Well-Known Member
Well, the system that was sent to me to test wasn't all that cheap. lol I do believe I recall the rep talking about low EMI. and like I had said I hadn't in 2 yr's noted any bad reception, or had any knocks at the door. lol

He is referring to some cheaper led panels using uncertified drivers that may produce EMI. Decent led drivers (does not have to be expensive - the 50w fasttech drivers are around $10 and is emi protected) will prevent EMI from being emitted. This is a big deal because EMI can interfere with power infrastructure, can affect airlines and can also ruin TV/radio reception for those around you. SDS mentioned in another thread that someone he knew was busted because the EMI was messing with peoples TV reception and they traced it back to the grow. In places like the USA you could also be violating laws regarding broadcasting by the FCC if I am not mistaken. I am not from the US so take the FCC part with a grain of salt. Basically EMI broadcasts (for miles around potentially) the fact that you are growing, and if a telco or power company is being negatively effected then they will have no problem locating it and passing the info to the fuzz.