Ursus marijanus
^ Christmas photo Eche? Looks like you lost a fair bit of weight since then. Good on ya. I know Ausiland has an obesity problem just like the yanks do.
You say I believe in the stereotypes that spawned the slurs in the first place? How about we make this easy for both of us by using examples. That way we will also avoid being VAUGE, and thus avoid being INACCURATE about wtf it is we're even talking about.
This is your train of thought:
I wanted revenge
you question why I believe my racist name calling will upset folk and why I see it as a useful weapon.
Then you come up with just 1 idea, and say that it is because I believe in the stereotypes that spawned the slurs in the first place.
WHAT RACIST SLURS ARE WE SPEAKING OF? You mean like "You STUPID RACIST AUSTRALIAN?" Skunkd0c, How can it be racist of me to call somebody racist??
Your train of thought;continued: You then say that the racist slurs (you racist ausy!!!) will most likely originate from racist actions? Who's racist actions are you talking about skunkd0c? this is where It is hard for me to understand your train of thought. Yes! the slur "you racist ausi" does in fact originate from the fact that some ausies are racist! so please elaborate.
Admit what? (oh, that I am racist? no no that's not it. Oh, the part where you need to elaborate on because it made little sense to me? YES Perhaps you're thinking of something else which isn't quite springing to mind for me)
If there is one thing I cannot stand, it's vaugeness. cn