What political issues are you unwilling to compromise on?

your own philosophy would kill you if tolerant people like myself and my mother would allow it

My personal philosophy is to respect people as individuals and judge them accordingly.

I don't care for racists or people who think that they have a right to force others to serve them. That's what slave masters did. Why do you like to use slave master tactics to create a human interaction?

Won't you need a gun to enforce your laws which force some people to serve others against their will?

Unless you've been peeking at your mom again, you probably don't know what she'd allow or disallow.
My personal philosophy is to respect people as individuals and judge them accordingly.

I don't care for racists or people who think that they have a right to force others to serve them. That's what slave masters did. Why do you like to use slave master tactics to create a human interaction?

Won't you need a gun to enforce your laws which force some people to serve others against their will?

Unless you've been peeking at your mom again, you probably don't know what she'd allow or disallow.
And then the civil Rights movement happened, derp.

I've asked you nicely to stop spamming the forum with your white supremacists garbarge to no avail. So, I will now kindly ask you to choke to death on a dog's dick, thanks.
And then the civil Rights movement happened, derp.

I've asked you nicely to stop spamming the forum with your white supremacists garbarge to no avail. So, I will now kindly ask you to choke to death on a dog's dick, thanks.

I'm not opposed to every person having the equal right of self determination over there own body and there justly acquired property.

You are though. Why are you opposed to equal rights for everybody?

That's not accurate. If the owner of a place of business has preferences over who they will do business with and who they won't, what makes it "open to the public" ?

Are you saying that the "owner" is NOT the owner and that somebody else is?
What I'm saying is. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC means OPEN TO THE PUBLIC if you do not want to sell to just anyone make your business venture a "private club " and charge a fucking membership. Not hard to understand unless you are rather stupid and if you are that stupid you should not be allowed to open a business by yourself. Are you that stupid ??
I've never told anybody to do that though. You just made that up. You asked me a long time ago the most peaceful way (or something like that) a racist could notice others who wanted to force them to interact with them, of the racists, racism. My answering your question, wasn't me telling or aligning policies with a racist, it was simply answering your question. What do you think is the most peaceful way for a racist to notice others of their racism?

Maybe you could tell me how you will take guns away from black people without using a gun to do it?

As far as a person forcing another person to serve them against their will and threatening force if they don't serve them...could you describe how that advances freedom? Could you describe how a threat against a person who is not willing to associate with you, but remains on their own property. is NOT breaking the peace?
There is literally a quote from you telling people to hang “no blacks allowed” signs
I'm not opposed to every person having the equal right of self determination over there own body and there justly acquired property.

You are though. Why are you opposed to equal rights for everybody?

and please do not use MLK in any of your arguments. We would so not like the fact that you would not want him to sit in at the lunch counter and demand service. What is the polite why to ask MLK to not sit in at a public restaurant and demand service.
What I'm saying is. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC means OPEN TO THE PUBLIC if you do not want to sell to just anyone make your business venture a "private club " and charge a fucking membership. Not hard to understand unless you are rather stupid and if you are that stupid you should not be allowed to open a business by yourself. Are you that stupid ??

and please do not use MLK in any of your arguments. We would so not like the fact that you would not want him to sit in at the lunch counter and demand service. What is the polite why to ask MLK to not sit in at a public restaurant and demand service.

I have a great deal of respect for his activism and how he was able to shine a light on the things that were important to him.

Too bad you'd take away his right to chose to defend himself and his right to determine the use of his own property and his own body. I'd never do that. Why are you for equal oppression from government and against equal rights for all people ?
I have a great deal of respect for his activism and how he was able to shine a light on the things that were important to him.

Too bad you'd take away his right to chose to defend himself and his right to determine the use of his own property and his own body. I'd never do that. Why are you for equal oppression from government and against equal rights for all people ?
Funny how you avoid the question. Shall we try again.
What is the polite why to ask MLK to not sit in at a public restaurant and demand service. How would the racist owner politely tell MLK to get out because he does not serve blacks.
why did you lie about the fact that you told people to hand "no blacks allowed" signs?

I've never told anybody that, in fact I wish people wouldn't' do that. I've told you that might be the most peaceful way for a racist to notice others of his intentions.

That would be like saying the most sanitary way for you to notice others of your serial floor defecation might be for you to wear a sign on your back saying you're Poop Bandit. That doesn't mean I endorse your fecal assaults, it just means I think it would be polite for you to let people know of your crappy disposition.

Funny how you avoid the question. Shall we try again.
What is the polite why to ask MLK to not sit in at a public restaurant and demand service. How would the racist owner politely tell MLK to get out because he does not serve blacks.

Hopefully the racist would be honest with how he intends to use his own property.

Speaking of being honest...

How would you tell MLK he can't have a gun or that you'd be okay forcing him to serve somebody he may have preferred not to? Would you use a gun to make him serve you or others ? I wouldn't.
I've never told anybody that, in fact I wish people wouldn't' do that. I've told you that might be the most peaceful way for a racist to notice others of his intentions.

That would be like saying the most sanitary way for you to notice others of your serial floor defecation might be for you to wear a sign on your back saying you're Poop Bandit. That doesn't mean I endorse your fecal assaults, it just means I think it would be polite for you to let people know of your crappy disposition.

You said it was polite and reasonable to hang “no blacks allowed” signs
Thanks for confirming you think whites don't have equal rights, ya dumb bigot.

Let me explain why you're wrong, numb nuts.

If all people had equal rights, then it's logical that no person has superior rights to anyone. Math insists that is so.

If neither you or I have ANY right to force another person to interact with us or serve us against their will, then no group of people, even if that group of people claimed to have magical powers and said they are "government" could have that right if rights are to remain equal.

This is expressed mathematically by 0 + 0 +0 + 0 + 0 + 0 (you get the idea) = 0 . Each zero represents the zero right each person has to force another person to serve them. If you can't follow this logic, I wouldn't be surprised and if you can follow it, you have no recourse but to admit you're wrong.

If you disagree, with me, you're either saying that a sum of zeroes is more than zero, which is false or that some people are "more equal" than other people, since you disallow each party the equal right to decline an interaction.

What you mistakenly refer to as "equal rights" is actually equality of oppression wherein government treats everybody as subordinates and subjects, while still trying to maintain it is "just people" which if that were the case, see the math example above.

Either way, you're wrong. Now go cry.