If you need to win in an anonymous cannabis, political forum, what is more sick than that?
Self declared winning.
ill settle for him being xenophobic
to lump any group of folk together and believe they all have the same traits because of their nationality/race/ethnicity is based on the same form of stereotyping
while i do understand the difference between race nationality and ethnicity i did not feel the need to be so specific
the charge of xenophobic is equal to that of a racist or perhaps homophobia
My God, how ignorant you are. First I would like to say, that if not for America, the English would be speaking German today. The French didn't lend any real military aide until the Americans showed that they had a chance of winning. Yes, there was some burning or women (and men) who were accused of witch craft. However, the same thing was going on in Jolly olde England as well. That's why they left, to escape persecution from the Church of England. You speak of slavery, that is a gift from England to America. The US government outlawed the importation of slaves in 1808, very shortly after forming our own government.
I think "bigoted" covers it nicely. cn
Speaks the Church of England. Not any Christians over here until Europe infected the place. There are a lot Royalist types around but most Americans know the story of the French and Indian Wars. Many of Quebecoi, the French left US territory during those Wars on the frontier with the Mohawks, Hurons, etc. Washington cut his bones in that War. In fact, he started it, almost single handedly, with bio-terror.
So, just like you don't speak German because of the US, we don't speak French because of the British. In 1812 the French were sort of neutral allies, and yet they were active allies of the South in the Civil war.
Limited intelligence? well, whatever, you clearly do not understand the simple concept I am trying to explain here.
If I say "Everybody freeze, this is a robbery" does that make me a robber?
If I say "I'm gay" does that actually make me a homosexual?
If I paint my self blue, and get a tube a orange paint and start squirting orange paint, does that make me orange?
If I lose my temper and start screaming profanities, does that make me an angry person?
Are comedians who tells racist jokes racist?
If I am leading an army of soldiers under a false flag, pretending to be an army of goblins, does that really mean that I am a goblin?
If some douche pisses me off, and in retaliation I decide to piss them off in return by making a racist remark, does that mean I actually feel and think like a racist, or does it just mean I used a racist remark to get back at them?
Now, whether you are of limited intelligence in this particular case depends on whether or not you can understand such a simple elementary point.
I guess your pissed off the rest of the world because your cities are shit.
That is why you first came here bitching about how your country has changed but not being man enough to do anything about it. Now your trying to sound like a big man behind your computer screen. Your still pussified.![]()
it seems like you have been thinking really hard about this
Germany took on England before they attacked Russia. England fended them off, due to poor German tactics, and American equipment. Then Germany turned to Russia, Russia Fended them off, with American equipment supplies and money, and the help of winter. Granted, Russia lost 20 million people, we lost some 400k. I see your point.Actually, Russia deserves most of the credit for crushing the Germans in WW2 and WW1. While we sat on our asses and waited to pick sides; Russia was busy slowly grinding them down with their frigid winters and sheer numbers. Ever wonder why both German defeats were administered right after opening a front with Russia?
The French aided the shit out of us by tying up the British navy; thus epically saving our tails at the time. How do you think a war with Britain would have gone with no gunpowder and having to face the world's biggest navy with a mere fraction of the ships? Do you now wonder why the rebels didn't just get starved out? Don't sell them short, they saved our tails.
In most of the major wars in our history, we had help.
Americas involvement in both world wars was orchestrated by the British via their propaganda machine they sold the Americans the myth that the Germans were a threat to them and they bought it twice lol
American people did not want any involvement in a war in Europe
Oh yes! because ONLY a PREJUDICED person would EVER have anything against people who're extremely racist, violent, stupid, and intolerant of immigrants who've come to the same country as them, of which their relatives immigrated to as well! not even long ago!
Not that it makes any difference whether they them selves are descendants of immigrants or not.
I am so sorry my preconceived opinion on the racist, intolerant, stupid, bad mannered retards that live in Australia, (which is not based on reason or actual experience) has offended anyone! Apologies!
Oh wait, did I say (which is not based on reason or actual experience)? Pardon me! but I was men't to say (that is based on reason or actual experience)
oh and now that I think about it, my current opinion isn't preconceived at all! Gee wiz, it seems somebody is throwing words around but clearly does not understand their meanings!
In fact my preconceived opinions of Australia were 100000x better than that of my unprejudiced opinions that I formed after I went to live there for a few years!
You guys are just fucking retards and you know it. I already told you, I won this debate from the very start so fucking stop your winging and your crying, you're not going to win simply because there is a few of you fools vs just 1 of me. I'm way better alone than all of you combined + your mothers. Suck it up. Id win in a fist fight vs all of you as well. Easy peasy.
You guys are just fucking retards and you know it. I already told you, I won this debate from the very start so fucking stop your winging and your crying, you're not going to win simply because there is a few of you fools vs just 1 of me. I'm way better alone than all of you combined + your mothers. Suck it up. id win in a fist fight vs all of you as well. Easy peasy.
you have stated yourself that you want to upset others by using racist terms because you yourself are upset and seeking revenge
why do you believe your racist name calling will upset folk, why do you see it as a useful weapon ?
its because you believe in the stereotypes that spawned the slurs in the first place ?
the racist slurs you will most likely be using originate from racist actions , you know this, this is why you are doing it, which obviously makes you a racist
although you seem for some unknown reason not willing to admit this
The British government are like puppets with someone pulling their strings as well. They say churchhill loved his gold. America didn't want to get involved but Japan's attack helped insure it to happen. Who gained the most after ww2? Why don't we ever hear about the millions killed at the hands of the commies?
^ Christmas photo Eche? Looks like you lost a fair bit of weight since then. Good on ya. I know Ausiland has an obesity problem just like the yanks do.
You say I believe in the stereotypes that spawned the slurs in the first place? How about we make this easy for both of us by using examples. That way we will also avoid being VAUGE, and thus avoid being INACCURATE about wtf it is we're even talking about.
This is your train of thought:
I wanted revenge
you question why I believe my racist name calling will upset folk and why I see it as a useful weapon.
Then you come up with just 1 idea, and say that it is because I believe in the stereotypes that spawned the slurs in the first place.
WHAT RACIST SLURS ARE WE SPEAKING OF? You mean like "You STUPID RACIST AUSTRALIAN?" Skunkd0c, How can it be racist of me to call somebody racist??
Your train of thought;continued: You then say that the racist slurs (you racist ausy!!!) will most likely originate from racist actions? Who's racist actions are you talking about skunkd0c? this is where It is hard for me to understand your train of thought. Yes! the slur "you racist ausi" does in fact originate from the fact that some ausies are racist! so please elaborate.
Admit what? (oh, that I am racist? no no that's not it. Oh, the part where you need to elaborate on because it made little sense to me? YES Perhaps you're thinking of something else which isn't quite springing to mind for me)
If some douche pisses me off, and in retaliation I decide to piss them off in return by making a racist remark, does that mean I actually feel and think like a racist,.
My God, how ignorant you are. First I would like to say, that if not for America, the English would be speaking German today. The French didn't lend any real military aide until the Americans showed that they had a chance of winning. Yes, there was some burning or women (and men) who were accused of witch craft. However, the same thing was going on in Jolly olde England as well. That's why they left, to escape persecution from the Church of England. You speak of slavery, that is a gift from England to America. The US government outlawed the importation of slaves in 1808, very shortly after forming our own government.
If some douche pisses me off, and in retaliation I decide to piss them off in return by making a racist remark, does that mean I actually feel and think like a racist?
here you are quoted as saying you like to use racist remarks against folk who piss you off