doesn't mean I hate you. Honestly, we can still be friends!. Well actually, Cockatoo, eche, I doubt you will ever change, cuzz you're angry as fuck. Here's a pro tip, DRINK SOME FUCKING WATER.

5: It is a fact that allot of the celebrities on Australian TV say and do lots of dumb shit, and act as if they have VERY low IQ`s. An abundance of Youtube video`s will prove this point!

And no one here will disagree with me when I say you are judgmental little kid, still wet behind the brain stem.

So, you are a meat eater that think cows are treated un-fairly and now, a world traveling, expert on Australia and racial issues although you have never traveled there and are no expert om anything and probably don't even have a job .

Gee wiz Batman, you're beginning to become a bit of a bore.

No one here will disagree with you? oh congratulations! you have quite the army of sophistication behind your back, don't ya? never travelled there? I have a passport to prove it. come over to my house and ill show you.
Did you know that that US was used for the same purpose by the british? They only came to, what is now Australia after the revolutionary war. Quite a few british covicts working those plantations back in the day...
Georgia was the only penal colony amongst the 13.
Limited intelligence? well, whatever, you clearly do not understand the simple concept I am trying to explain here.

If I say "Everybody freeze, this is a robbery" does that make me a robber?
If I say "I'm gay" does that actually make me a homosexual?

If I paint my self blue, and get a tube a orange paint and start squirting orange paint, does that make me orange?
If I lose my temper and start screaming profanities, does that make me an angry person?

Are comedians who tells racist jokes racist?

If I am leading an army of soldiers under a false flag, pretending to be an army of goblins, does that really mean that I am a goblin?

If some douche pisses me off, and in retaliation I decide to piss them off in return by making a racist remark, does that mean I actually feel and think like a racist, or does it just mean I used a racist remark to get back at them?
Now, whether you are of limited intelligence in this particular case depends on whether or not you can understand such a simple elementary point.

That's a good idea.. Let me go back to the very first post of mine which started this all, and we can reflect. ;)

This is where it all began


In fact other people were talking about Australia before I was. They were saying it was the best place for white people who want to live in a place where there are only white people.

And I simply added this:

Gee wiz Batman, you're beginning to become a bit of a bore.

No one here will disagree with you? oh congratulations! you have quite the army of sophistication behind your back, don't ya? never travelled there? I have a passport to prove it. come over to my house and ill show you.

Oh, good, bored. Go ahead. Ignore me. I dare you. You can't do it. It is dark mind influence you are attracted to, like a moth on a flame. You couldn't ignore me if you tried.

And you seem to think you are teaching your old grandmas, here, how to suck the eggs.....that is the biggest joke, of all...on you.
The aussie history is pretty boring they were criminals marooned this history is not disputed, however the American history seems to be disputed by many Americans
i guess Americans are taught a more romantic version of their history

this is a brief account of what we were taught in the uk of American history

Americans were spawned by a soup of Europeans, notably the religious psychopaths known as English puritans
they wore hats with belt buckles and were raping and burning women that were not even witches !!!

the puritans were expelled from England to the new country along with the many Irish folk who at the time were starving from one potato famine or another

the puritans carried on practices of genocide and killing women in the name of Christianity
this was in the 1600s these folk were said to be real butches killing in the name of god

they built some farms and churches

the English still claimed ownership of these peoples for many years and these people worked as slaves for England for over 100 years
after sometime the religious psychopaths decided they wanted to break free from their English masters

the French caught wind of this and decided to help the puritans , the French mostly being Catholics were much larger enemies of the English church
and at this time in the world the 2nd most powerful nation after England
word got out to the Italians also catholic around the same time,

the puritans the french and the expelled Irish alongside the Italians banded together to fight the English church
after sometime the catholic/puritan team won the war they declared independence from the mother land England

after a while the English puritan, Irish, french, Italian, soup of peoples started to breed with each other
at some point they stopped burning and hanging women
this new victorious breed/amalgamation of Europeans decided to call themselves Americans

i guess the moral of the story is, if it wasn't for the French, Americans would be speaking English < literal sarcasm instead of the bastardised version, of English they call American English
the french gave America a mascot of victory, the statute of liberty
the new Americans did have a vote and decided not to speak French even after receiving such nice gifts from the french lol

maybe this could explain why America today is ridden with the contagious disease known as Christianity

My God, how ignorant you are. First I would like to say, that if not for America, the English would be speaking German today. The French didn't lend any real military aide until the Americans showed that they had a chance of winning. Yes, there was some burning or women (and men) who were accused of witch craft. However, the same thing was going on in Jolly olde England as well. That's why they left, to escape persecution from the Church of England. You speak of slavery, that is a gift from England to America. The US government outlawed the importation of slaves in 1808, very shortly after forming our own government.
I pronounce my self the winner.

If you need to win in an anonymous cannabis, political forum, what is more sick than that?

Self declared winning.