What kind of politics or political system will there be when hell comes to earth

^ Christmas photo Eche? Looks like you lost a fair bit of weight since then. Good on ya. I know Ausiland has an obesity problem just like the yanks do.

You say I believe in the stereotypes that spawned the slurs in the first place? How about we make this easy for both of us by using examples. That way we will also avoid being VAUGE, and thus avoid being INACCURATE about wtf it is we're even talking about.

This is your train of thought:
I wanted revenge
you question why I believe my racist name calling will upset folk and why I see it as a useful weapon.
Then you come up with just 1 idea, and say that it is because I believe in the stereotypes that spawned the slurs in the first place.
WHAT RACIST SLURS ARE WE SPEAKING OF? You mean like "You STUPID RACIST AUSTRALIAN?" Skunkd0c, How can it be racist of me to call somebody racist??
Your train of thought;continued: You then say that the racist slurs (you racist ausy!!!) will most likely originate from racist actions? Who's racist actions are you talking about skunkd0c? this is where It is hard for me to understand your train of thought. Yes! the slur "you racist ausi" does in fact originate from the fact that some ausies are racist! so please elaborate.
Admit what? (oh, that I am racist? no no that's not it. Oh, the part where you need to elaborate on because it made little sense to me? YES Perhaps you're thinking of something else which isn't quite springing to mind for me)

If there is one thing I cannot stand, it's vaugeness. cn
Hey where on earth did that one post go with all those juicy youtube video`s providing evidence of Australia being a country with lots of terrible people?
One of the mods didn't delete that did they? lmao! ahahaha, No shit? Eche reported it didn't he!?


Well here is the first video again. showing you your typical racist Australian.

The definition of a racist Australian: A person who is Australian and who is also racist.
This definition does not mean that all Australians are racist. *face palm at you for thinking that is what it men't*.

Just see for your selves how "racist" I was for calling these types of people stupid and racist. I also must have been EXTREMELY racist when I said that I don't expect much of Echelon1k1 because he's Australian.
[hyperbole] I mean, its not like he has already proven to me that he is absolutely thick!!! [/hyperbole] [/sarcasm!]

You keep proving how "thick" you are by posting this tabloid, half assed, POS clip from a show with a reputation for shallowness and shoddy journalism... Might as well post Bill O'Reilly videos.... Apparently in your book this constitutes, "winning"...
highlow what are your thoughts on this clip from a long time running soapie on Australian tv
Here's some more evidence of the state of tv in this country... If you ask me, it all went downhill when we let Peter, from channel 31 on the air...

If there is one thing I cannot stand, it's vaugeness. cn

Neither can I! Down with vaugeness!!

You keep proving how "thick" you are by posting this tabloid, half assed, POS clip from a show with a reputation for shallowness and shoddy journalism... Might as well post Bill O'Reilly videos.... Apparently in your book this constitutes, "winning"...

Do you know why that's very funny? Because most of the free tv channels in Australia are just like this, aren't they? (they are!) and LOTS and LOTS of people watch them!
Isn't that just hilarious that after all this time, and especially after you just called ME thick, you just went and implied that so many Australians are.. well, its in the quote above. Your quote! :lol:

*high five eche!*

highlow what are your thoughts on this clip from a long time running soapie on Australian tv

lmao.. I actually used to like that program, but eventually after the years I lost interest, Especially when there were always new people on the set. It just got boring and I guess I just grew out of it or something.
Funny video though lol

Here's some more evidence of the state of tv in this country... If you ask me, it all went downhill when we let Peter, from channel 31 on the air...


Oh so we have an agreement then, there is indeed lots of bull shit on the Ausi tv just as I said. Funny? I thought you said that EVERYTHING I SAID was Bull shit? Maybe then you're just full of bull shit? (I THINK SO!)

Gotta say though, those video`s are hilarious.
Neither can I! Down with vaugeness!!

Do you know why that's very funny? Because most of the free tv channels in Australia are just like this, aren't they? (they are!) and LOTS and LOTS of people watch them!
Isn't that just hilarious that after all this time, and especially after you just called ME thick, you just went and implied that so many Australians are.. well, its in the quote above. Your quote! :lol:

*high five eche!*

lmao.. I actually used to like that program, but eventually after the years I lost interest, Especially when there were always new people on the set. It just got boring and I guess I just grew out of it or something.
Funny video though lol

Oh so we have an agreement then, there is indeed lots of bull shit on the Ausi tv just as I said. Funny? I thought you said that EVERYTHING I SAID was Bull shit? Maybe then you're just full of bull shit? (I THINK SO!)

Oh bro, honestly you're a bag of laughs for everyone... So you used to watch the above show did you? I bet it's exactly like you remember it...
I was looking for inappropriate behaviour on Ausi tv, but found this instead.


Oh bro, honestly you're a bag of laughs for everyone... So you used to watch the above show did you? I bet it's exactly like you remember it...

See now this is what I'm talking about Maayt. You're having a "laugh" because I used to watch that show, right? well that's what Im talking about. that's the difference between you and me: Our level of maturity.
While I grew up at the appropriate age, I bet that you and the other boys cringed when you saw people kiss, or you thought girls were bad and that boys shouldn't get involved with girls cuzz they have "cooties". You know, stupid shit like that.
Romance? you probably still think romance is a dumb thing. Actually many guys in the WESTERN world have romance issues, thats definitely not just an Australian thing. Weird huh? oh, well its probably not weird for you.
I was looking for inappropriate behaviour on Ausi tv, but found this instead.

See now this is what I'm talking about Maayt. You're having a "laugh" because I used to watch that show, right? well that's what Im talking about. that's the difference between you and me: Our level of maturity.
While I grew up at the appropriate age, I bet that you and the other boys cringed when you saw people kiss, or you thought girls were bad and that boys shouldn't get involved with girls cuzz they have "cooties". You know, stupid shit like that.
Romance? you probably still think romance is a dumb thing. Actually many guys in the WESTERN world have romance issues, thats definitely not just an Australian thing. Weird huh? oh, well its probably not weird for you.

Ease up on the gear bro, you're all over the place... So how did we go from the "clips" from "home and away" to romance and cooties? Honestly how old are you?

I was simply asking if that's how you remember "home and away" and you come back with a rant about cooties... I think originally question about your mother smoking crack while pregnant rings true, because it's making a shitload of sense, in view of your many ignorant posts...

I'm glad the program was always as you remembered it...

Do you know why that's very funny? Because most of the free tv channels in Australia are just like this, aren't they? (they are!) and LOTS and LOTS of people watch them! Isn't that just hilarious that after all this time, and especially after you just called ME thick, you just went and implied that so many Australians are..
Oh noes

Listen to what this AUSTRALIAN has to say about..... Australians. Go ahead and skip to 48 seconds.

Lmao! Loving it! this coming from an AUSIE!
oh man... what now? not gona delete this post, are we? Quick! hide the truth!


If you actually had the balls to reveal your country of origin I'd find the same if not worse from your countrymen
Lol Eche, you are an intelligent person.

Not as intelligent as me though.

I was mentioning cooties, because you reminded me of immature way that young males typically behave in the western world. You may think I'm all over the place, but really I just failed to provide you with enough words to make logical connections between the points I was making.

As I said before, I shouldn't expect too much from you.

Eche, its not that I don't have enough balls to tell you where I'm from, its that you're just a dickhead.

Go ahead and tell everyone why you want to know where I am from.. Oh hang on, you already did!

I'd find the same if not worse from your countrymen
ooh big words eche! such RHETORIC! you sound like a child.

You'd find the same on my countrymen? ... So what smarty pants? Ill go ahead and tell you straight up, right now! there are plenty of retarded racist morons in my country, and so the fuck what? what you gona do now huh smart ass? did you get your satisfaction? What has the fact that there are also racist fucktards in my country got to do with ANYTHING? Einstein?

Lol Eche, you are an intelligent person.

Not as intelligent as me though.

Actually an intelligent person would know the difference between a show he's allegedly seen and a piss-take that is obviously fake...

You've never been to Australia dipshit, proof is your "intelligent" eye for detail.

I was mentioning cooties, because you reminded me of immature way that young males typically behave in the western world. You may think I'm all over the place, but really I just failed to provide you with enough words to make logical connections between the points I was making.

Ritalin will stop your mind wandering, ESL classes will solve your grammar and reading issues...

As I said before, I shouldn't expect too much from you.

Eche, its not that I don't have enough balls to tell you where I'm from, its that you're just a dickhead.

Oh I thought it was because I was a faggot?

Go ahead and tell everyone why you want to know where I am from.. Oh hang on, you already did!

to point out hypocritical and ignorant you are... Truth is you're just ashamed of your own country...
ooh big words eche! such RHETORIC! you sound like a child.

You'd find the same on my countrymen? ... So what smarty pants? Ill go ahead and tell you straight up, right now! there are plenty of retarded racist morons in my country, and so the fuck what? what you gona do now huh smart ass? did you get your satisfaction? What has the fact that there are also racist fucktards in my country got to do with ANYTHING? Einstein?

Don't throw stones when you live in glass house... I've got a feeling you took many a beating in school because of your arrogant fapping

The more you continue the more I laugh and feel sorry for you... You're a real example of an "unremitting failure"...
eche, I said that many Australians are racist and that the country is fucked up... you said I'm wrong, but I'm right. End of story.

Iv given plenty of proof to back my claims, and there is plenty of proof out there, Just google and youtube it. Quit bickering like a cry baby in denial and accept the truth for what it is. Your country sucks and clearly you are so ashamed of that fact that you do not accept it as a fact and you cover up the truth with lies within your own mind. Now, that clearly means you are a fucked up person, fittingly so!

Feel free to stop repeating your self like a retard.
No one has said you are right or wrong. But, that idiot label, you wear?

You drew that on yourself.

This entire world in racist. It is a long dark period we are trying to drag ourselves from.

But, little shit stools, like this, "who is more racist, and I am the only one that is RIGHT!!!"

....you are not just part of the problem. You are representing the ENTIRE problem with race in this world.

People just have to call the other pot black. (cn!!!)

Your heart is quite black, that we have established. The only claim you have proved to everyone is just that.
eche, I said that many Australians are racist and that the country is fucked up... you said I'm wrong, but I'm right. End of story.

Iv given plenty of proof to back my claims, and there is plenty of proof out there, Just google and youtube it. Quit bickering like a cry baby in denial and accept the truth for what it is. Your country sucks and clearly you are so ashamed of that fact that you do not accept it as a fact and you cover up the truth with lies within your own mind. Now, that clearly means you are a fucked up person, fittingly so!

Feel free to stop repeating your self like a retard.

Like I said the only proof you've provided is on par with bill o'rielly so it doesn't even pass as dog shit...

The only retard here is the idiot that thinks this is an actual TV show... Epic failure moron... You'd think the fact the audio/video was out of sync would be a dead give away... Not according to the "intelligent"...


We all know you've spent no time here... Try harder...
I am going to say Ugly Canadian. That seems to be the pattern on this board.

I would say crown too, but why would you be ashamed to be Canadian? hark did say Irish (and apologised in advance ;-))

The fact he's embarrassed is telling either that or he really thinks everyone is a "faggot"
echelon1k1, You need no proof because you are like a brick wall.
The people who need proof have the internet with which they can find it them selves. ;)

what was that last comment about? Home and away? did you think I thought that that dubbed over episode of home and away was an actual episode? Well technically it is an actual episode but as you say the dubbing is obvious, so wtf are you on old man?

No one has said you are right or wrong. But, that idiot label, you wear?

You drew that on yourself.

This entire world in racist. It is a long dark period we are trying to drag ourselves from.

But, little shit stools, like this, "who is more racist, and I am the only one that is RIGHT!!!"

....you are not just part of the problem. You are representing the ENTIRE problem with race in this world.

People just have to call the other pot black. (cn!!!)

Your heart is quite black, that we have established. The only claim you have proved to everyone is just that.

aww poor child, You just can't let accept the truth. black heart? me? oh no no not at all! I am actually a good person!
that is why i tell everyone to be careful and avoid going to australia because of the race killings! I espeically tell my indian friends to avoid the place because Indians are often
attacked in Australia...

So for this you call me a bad person? the ROOT of the problem? Ill tell you what I am the root of, I am the root of your problem, and your problem is that I am outing Ausiland for what it is, and you simply cannot accept that, and as so many politicians have done in the past, you are merely trying to smere me with your lies. So cry on little child, cry on. Keep blaming me and saying I am the problem simply because I have outed Australia as a bad country.

They do say after all that a single rotten apple soils the bunch! and ausland has plenty of rotten apples. Oh but I am the evil one for pointing that out! I'm so evil and racist for calling them racists. Apologies!