What political issues are you unwilling to compromise on?

0+0 = 3 - Uncle Buck resident genius

according to your made up, imaginary, fictional hypothetical you are so completely right
according to your made up, imaginary, fictional hypothetical you are so completely right

So you are saying that a sum of zeroes can create a number greater than zero or you are claiming that in order to have equal rights, some people must have a greater than equal right to force others to interact with them ?

It's one or the other, which is your claim, genius?

I'm still winning and you are not.

So you are saying that a sum of zeroes can create a number greater than zero or you are claiming that in order to have equal rights, some people must have a greater than equal right to force others to interact with them ?

It's one or the other, which is your claim, genius?

I'm still winning and you are not.

according to your made up, imaginary, fictional hypothetical you are so completely right
Not sure what’s funnier, Buck’s signature, his wannabe clever responses, or Rob Roy using math to try to convince a pigeon of the fact he won :lol:

Back to thread’s subject, no public gay sex. Holding hands ok, kissing ok, but no full on anal or dick sucking in public. And no, that does not mean I’m pro public scissoring, but no regulation is required until it’s a real problem and it’s not like you see lesbian sex in the streets daily.
0+0 = 3 - Uncle Buck resident genius


If the universe disappeared, there would be no mathematics in the same way that there would be no football, tennis, chess or any other set of rules with relational structures that we contrived. Mathematics is not discovered, it is invented. This is the non-Platonist position. 3) Math is not so successful.Sep 10, 2013
If the universe disappeared, there would be no mathematics in the same way that there would be no football, tennis, chess or any other set of rules with relational structures that we contrived. Mathematics is not discovered, it is invented. This is the non-Platonist position. 3) Math is not so successful.Sep 10, 2013

Kudos, that was a good one.

If the universe disappeared, there would be no mathematics in the same way that there would be no football, tennis, chess or any other set of rules with relational structures that we contrived. Mathematics is not discovered, it is invented. This is the non-Platonist position. 3) Math is not so successful.Sep 10, 2013
If the universe disappeared, there wouldn’t be any carbon and the set of rules we call language, the word for carbon, “carbon”, would not exist either. Does it then follow we invented carbon rather than having discovered it, or did we merely assign the symbols... You post it in bold as if it is fact, while there is no concensus on that centuries old question even among mathematicians. The question is posed fanatically by anti-intellectual evangelicals who want to keep you from eating that apple. “Math is not so successfull [, only Revelation will lead to the truth]” :spew:

It is nonetheless a fact math helps people (those with more than 1/2 brain) describe and understand reality. That reality, the entire universe, everything in it, every brain has in turn and in fact mathematical properties we most certainly did not invent but discover. Without chess rules there would be no chess, without Tau a circle is still a circle, without math the universe still = math. Conveniently starting with a silly hypothetical in which the entire universe disappears should have sounded some alarm bells in your head.
If the universe disappeared, there wouldn’t be any carbon and the set of rules we call language, the word for carbon, “carbon”, would not exist either. Does it then follow we invented carbon rather than having discovered it, or did we merely assign the symbols... You post it in bold as if it is fact, while there is no concensus on that centuries old question even among mathematicians. The question is posed fanatically by anti-intellectual evangelicals who want to keep you from eating that apple. “Math is not so successfull [, only Revelation will lead to the truth]” :spew:

It is nonetheless a fact math helps people (those with more than 1/2 brain) describe and understand reality. That reality, the entire universe, everything in it, every brain has in turn and in fact mathematical properties we most certainly did not invent but discover. Without chess rules there would be no chess, without Tau a circle is still a circle, without math the universe still = math. Conveniently starting with a silly hypothetical in which the entire universe disappears should have sounded some alarm bells in your head.


Google provided the bold print, me just a point of view.

I love Math, I wish I knew more.

How do I get the sum of Peace Love and Understanding?
If you're willing to compromise with Republicans on universal healthcare, you won't earn my vote. Earning my vote is contingent upon you supporting a system of universal healthcare. Not access to universal healthcare, actual universal healthcare. The overwhelming majority of Democrats support that position. A plurality of Republicans support it. The only reason a politician wouldn't is because (s)he's being paid not to.

Infrastructure spending, we get a D+ which translates to tens of millions/year in repairs and a much bigger net loss on GDP.

Schools and education, teachers are given slave wages while they still have to buy their own students school supplies. This should not be happening in the richest nation the world has ever seen. We've given up, as a society, on educating future generations because we've been told that money could be better used manufacturing bullets and bombs. Endless resources when it comes to funding never ending wars, can't afford it when it comes to teaching about them.

Social security? Not until you're 70, don't be greedy! Even though you paid into it your entire working life... That's money many people will never see since they selfishly chose to die before reaching retirement age after working themselves to the bone their entire career. Go USA!

What a sham
it failed in colorado 80-20 though so
“The proposal came too soon and too fast for where voters were,” Joel Dyar, who worked as state field director for the ColoradoCare Yes campaign, says.

Some of that failure is attributable to the unique challenges of adopting single-payer through a ballot initiative, and at the state level. Because Colorado’s constitution bans public funding for abortions, ColoradoCare would’ve taken away access to abortion from the hundreds of thousands of women currently in private health plans that cover the procedure. That earned the amendment the opposition of NARAL Pro-Choice Coloradoand Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, two leading progressive groups in the state. “They didn’t check in advance to see if this was a problem,” Karen Middleton, the executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado, recalls. “By the time anyone had seen the language, it was already locked in.”

And because the proposal had to be set in stone in order to appear on the ballot, advocates didn’t have time to negotiate with key stakeholders on details of the plan, meaning few stakeholders bought in. Many progressive think tanks like the Colorado Fiscal Institute and the Bell Policy Center, unions like the United Food and Commercial Workers, and advocacy groups like ProgressNow Colorado wound up opposing the plan. “A poorly thought-through initiative like Amendment 69 does violence to the future of single-payer in Colorado,” Ian Silverii, ProgressNow Colorado’s executive director, says.

“The proposal came too soon and too fast for where voters were,” Joel Dyar, who worked as state field director for the ColoradoCare Yes campaign, says.

Some of that failure is attributable to the unique challenges of adopting single-payer through a ballot initiative, and at the state level. Because Colorado’s constitution bans public funding for abortions, ColoradoCare would’ve taken away access to abortion from the hundreds of thousands of women currently in private health plans that cover the procedure. That earned the amendment the opposition of NARAL Pro-Choice Coloradoand Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, two leading progressive groups in the state. “They didn’t check in advance to see if this was a problem,” Karen Middleton, the executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado, recalls. “By the time anyone had seen the language, it was already locked in.”

And because the proposal had to be set in stone in order to appear on the ballot, advocates didn’t have time to negotiate with key stakeholders on details of the plan, meaning few stakeholders bought in. Many progressive think tanks like the Colorado Fiscal Institute and the Bell Policy Center, unions like the United Food and Commercial Workers, and advocacy groups like ProgressNow Colorado wound up opposing the plan. “A poorly thought-through initiative like Amendment 69 does violence to the future of single-payer in Colorado,” Ian Silverii, ProgressNow Colorado’s executive director, says.


so were they paid not to support it or were there other reasons
“The proposal came too soon and too fast for where voters were,” Joel Dyar, who worked as state field director for the ColoradoCare Yes campaign, says.

Some of that failure is attributable to the unique challenges of adopting single-payer through a ballot initiative, and at the state level. Because Colorado’s constitution bans public funding for abortions, ColoradoCare would’ve taken away access to abortion from the hundreds of thousands of women currently in private health plans that cover the procedure. That earned the amendment the opposition of NARAL Pro-Choice Coloradoand Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, two leading progressive groups in the state. “They didn’t check in advance to see if this was a problem,” Karen Middleton, the executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado, recalls. “By the time anyone had seen the language, it was already locked in.”

And because the proposal had to be set in stone in order to appear on the ballot, advocates didn’t have time to negotiate with key stakeholders on details of the plan, meaning few stakeholders bought in. Many progressive think tanks like the Colorado Fiscal Institute and the Bell Policy Center, unions like the United Food and Commercial Workers, and advocacy groups like ProgressNow Colorado wound up opposing the plan. “A poorly thought-through initiative like Amendment 69 does violence to the future of single-payer in Colorado,” Ian Silverii, ProgressNow Colorado’s executive director, says.

Colorado is proof that to conservative minded voters -- which is practically everybody -- universal healthcare is a policy that is an uncomfortable issue and a loser when the whole universal healthcare enchilada is mandated all at once.

80 million people in this country have healthcare provided through private insurance companies. 60 million of them like the plan they are in. Sanders health care plan -- which has no price tag on it -- would force everybody into Medicare. 60 million pissed off voters is an insurmountable obstacle in this country.

Do you really think Congress can win back the House, much less the Senate when there are 60 million people opposed to the core policy you and other Cult of Sanders people would force down their throats.

Dude, you are a basket case when it comes to understanding the current situation. There is great support for sustaining if not improving the ACA. At this time your idea of univerasal healthcare and forcing it upon the people of this country is a gift to Republicans and would lead to an other two years of Republican control of the entire US government.

Are you OK with that?
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