What pisses you off the mmost????

Nanner,nanner my nona used to make that as snacks. True story: sometimes I didn't want to go to Nona's as a little kid....her place was bootcamp for eating.....eat when ya get there, oh yeah ya gotta choice antipasti cheeses and a lotta stuff but she made sure you ate, 2 hrs later ya eat some more...rest awhile then eat a major dinner....then eat dessert...then eat snacks before bed " so your belly doesn't wake you up". When I became an adult I sometimes wondered if she had been the world leader, would there be any wars cuz everyone was too full to move. I adored that ol lady

damn........... lol you need jesus.... not just any jesus will do for ur case... u need KOREAN JESUS!!!!
A real pizza is based on Margherita...thin, basil, tomato and mozzerella. We accept certain additions under defined criteria. No chicken, no pineapple, no sweet, no white.

Singlemalt...2nd generation Siciliano e Calebrese

I lived in Italy for 3 years, and them dudes will put pretty much anything on a pizza, which is how I came to appreciate horse meat.
I hate people who stop there car at a pedestrian crossing to let people walk across the road when the lights havnt changed yet
That happened to me in the rain with a brand new car i had for a week
going over the top of a hill in the pouring down rain , get over the crest doing 80kmh and ther is a car stopped right infront of me letting people cross the road
I hit the brakes and stopped (just) but the big 4 x 4 behind me just locked up and was sliding straight towards me ,
I saw he was going to hit me so i rolled forward the little bit i could and tured my steering wheel full lock to the left
The 4 x 4 hit me from behind , and pushed me straight forward , because i had wheel turned it shot me straight up next to this fuckin car that stopped
I got out to see my boot pushed up to my rear window , smoke and shit everywhere .
The fucker in the car next to me just drove off again like nothing happened.
New car gone ............
I hate people who stop there car at a pedestrian crossing to let people walk across the road when the lights havnt changed yet
That happened to me in the rain with a brand new car i had for a week
going over the top of a hill in the pouring down rain , get over the crest doing 80kmh and ther is a car stopped right infront of me letting people cross the road
I hit the brakes and stopped (just) but the big 4 x 4 behind me just locked up and was sliding straight towards me ,
I saw he was going to hit me so i rolled forward the little bit i could and tured my steering wheel full lock to the left
The 4 x 4 hit me from behind , and pushed me straight forward , because i had wheel turned it shot me straight up next to this fuckin car that stopped
I got out to see my boot pushed up to my rear window , smoke and shit everywhere .
The fucker in the car next to me just drove off again like nothing happened.
New car gone ............

Holy shit you have a lot of bad experiences in cars.
Fucking pizza bigots piss me off!!! it's a fucking mutt, leftover dish that we bastardized from the italian version. It's American Nirvana. From the thin crusted, square cut to the casserole type travesties of Chicago.

Pizza I salute you :eyesmoke::hump:
Lately, the one thing that pisses me off more than anything else is ... me.

But another is (yup, on the road) someone who presses me from behind on the uphills, gets to a light or place to pass, surges ahead, then rides the brakes into every corner and downhill. Totally harshes my gravity buzz.
Fat people that think being fat is a handicap pisses me off. Get your fat ass off that Little Rascal and walk around WalMart! You don't need to ride around WalMart you fat bastard. lol

We only call people when we want something or they want something from us. Or better yet to call and listen to first world problems.

"I can't get my computer to work" "I can't get a job and I have no money, but I was able to afford a new playstation 4"

.....Today is not a good day.
Fat people that think being fat is a handicap pisses me off. Get your fat ass off that Little Rascal and walk around WalMart! You don't need to ride around WalMart you fat bastard. lol

How about your whole family being fat but you.

Then when you go to family events, everyone comments on how "Skinny" you have gotten with a judgemental tone.
1- people who are dicks on the computer but you know in public they are the FUCKTARDS you see out that walk with their head down and wouldn't have the balls like they do online
2- I have never hit a woman in my life PERIOD but I have a real hard time not pulling these bitches out of there car and spanking their ass who are putting on make-up, smoking, talking on their phone, eating while driving.. PAY ATTENTION BITCH YOUR LIFE MIGHT COUNT ON IT!
3- ASSHOLE drivers who think they own the road, put others people lives at risk.
4- thieves... not much worse than that, the low life cum dumpsters who rob from people who work hard for their shit
5- being violently high and getting an important call
taking out ur contact lense and putting a new one in.... had to peel it off my eyeball... fuck anything that requires a finger in ur eye ball!!!