What should I do next?

The best thing you can do bro is on your next grow give nothing but water untill you notice a deficiency if ever. Then start feeding and take good notes. If you under feed its easy to corect if you over feed it causes a host of problems including lock out which looks like a deficiency and is easly mis diagnosed by the begining gardener. If you want to add to your total dry weight dont add fertilizer add light.
The best thing you can do bro is on your next grow give nothing but water untill you notice a deficiency if ever. Then start feeding and take good notes. If you under feed its easy to corect if you over feed it causes a host of problems including lock out which looks like a deficiency and is easly mis diagnosed by the begining gardener. If you want to add to your total dry weight dont add fertilizer add light.
Thanks for the info bro. I'm ready to get this harvest over with!
lol i know the feeling. had spider mites one grow, such a pain in the ass fighting it. harvested a week early just to get it over with
You may be correct but I've never heard that before as far as distilled water goes. I have cal mag by itself, should I start using it? What about the dark and shiny leaves? What should I do now as far as using nutes?
plants work on positive and negative ions, when you use 0 ion water, it disrupts ions in your medium. Believe it or not, but I have seen it a hundred times. Even LED users see the same symptoms. They denied it at first, but now have threads about it.
plants work on positive and negative ions, when you use 0 ion water, it disrupts ions in your medium. Believe it or not, but I have seen it a hundred times. Even LED users see the same symptoms. They denied it at first, but now have threads about it.

plants work on positive and negative ions, when you use 0 ion water, it disrupts ions in your medium. Believe it or not, but I have seen it a hundred times. Even LED users see the same symptoms. They denied it at first, but now have threads about it.
true but even with water thats 0 ppm, which is very hard to find, it wouldnt matter in soil because the micro herd is consuming the organics and sugar and creating all the ions needed for cation (probably not how you spell it but its the process of ion exchange that feeds the plant its nutes) however using tap water which has chlorine chloride, Florine, fluoride, led, arsenic, ect. all of which can kill microbes. customer in my store using heavly amended super soil recipie showed me a pic of his plants which were mag deficient. asked a million questions found out he was using local tap water. had him switch to ro water and gave him some microbes to re add. came back 2 weeks later said they look much better problem fixed
true but even with water thats 0 ppm, which is very hard to find, it wouldnt matter in soil because the micro herd is consuming the organics and sugar and creating all the ions needed for cation (probably not how you spell it but its the process of ion exchange that feeds the plant its nutes) however using tap water which has chlorine chloride, Florine, fluoride, led, arsenic, ect. all of which can kill microbes. customer in my store using heavly amended super soil recipie showed me a pic of his plants which were mag deficient. asked a million questions found out he was using local tap water. had him switch to ro water and gave him some microbes to re add. came back 2 weeks later said they look much better problem fixed
Why do you think people have to add a cal mag supplement when using r/o water? usually it's because there nutrients weren't designed with enough cal/mag to make up for the r/o water not having any. It's even worse with distilled. Like it takes away certain ions because there were none there. I am not a scientist. i can't explain it to a tee. But I have seen it plenty of times to know what it is.
just a bunch of people arguing abought the same thing with no proof just hearsay.
last point...... rain water is distilled water test it or look it up. i have seen it test between 2 and 12 ppm. my ro water is 40 ppm distilled water from walmart tested at 10 ppm.
if distilled was bad for plants there would be no plants on earthg after 50 billion years of distilled water
I'm just pulling your leg. sounded like truth to me ....I just never thought about that is all,
please, carry on, I love to learn
what I have seen is that, even with R/o water, if the nutrients being used don't have enough or weren't designed for use with no or low ppm water, a deficiency will occur. purple stems,brown rust spots and yellow leaves are typical symptoms. Some nutes have enough cal.mag that a supplement isn't needed.
just a bunch of people arguing abought the same thing with no proof just hearsay.
last point...... rain water is distilled water test it or look it up. i have seen it test between 2 and 12 ppm. my ro water is 40 ppm distilled water from walmart tested at 10 ppm.
if distilled was bad for plants there would be no plants on earthg after 50 billion years of distilled water
rain and r/o are NOT DE IONIZED like distilled. argue all you want, your diagnosis is wrong and mine is right. get over it!
From Emerald harvest chart

Additional Emerald Harvest Supplements:

Cal-Mag | Calcium-Magnesium Supplement: Use 5 mL per gallon when needed from early vegetative through late flowering phase. Recommended for use on water days only.
Sturdy Stalk | Potassium Silicate Supplement: Use 5 mL per gallon when needed from early vegetative through late flowering phase. Recommended for use on water days only.
what I have seen is that, even with R/o water, if the nutrients being used don't have enough or weren't designed for use with no or low ppm water, a deficiency will occur. purple stems,brown rust spots and yellow leaves are typical symptoms. Some nutes have enough cal.mag that a supplement isn't needed.

why do people reach for distilled/ro in the first place? fox farms too for that matter lol