What political party do you lean?

What party do you typically choose

  • Democrats

    Votes: 16 38.1%
  • Republicans

    Votes: 13 31.0%
  • Other, explain in comments

    Votes: 13 31.0%

  • Total voters
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Republicans and Democrats continue to fight over which one best knows how you should live your life. Libertarians know it's best to live life without the approval of any political party. Voting for either RepubliCrat is a wasted vote because it ensures the continued wasteful spending and programs that inflict harm on the people they are supposed to protect.
Libertarian theory is just that. Not a good theory, just a hypothetical, impractical nonsensical thing for weak minded people to believe.

From the originators of your bullshit theory:

These great thinkers developed praxeology, a deductive science of human action based on premises known with certainty to be true, and this is what we teach and advocate. Our scholarly work is founded in Misesian praxeology, and in self-conscious opposition to the mathematical modeling and hypothesis-testing that has created so much confusion in neoclassical economics.

In other words, libertarians reject science and mathematics in favor of dogma. You are a joke.
Yeah I think I may have even actually signed up for the Green party around 2003, still voted Democrat to have a shot against Bush, but it wasn't enough. I read all kinds of books and blogs and felt like I really understood it, because 'they all lie' and 'both sides suck' BS.

But then I learned enough economics to get a couple degrees in it and there were too many holes in their 'logic' and realized that we are better off voting in responsible Democrats and forcing the Republican party to grow up and start voting in non-troll candidates to 'own the libs'.

Later I remember hearing all the same talking points about Jill Stein, I just dismissed them at the time, but unfortunately we got attacked hard by the Russian military and I had to stop being naive about the actual dangers of the small % of votes that the '3rd' parties draw, because as nice as Stein sounded, later we learned she was being actively pushed by the Russian military to help trump.

Even worse is when we got to see the pictures of her, Flynn (Trump's felon buddy), and Putin all chilling in 2015.

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Wow a poll! No way that people are getting slammed with propaganda about Biden nonstop painting things like his stutter as a mental issue.

President is not a cult leader, we don't need a president to pick up a rifle and rally our frontline, nor fly a jet into a alien spaceship. We need a person who is fundamentally decent and has proven for the last 50 years to not have been a Russian puppet to appoint qualified experts into all the cabinet positions that have been woefully understaffed during Trump's 4 years and sign the legislation that the hopefully Democratically controlled House and Senate pass to his desk to get our nation to work.

Watch any of Bidens full speeches and conversations and you will see he is nothing like what the propaganda is hoping like hell to get the American public to believe.

Joe Biden is a old man in his mid seventies who should retire. What about "qualified immunity" that allows Officers to kill people without due process. What about the debt that will be further incurred. He cannot and will not solve these great problems. Wealthy Billionaires contribute to his Campaign. Wake up and read those books real close where it talks about inflation spiraling out of control. What about Cannabis? When will it be legal for me to grow my comfort. I just don't see wasting my vote on empty promises. Thank goodness we live in a country that offers us the privilege of voting so let's just cast our Vote. May the best person win.
Joe Biden is a old man in his mid seventies who should retire. What about "qualified immunity" that allows Officers to kill people without due process. What about the debt that will be further incurred. He cannot and will not solve these great problems. Wealthy Billionaires contribute to his Campaign. Wake up and read those books real close where it talks about inflation spiraling out of control. What about Cannabis? When will it be legal for me to grow my comfort. I just don't see wasting my vote on empty promises. Thank goodness we live in a country that offers us the privilege of voting so let's just cast our Vote. May the best person win.
Libertarians are idiots.
Doanld J Trump (impeached) is a old man in his mid seventies who should retire. What about "qualified immunity" that allows Officers to kill people without due process. What about the debt that will be further incurred. He cannot and will not solve these great problems. Wealthy Billionaires no longer contribute to his Campaign because they wanted to know where the $600 for their Nevada UI was and all King Klorox did was scream why he wasn't getting more cash. Wake up and read those books real close where it talks about inflation spiraling out of control. What about Cannabis? When will it be legal for me to grow my comfort. I just don't see wasting my vote on empty promises. Thank goodness we live in a country that offers us the privilege of voting so let's just cast our Vote. May the best person win.

FIFY..and remember..city person 1 vote; suburban 2 votes and rural 3 votes..yeah..that's about right..oh wait! here's Herman right now to throw his support behind Trumpy*..something tells me old Herman wouldn't have minded to know what Trumpy knew/when he knew it:


let me know when a black face gets to do this:

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Joe Biden is a old man in his mid seventies who should retire.
Are you an American, and if so are you ok with the Russians attacking our citizens spreading propaganda aimed at dividing us all up? There is a very good reason why Biden ran this year when for all purposes he was retired.

Our nation is under attack, and again, he is not needed to rally the troops, we need someone to be responsible and appoint the best qualified professionals in the positions Trump has left to trolls.

What about "qualified immunity" that allows Officers to kill people without due process.
What about it? Do you want to know Biden's stance on it, or is it just a edgy phrase? What is your stance on how it should be handled in a situation like the one with the kid throwing a gun and in a split second he got shot and killed by the cop. But also then you have cops like the ones who knelt on the guy in cuffs for minutes until he passed out while in custody. It is a very complex issue that doesn't really fit well in a catch phrase of couple minutes worth of discussion.

The shame is that Trump ended Obama's executive order into police reform. It is most important to vote Trump out of office than taking a chance almost certainly of a wasted vote on a 3rd party candidate.

If you want to see Biden's stance on these issues you can always check his website.

What about the debt that will be further incurred.

Again you can check Biden's policies on his site I linked above. With the meltdown in our economy and devastation that is occurring in our environment the wealthy are going to have to get their tax holiday Trump gave them repealed is my guess to pay for a lot of the things Trump left to rot the last 4 years.

What about the debt that will be further incurred. He cannot and will not solve these great problems. Wealthy Billionaires contribute to his Campaign. Wake up and read those books real close where it talks about inflation spiraling out of control. What about Cannabis? When will it be legal for me to grow my comfort. I just don't see wasting my vote on empty promises. Thank goodness we live in a country that offers us the privilege of voting so let's just cast our Vote. May the best person win.

He cannot and will not solve these great problems.

No, that is why Biden needs a great cabinet and a Democratic House and Senate. It needs to be a top to bottom win similar to 2018 for America to get out of the rut the 50 years of Republican obstruction and pandering to their 'base'.

Wealthy Billionaires contribute to his Campaign. Wake up and read those books real close where it talks about inflation spiraling out of control. What about Cannabis? When will it be legal for me to grow my comfort. I just don't see wasting my vote on empty promises. Thank goodness we live in a country that offers us the privilege of voting so let's just cast our Vote. May the best person win.
What state do you live in? If you have a Republican governor I am guessing that is more of the problem.

Inflation is going to be rough when it starts to hit no question. That again is why we need people who are responsible in office, and not allow these Qanon/white nationalists/Boogaloo/InCEL/etc and Russian sock puppets continue to spread their lies about 'both sides' nonsense.
You sure?
In Massachusetts, a voter who is affiliated with a political party can vote only in that party's primary. If a voter is unaffiliated with a political party, he or she may vote in the primary of his or her choice.
You sure?
In Massachusetts, a voter who is affiliated with a political party can vote only in that party's primary. If a voter is unaffiliated with a political party, he or she may vote in the primary of his or her choice.

i was 3rd party (Sanders) in florida and unable to vote in the primary party of my choice.
I never understood why a country so diverse as the US, did not change their political system along the way.
More like the German, Dutch and Scandinavian system with more different parties, a prime minister and a more ceremonial head of state.

In any case, it prevents you from getting "but he/she had more popular votes" anymore.
And there are more flavors to choose from.
Also political parties are forced to cooperate and make coalitions. That way you have lesser chance for extremist outcomes.
The countries mentioned belong to the richest, safest and happiest countries worldwide. And some of them like Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany have almost no natural resources that made them rich (like for example the Arab countries or Russia)
That must almost mean that there is a link between the type of political system and the socio-economic conditions.
I just don't see wasting my vote on empty promises.

So you prefer to waste your vote on a write in or Libertarian candidate.

Thank goodness we live in a country that offers us the privilege of voting so let's just cast our Vote. May the best person win.
Check your Constitution. You actually live in a country where voting is a right, not a privilege............At least for now anyway.

If you vote for anyone other than Biden, you are voting for trump.
I never understood why a country so diverse as the US, did not change their political system along the way.
More like the German, Dutch and Scandinavian system with more different parties, a prime minister and a more ceremonial head of state.

In any case, it prevents you from getting "but he/she had more popular votes" anymore.
And there are more flavors to choose from.
Also political parties are forced to cooperate and make coalitions. That way you have lesser chance for extremist outcomes.
The countries mentioned belong to the richest, safest and happiest countries worldwide. And some of them like Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany have almost no natural resources that made them rich (like for example the Arab countries or Russia)
That must almost mean that there is a link between the type of political system and the socio-economic conditions.
You’re speaking of small countries. Both in population and land mass.
Big difference imho.
My best friend lives in Germany. Most of the time I wish I did too.
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