What kind of politics or political system will there be when hell comes to earth

lol, the first two words in the tittle "Polish thugs".

Lmao.. Who likes thugs anyway? aren't they hated everywhere? sorta like racists are hated everywhere? Really doer, and you had me believe I could expect more of you.

Oh and... for the record ECHELON1k1 and co. There are many Idiots in Poland.. Idiots who are just as stupid as those in Australia. Possibly even stupider.
But what do those people have to do with me? (nothing)
Eche, why are you comparing Australia to Poland?

I watched that documentary (probably the one you're talking about) where they showed the 2012 games and the racist issue in Poland.
Polaks do indeed need to clean their act up, but there is a MASSIVE difference between polaks and Australians... Polaks are more educated and you could say that some of them are more sophisticated.
There is a very long history here and with that history there is an old culture which has shaped the people of this country Positively, I think. It's not all just "beer and Barbecue's" like it is On Australia day.
I mean, I love lamb chops, but beer and barbecue is a world wide culture..

Oh yes of course! this coming from the one who just assumed to know where I was educated, rofl :mrgreen:

Do I want you to post facts about racism in Poland? sure why not. Lets compare shall we. I know its not a nice feeling when someone comes along and says that your "thing" (in your case, your country) Sucks, so lets assume Poland is my country just fer kicks and lets do some comparisons.

LOL.... the facts say otherwise...
Not bad English. But, a statement to the folly of the EU youth after the Nazi. Poland is an ally that produces some very tough hombres. But, the EU in general produces some the most wool brain, pie in the sky, confused youth these days.

Not letting Muslims in for labor yet, are you?
I thought a thug was a Pole with 2 beers in him. :)

Let's see.

40% more gun violence
2 x Homicide rate
100 more youth murders per capita
88% more firearm murders
3 x prisoners (but only 1% more prisons, yikes)

Always the same however, more guns means less assault in Poland.

Poland lags in years of education for adults.
Poland lags in human development and per capita income
Infant mortality is 82% higher in Poland

Oh I love this... Now its my turn...

Echelon, unless you can come up with the proof of what you say, your words are bull shit! and your mother smoked crack when she had you!

While you go and find the proof, and then contemplate why it is that you are even posting it, (because none of the racists in Poland reflect anything upon me, and therefore to say that Poland is a racist country does not say that I am a racist person for living there) - I will be going out cuzz I have some other shit to do.

Serious question Eche. If a person lives in a country full of racists, does that mean that this person is racist? If you can answer correctly, we can safely presume your IQ is above 40.


Ok, lets just forget for a moment that Australia is full of racists and morons who beat up and pick on foreigners and kill them simply because they're a different colour skin, and yell profanities at the visiting sports teams, a country where the police are as bad (or worse) than those in the USA with the addition that they patrol the country on pedal bikes in the blazing sun while having to wear helmets because the law says they have to, which makes them really mad after a long day under that big heater! And lets forget that so many celebrities in Australialand talk shit on the tv and radio and they only sometimes get into trouble for it because the rest of the time when they make racist comments and things like that, the Australians don't give it a second thought, while all the immigrants who're watching or listening get offended.

how about you tell us since you're so adept at providing examples.... Moron...


With just days to go before the kick-off of the Euro 2012 championships, Panorama reveals shocking new evidence of racist violence and anti-semitism at the heart of Polish and Ukrainian football and asks whether tournament organiser UEFA should have chosen both nations to host the prestigious event.
Come packing and there is a place in the line, for you. Or we can get you a peashooter from somewhere. Plenty of those around. AR-15 is all right, for you? Or would you rather be a sniper?

A sniper is an animal that lays down for slamo.
He doesn't have a care about, excepting for his ammo.

(and perimeter security, and position compromise and counter-sniper)

A quick stop by Woodbridge, VA to see the family and grab some.... "things"... then i'll be ready to go...
Not bad English. But, a statement to the folly of the EU youth after the Nazi. Poland is an ally that produces some very tough hombres. But, the EU in general produces some the most wool brain, pie in the sky, confused youth these days.

Not letting Muslims in for labor yet, are you?

they are, influx of Chechens since the boston attacks...
I sincerely believe the US can change it's current course and return to the post WW2 days, before the military industrial/entertainment and banking complexes took complete hold... Granted they are ingrained but your constitution provides redress for such calamities and the empowers the people with the lawful ability to remedy the situation, via force, if need be... If it came to that I would seriously consider travelling over...

Thank You. Things have been taking a turn for the worse for awhile now the government sells the people out everyday. Another reason why they want to take everyone's guns even tho most are like pea shooters compared to government arms. Right now the majority of Americans are still blind to how America has been taken over. There is going to be violence and bloodshed in America. what date? who knows? but its coming in the near future its just going to take more people losing more comfort. Everyday a new law is passed . Everyday people are losing there homes , jobs , and just way of life in general. People will not care about labels but rather fighting for freedom and existence. The problem right now is the political system in place both parties have the same agenda they just bicker on a few things but when it comes to a big discussion for America notice how they come together to ensure its passage. Got to love those payoffs from lobbyists. I can't wait till Americans stand up and but those lobbyists 6 feet under.

Come packing and there is a place in the line, for you. Or we can get you a peashooter from somewhere. Plenty of those around. AR-15 is all right, for you? Or would you rather be a sniper?

A sniper is an animal that lays down for slamo.
He doesn't have a care about, excepting for his ammo.

(and perimeter security, and position compromise and counter-sniper)

I plan on keeping a few editable cookies on hand for when I'm sitting on a roof top . Don't want anyone popping me in my head while I'm trying to light a joint.
Part One of our four part series on the hypocritical stupidity of "highlowankunt"

Ok, lets just forget for a moment that Poland is full of racists and morons who beat up and pick on foreigners and kill them simply because they're a different colour skin, and yell profanities at the visiting sports teams

We know, Polish sports fans throw bananas at black players while ridiculing them with monkey noises - you guys really take it a step further than just calling someone an "ape"

It’s not even enough to be racist in poland, it seems the polish travel to london to take out their racism on londoners...

I am asking that this blather of racism, using Youtube videos of individual malcontents, be left by the side of the road. cn
Polish vs English , Aussie vs Dutch. Its national not racial so to me this is not a case of groups being racist towards one another but rather a form of chauvinism. Which in my mind is counter-productive. Borders are a great thing and being able to live amongst your neighbor in peace without any threat to your way of live is another great thing.
I thought a thug was a Pole with 2 beers in him. :)

Let's see.

40% more gun violence
2 x Homicide rate
100 more youth murders per capita
88% more firearm murders
3 x prisoners (but only 1% more prisons, yikes)

Always the same however, more guns means less assault in Poland.

Poland lags in years of education for adults.
Poland lags in human development and per capita income
Infant mortality is 82% higher in Poland


Living in Poland only a short while, its quite plain to see that the country is still recovering after the wars. 1 clear example is that in the cities there are many buildings that are 50 - 100+ years old with many people living inside of them. Many roads are utter shit, and these buildings are almost all ugly.
Some building shake quite allot when trucks drive by on the streets bellow, and when you're inside such a building, the glassware literally rattles from the shaking. The city I live in has a large area where there are just high rise 100yo blocks, like New york, but really old ugly buildings. It's pretty much like a gothic ghetto and it isn't always very safe at night time in some neighbourhoods because people (kids even) get funny idea`s.
I imagine that some of them watch action movies and they decide its a good idea to copy the thugs they see on tv.
You know what happens with ghetto`s, you get "gangsters and thugs". Often you can easily see someone who has a thug mentality just by the way that they walk and stand and all that shit.
But imo it's all just bullshit and naivety.

Now, there's more to it than just ghetto`s. There are also TONS of villages where kids also grow up. (apparently some of these kids don't get proper educations and that could be a reason behind those statistics)
Maybe some kids feel that they need to over compensate in regards to the attitudes that they hold when compared to the ghetto kids? because they in pretty little picturesque villages with nice green fields and daisy`s and well? yeh. It is known that not all people in Poland are too educated.

Anyway. It is definitely ABUNDANTLY clear that the people who are educated in Poland (and there are many) are 100x more knowledgeable then the average westerners. I'm not saying this because I talk shit like eche does, I'm saying this honestly.
If you don't believe me, ill go ahead and tell you more truth, I my self am not very educated because school didn't interest me much, In fact I was raised in a western country and you might say I fell through the cracks of the young school system. I'm not ashamed of that at all because even though I lack a proper school education, My parents educated me quite well and I am very intelligent and as such I'm not particularly bothered to say this openly. Though I get the feeling eche will feel like he just got 10x christmas bonus checks all at one time upon reading that info. Now he'l probably get a TON of false satisfaction by making jokes. Give me your best shot Einstein ;)

Anyway, you know what they say about statistics right? 95% of statistics are false! lol

Here's a joke of mine. I like telling this to people because its a fact of life (true story). If you ask a random Australian (one who has never been abroad) What's the greatest country in the world? Most people will tell you that Australia is the best country in the world! you know? despite not actually have experienced anything other than their own country. ;)
But, If you ask a Polak who has either never been abroad, or at least hasn't been to many countries (because Poland isn't an Island Like aus) what's the WORST country in the world, they will tell you that POLAND is the worst country in the world.
Funny ay? :mrgreen: Aussies think they have the best country in the world, but they don't know from experience! Polaks; same situation, think their country is the worst!

Basically my truthful impression of AUS vs POL is that Poland is better than Australia in some ways... And Australia is better than Poland in other ways. When people ask me such questions I always tell them my honest Opinion, which I believe as fact, and that is simply that Both countries have their pro`s and cons.

I really liked it in Australia how I could just go down to the nut shop and buy a whole heap of nice exotic nuts and only pay? idk. 20aud You could say that this is a lot of money for nuts, but to be fair you did get quite a lot, and I'm talking about proper nuts. Like Brasil nuts, um? macadamia's you know, good nuts. But in Poland? WOW! fucking hell even the crappy nuts cost allot! 30zl just for a regular size bag of pistachio nuts!!! RIP OFF!!
Salmon was much cheaper as well.

FTR the grass is actually a whole lot greener in Poland. ;) cuzz well, you know? Australia = desert?
Wow for real? How much weed do you smoke? Everyday right? Is it medical? If it is I'm sorry, but if not then lay the **** off.

You just said that this quote (the one in pink! ABOVE, LOOK UP! ^) shows me saying that I like to use racist remarks against ppl that piss me off, but that isn't true at all, because It doesn't say anywhere That I like to use racist remarks.
In fact the quote was a question! The question asked: "does using a racist slur against someone purely to anger them make me racist?" Look, iv colour coded it for you. See how nice I am? now you can compare the two pink lines of text.
BTW the answer is no: "if you do not feel racist feelings towards people, then you are not racist. Saying something racist in the heat of the moment doesn't mean that you feel racist, It just means that you really wanted to push their buttons".

As I was saying before: I could walk around the town saying all sorts of gay things to folk, making folk believe that I am homosexual. But if I do not actually have any attraction to other males, I am in actual fact NOT gay, even if I say gay things.
now, comparing this to racism is a little wrong, because of course saying racist things to people is far worse than telling them that I am gay. (which I am not btw, I'm perfectly straight :mrgreen:)

You are one very mixed up individual , are you writing a novel ?
If you are homosexual that's fine, i am not homophobic, although your sexuality has no baring on your racist attitude

Living in Poland only a short while, its quite plain to see that the country is still recovering after the wars. 1 clear example is that in the cities there are many buildings that are 50 - 100+ years old with many people living inside of them. Many roads are utter shit, and these buildings are almost all ugly.
Some building shake quite allot when trucks drive by on the streets bellow, and when you're inside such a building, the glassware literally rattles from the shaking. The city I live in has a large area where there are just high rise 100yo blocks, like New york, but really old ugly buildings. It's pretty much like a gothic ghetto and it isn't always very safe at night time in some neighbourhoods because people (kids even) get funny idea`s.
I imagine that some of them watch action movies and they decide its a good idea to copy the thugs they see on tv.
You know what happens with ghetto`s, you get "gangsters and thugs". Often you can easily see someone who has a thug mentality just by the way that they walk and stand and all that shit.
But imo it's all just bullshit and naivety.

Now, there's more to it than just ghetto`s. There are also TONS of villages where kids also grow up. (apparently some of these kids don't get proper educations and that could be a reason behind those statistics)
Maybe some kids feel that they need to over compensate in regards to the attitudes that they hold when compared to the ghetto kids? because they in pretty little picturesque villages with nice green fields and daisy`s and well? yeh. It is known that not all people in Poland are too educated.

Anyway. It is definitely ABUNDANTLY clear that the people who are educated in Poland (and there are many) are 100x more knowledgeable then the average westerners. I'm not saying this because I talk shit like eche does, I'm saying this honestly.
If you don't believe me, ill go ahead and tell you more truth, I my self am not very educated because school didn't interest me much, In fact I was raised in a western country and you might say I fell through the cracks of the young school system. I'm not ashamed of that at all because even though I lack a proper school education, My parents educated me quite well and I am very intelligent and as such I'm not particularly bothered to say this openly. Though I get the feeling eche will feel like he just got 10x christmas bonus checks all at one time upon reading that info. Now he'l probably get a TON of false satisfaction by making jokes. Give me your best shot Einstein ;)

Anyway, you know what they say about statistics right? 95% of statistics are false! lol

Here's a joke of mine. I like telling this to people because its a fact of life (true story). If you ask a random Australian (one who has never been abroad) What's the greatest country in the world? Most people will tell you that Australia is the best country in the world! you know? despite not actually have experienced anything other than their own country. ;)
But, If you ask a Polak who has either never been abroad, or at least hasn't been to many countries (because Poland isn't an Island Like aus) what's the WORST country in the world, they will tell you that POLAND is the worst country in the world.
Funny ay? :mrgreen: Aussies think they have the best country in the world, but they don't know from experience! Polaks; same situation, think their country is the worst!

Basically my truthful impression of AUS vs POL is that Poland is better than Australia in some ways... And Australia is better than Poland in other ways. When people ask me such questions I always tell them my honest Opinion, which I believe as fact, and that is simply that Both countries have their pro`s and cons.

I really liked it in Australia how I could just go down to the nut shop and buy a whole heap of nice exotic nuts and only pay? idk. 20aud You could say that this is a lot of money for nuts, but to be fair you did get quite a lot, and I'm talking about proper nuts. Like Brasil nuts, um? macadamia's you know, good nuts. But in Poland? WOW! fucking hell even the crappy nuts cost allot! 30zl just for a regular size bag of pistachio nuts!!! RIP OFF!!
Salmon was much cheaper as well.

FTR the grass is actually a whole lot greener in Poland. ;) cuzz well, you know? Australia = desert?

You've never been here so stop pretending... Youre so stereotypical its predictable; almost expected. You've got little or no education, but your parents educated you well... Obviously they never taught you about double standards and contradictions... That's right blame the war for the shitty quality of life in Poland, funny though how other EU countries don't have this problem.

pro tip - Don't confuse arrogance with intelligence, you look even stupider than you already are... After reading the above I actually feel sorry for you, that's what sets our two countries apart, standards...
Part One of our four part series on the hypocritical stupidity of "highlowankunt"

We know, Polish sports fans throw bananas at black players while ridiculing them with monkey noises - you guys really take it a step further than just calling someone an "ape"


I must admit, your sophistication is truly awe inspiring, so much so that I simply cannot withhold my self and must applaud such greatness, for one does not come across such a spectacle merely everyday!
Your eloquence! your superior tit for tat style in childish verbal abuse, You truly do not fail at getting the message across that you are the true alpha male in this forum and your intelligence is not to be trifled with!

I'm intrigued, where did such a fine person as your self grow up, If you don't mind my asking?

Australia, was it not?

You've never been here so stop pretending...

Son, your mother says otherwise.

You are one very mixed up individual , are you writing a novel ?
If you are homosexual that's fine, i am not homophobic, although your sexuality has no baring on your racist attitude


Listen you.. Quit smoking so much weed cuzz its showing.