What kind of politics or political system will there be when hell comes to earth

echelon1k1, You need no proof because you are like a brick wall.
The people who need proof have the internet with which they can find it them selves. ;)

what was that last comment about? Home and away? did you think I thought that that dubbed over episode of home and away was an actual episode? Well technically it is an actual episode but as you say the dubbing is obvious, so wtf are you on old man?

aww poor child, You just can't let accept the truth. black heart? me? oh no no not at all! I am actually a good person!
that is why i tell everyone to be careful and avoid going to australia because of the race killings! I espeically tell my indian friends to avoid the place because Indians are often
attacked in Australia...

So for this you call me a bad person? the ROOT of the problem? Ill tell you what I am the root of, I am the root of your problem, and your problem is that I am outing Ausiland for what it is, and you simply cannot accept that, and as so many politicians have done in the past, you are merely trying to smere me with your lies. So cry on little child, cry on. Keep blaming me and saying I am the problem simply because I have outed Australia as a bad country.

They do say after all that a single rotten apple soils the bunch! and ausland has plenty of rotten apples. Oh but I am the evil one for pointing that out! I'm so evil and racist for calling them racists. Apologies!

OH MY GOD. Here it is.....he is worried that I think he is a "bad person." The neo-liberal catachism.

"Oh, ganja gods, please, please, never let anyone say I am <gulp> bad person"
echelon1k1, You need no proof because you are like a brick wall.
The people who need proof have the internet with which they can find it them selves. ;)

what was that last comment about? Home and away? did you think I thought that that dubbed over episode of home and away was an actual episode? Well technically it is an actual episode but as you say the dubbing is obvious, so wtf are you on old man?

aww poor child, You just can't let accept the truth. black heart? me? oh no no not at all! I am actually a good person!
that is why i tell everyone to be careful and avoid going to australia because of the race killings! I espeically tell my indian friends to avoid the place because Indians are often
attacked in Australia...

So for this you call me a bad person? the ROOT of the problem? Ill tell you what I am the root of, I am the root of your problem, and your problem is that I am outing Ausiland for what it is, and you simply cannot accept that, and as so many politicians have done in the past, you are merely trying to smere me with your lies. So cry on little child, cry on. Keep blaming me and saying I am the problem simply because I have outed Australia as a bad country.

They do say after all that a single rotten apple soils the bunch! and ausland has plenty of rotten apples. Oh but I am the evil one for pointing that out! I'm so evil and racist for calling them racists. Apologies!

Australia is a great country, you're just an ignorant fuckwit who doer has described quite aptly. You think 3 shitty videos on your part is an accurate representation of 23 million people? good fucking luck... Oh and those videos are about as credible as a blind hooker...
Australia is a great country, you're just an ignorant fuckwit who doer has described quite aptly. You think 3 shitty videos on your part is an accurate representation of 23 million people? good fucking luck... Oh and those videos are about as credible as a blind hooker...

Now, don't you be trying to say, Oz is as fucked up as America. America is more fucked up than the rest of Commonwealth combined. Actually, since the DEMS run the place we are more fucked up than ROW combined.
Now, don't you be trying to say, Oz is as fucked up as America. America is more fucked up than the rest of Commonwealth combined. Actually, since the DEMS run the place we are more fucked up than ROW combined.

I sincerely believe the US can change it's current course and return to the post WW2 days, before the military industrial/entertainment and banking complexes took complete hold... Granted they are ingrained but your constitution provides redress for such calamities and the empowers the people with the lawful ability to remedy the situation, via force, if need be... If it came to that I would seriously consider travelling over...
Australia is a great country,

Ok, lets just forget for a moment that Australia is full of racists and morons who beat up and pick on foreigners and kill them simply because they're a different colour skin, and yell profanities at the visiting sports teams, a country where the police are as bad (or worse) than those in the USA with the addition that they patrol the country on pedal bikes in the blazing sun while having to wear helmets because the law says they have to, which makes them really mad after a long day under that big heater! And lets forget that so many celebrities in Australialand talk shit on the tv and radio and they only sometimes get into trouble for it because the rest of the time when they make racist comments and things like that, the Australians don't give it a second thought, while all the immigrants who're watching or listening get offended.

Lets forget about ALL the other shit I have yet to even mention. I'm not about to fill this page with an essay worth of stuff that's not to like about Ausland, lets just instead here from an Australian him self, whats good about Australia?

so then Eche, what's "GREAT" about Australia?

You think 3 shitty videos on your part is an accurate representation of 23 million people?

No, I never said that once! in fact Iv said many times that I was only talking about some Australians, not all of them, you genius you!

See how stupid you make out to be?

Highlo lives in Poland. *cough* I mean Highlo, do you live in Poland?

If I told you that, that would be another clue as to where I don't live.
I know you guys are trying to cross off countries from your list to find out where I live by means of elimination. :mrgreen:

Watch this video!True opinions of Australians from a true Australian.

Why Echelon? Didn't you watch this video? Didn't you have anything to say about what this fellow Australian of yours has to say?
He backed me up man! Oh i know, You're ignoring it, like all the other facts iv posted.
You think 3 shitty videos on your part is an accurate representation of 23 million people? good fucking luck...

No, I never said that once! in fact Iv said many times that I was only talking about some Australian, not all of them, you genius you!

Ok, lets just forget for a moment that Australia is full of racists and morons who beat up and pick on foreigners and kill them simply because they're a different colour skin, and yell profanities at the visiting sports teams, a country where the police are as bad (or worse) than those in the USA with the addition that they patrol the country on pedal bikes in the blazing sun while having to wear helmets because the law says they have to, which makes them really mad after a long day under that big heater! And lets forget that so many celebrities in Australialand talk shit on the tv and radio and they only sometimes get into trouble for it because the rest of the time when they make racist comments and things like that, the Australians don't give it a second thought, while all the immigrants who're watching or listening get offended.

Lets forget about ALL the other shit I have yet to even mention. I'm not about to fill this page with an essay worth of stuff that's not to like about Ausland, lets just instead here from an Australian him self, whats good about Australia?

You excel at stupidity and double standards... You&#8217;re living proof that pregnancy and crack doesn&#8217;t mix.
I sincerely believe the US can change it's current course and return to the post WW2 days, before the military industrial/entertainment and banking complexes took complete hold... Granted they are ingrained but your constitution provides redress for such calamities and the empowers the people with the lawful ability to remedy the situation, via force, if need be... If it came to that I would seriously consider travelling over...

Come packing and there is a place in the line, for you. Or we can get you a peashooter from somewhere. Plenty of those around. AR-15 is all right, for you? Or would you rather be a sniper?

A sniper is an animal that lays down for slamo.
He doesn't have a care about, excepting for his ammo.

(and perimeter security, and position compromise and counter-sniper)
Ok, lets just forget for a moment that Australia is full of racists and morons who beat up and pick on foreigners and kill them simply because they're a different colour skin, and yell profanities at the visiting sports teams, a country where the police are as bad (or worse) than those in the USA with the addition that they patrol the country on pedal bikes in the blazing sun while having to wear helmets.

See how stupid you make out to be?

This sounds like the entire world to me...racism and sports riots.

Are you sure you were not in a coma until recently? This all sounds like fever dreams, Canadian.
eche you're dumb. If a jar of peanuts has 1000 nuts, and 100 ants came along and got inside, It would not be wrong to say that the jar was full of ants.

lololol.. busted.. ok ok you got me. Go ahead and say what you guys want.. you know where I live, but you still don't know who I am. ;)
Some of you guys think I'm an idiot.. but? I think some of you are idiots too!

This sounds like the entire world to me...racism and sports riots.

Are you sure you were not in a coma until recently? This all sounds like fever dreams, Canadian.

oohh!? Canadian? ahahah do I sense a derogatory tone in your sentence? You being from AMERICA and all. Doer doer doer.. Don't do it!
I sincerely believe the US can change it's current course and return to the post WW2 days, before the military industrial/entertainment and banking complexes took complete hold... Granted they are ingrained but your constitution provides redress for such calamities and the empowers the people with the lawful ability to remedy the situation, via force, if need be... If it came to that I would seriously consider travelling over...

Well, the problem here is we are in a slow burn Constitutional crisis. It is being held down to smolder to not alert about the Civil War that is being brewed.
It is a 4 part, multi-generation insurecction.

- bad mouth the Founders
- don't teach the details
- don't pledge Allegiance
- say everything is already Constitutional and that is the problem

There is only one way to scrap out the US Constitution and they are doing it, by Gawd. I won't live to see the day, I hope.
Nah I love Poland, just too cold to take my boat out every second day :-P

yea the fkn weather kinds sucks here tbh ... Its about as extreme as it is in Ausland (in an entirely different way though... One week it could be 10ºc, then the next its 30ºc)

But its really good that at least in summer, everything flourishes to the max, the whole country slowly turns from a winter wasteland to a green jungle-like wetland.
well, only wet when it rains alot.
But the weather often comes in a zig zag pattern .... Warm, cold warm cold. pain in the ass!
Ok, lets just forget for a moment that Australia is full of racists and morons who beat up and pick on foreigners and kill them simply because they're a different colour skin, and yell profanities at the visiting sports teams, a country where the police are as bad (or worse) than those in the USA with the addition that they patrol the country on pedal bikes in the blazing sun while having to wear helmets because the law says they have to, which makes them really mad after a long day under that big heater! And lets forget that so many celebrities in Australialand talk shit on the tv and radio and they only sometimes get into trouble for it because the rest of the time when they make racist comments and things like that, the Australians don't give it a second thought, while all the immigrants who're watching or listening get offended.

Lets forget about ALL the other shit I have yet to even mention. I'm not about to fill this page with an essay worth of stuff that's not to like about Ausland, lets just instead here from an Australian him self, whats good about Australia?

so then Eche, what's "GREAT" about Australia?

No, I never said that once! in fact Iv said many times that I was only talking about some Australians, not all of them, you genius you!

See how stupid you make out to be?

If I told you that, that would be another clue as to where I don't live.
I know you guys are trying to cross off countries from your list to find out where I live by means of elimination. :mrgreen:

Watch this video!True opinions of Australians from a true Australian.

Why Echelon? Didn't you watch this video? Didn't you have anything to say about what this fellow Australian of yours has to say?
He backed me up man! Oh i know, You're ignoring it, like all the other facts iv posted.

Euro 2012 told the showed the world the real Poland... Australia rocks compared to Poland the difference in educational standards have already been woefully proven by your stupidity... Thank you for more hypocrisy... Did you want me to start posting all the FACTs about racism in Poland?
Eche, why are you comparing Australia to Poland?

I watched that documentary (probably the one you're talking about) where they showed the 2012 games and the racist issue in Poland.
Polaks do indeed need to clean their act up, but there is a MASSIVE difference between polaks and Australians... Polaks are more educated and you could say that some of them are more sophisticated.
There is a very long history here and with that history there is an old culture which has shaped the people of this country Positively, I think. It's not all just "beer and Barbecue's" like it is On Australia day.
I mean, I love lamb chops, but beer and barbecue is a world wide culture..

difference in educational standards have already been woefully proven by your stupidity

Oh yes of course! this coming from the one who just assumed to know where I was educated, rofl :mrgreen:

Do I want you to post facts about racism in Poland? sure why not. Lets compare shall we. I know its not a nice feeling when someone comes along and says that your "thing" (in your case, your country) Sucks, so lets assume Poland is my country just fer kicks and lets do some comparisons.