What The Most Memorable Sexual Experience You Have Ever Had?


Well-Known Member
Haha coyote chick. I have to admit gurl...I love your attitude.


I think it is more wishful thinking. It has been my experience that half of the fun for men is in the hunt. I also think it distroys their ego thinking that some macho dude like themselves can change your mind. It is like asking a guy why they don't like men.

((I've been accused of being a man-hater or being afraid of/intimidated by The Almighty Cock. Men seem to have trouble seperating sexuality from personality.))

Yes I agree there has to be an emtional bond. I think it is most people fantasy to have mad passionate sex with a stranger so they don't have to worry about anything or feel ashamed when seeing them again BUT it hasn't been anything I have ever done.

((I've had mad passionate sex with a stranger that I've never seen again ... I just felt really dirty about it afterward. Still kinda do.))

Yes I suppose we do all have our own fettishes. LMAO!!!
Its good to know I am human;)

((You're definitely smart enough to be more human than most, hon. :) ))

I have to tell you tho coyote gurl. I love your policy of ask honest questions...give honest answers. I think communication is ESSENTIAL to having a good sexual experience. I mean come one........if you can't even talk about it...how are you going to perform???

((Some people are repressed and don't like talking about certain things, others can get offended if you tell them what they're doing isn't ... well... doing anything. I demand to know what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong, s'not too much to ask I don't think.))

I like keeping communication open:)
You'd be surprised what a rarity that is these days....


New Member
Ewww. I don't drink at all and even when I did not a lot. I don't like drunk sex at all. I think people who are drunk let their inhibitions go BUT it is under the influence so it just isn't the same. I mean I like taking advantage and all but not if they are drunk ;)
It doesn't seem fair and to be quite honest is a turn off for me. :?
Now being high on the other hand....oh yeahhhhhhhhh:hump: :mrgreen:
Heh. Depends on the weed for me. Sometimes I get *really* riled up when I smoke, like an animal even ... and other times I just don't have the motivation. High sex is funner than drunk sex, though.


New Member
OMG coyote. It has only recently been brought to my attention that I am a man hater. I hadn't ever thought of myself in that sense before but in some ways I am I suppose. I'm not afraid of their equipment and as a matter of fact I am mesmerized by them and find them most facinating. My only problem is the personality attached to them. :| What really scares me is their size and their power and at the same time it kind of turns me on. THAT part I totally don't get because I have been gang raped so you would think that in itself would have killed it but its not so. More info than you needed but.

Yes some people are repressed and I was one of them until a while ago. Hahaha.
and thats just not healthy at all. Seriously.
Some one here just made a thread complaining about all the sex talk on here lately.

Hey at least its not people fighting. I don't see anyone getting all bent outta shape because some others are just having some fun.

I mean come on people. We are supposed to be adults here and its a WEED forum.Besides which; I see all kinds of topcis that are not weed related....like nascar and pets and life styles etc

Communication does seen like a rarity these days. So true. Well its certainly nice to chat with another female grower and from Canada even. now how cool is that??? :)


100% Authentic A$$Hole
whaatch out boy she'll chew you up................woahhh ohhhhh here she comes, shes a maneater:hump:


Well-Known Member
OMG coyote. It has only recently been brought to my attention that I am a man hater. I hadn't ever thought of myself in that sense before but in some ways I am I suppose. I'm not afraid of their equipment and as a matter of fact I am mesmerized by them and find them most facinating. My only problem is the personality attached to them. :| What really scares me is their size and their power and at the same time it kind of turns me on. THAT part I totally don't get because I have been gang raped so you would think that in itself would have killed it but its not so. More info than you needed but.

((SHIT. You're not so much a man-hater but a suspicious-of-man-types. Just the thought of rape pisses me off.... really, really bad. Someone very close to me was raped and I've vowed to cause serious harm to the motherfucker that did it. For months after she was raped, I had very violent dreams about curb-stomping the motherfucker, breaking his neck, strangling him then reviving him and then strangling him all over again. I'm not a violent person, and those dreams scared me, but when you hurt someone I love-- watch out.))

Yes some people are repressed and I was one of them until a while ago. Hahaha.
and thats just not healthy at all. Seriously.
Some one here just made a thread complaining about all the sex talk on here lately.

((What the fuck? If you don't like the sex threads, don't read 'em. Nobody is forcing you. And sex is, if anything, more natural than weed itself. Grow up already, people...))

Hey at least its not people fighting. I don't see anyone getting all bent outta shape because some others are just having some fun.

I mean come on people. We are supposed to be adults here and its a WEED forum.Besides which; I see all kinds of topcis that are not weed related....like nascar and pets and life styles etc

((It makes a lot of people uncomfortable, but if you think about it they've been conditioned to be that way. From an early age we're taught that sex is something shameful and dirty, but we're confronted with it every single day in various ways. Those mixed messages fuck people up, and I don't blame 'em.))

Communication does seen like a rarity these days. So true. Well its certainly nice to chat with another female grower and from Canada even. now how cool is that??? :)
I miss Canada so damn much that it hurts. I wanna be back in The Motherland by the time I'm 30, even if it's only across the river from Detroit in the city of Windsor. People here really resent Canada, they say there is too much government involvement and restriction of freedom and the inability to express yourself. That's news to me, I never felt repressed by a government entity until I moved to the states. This is the land of the free -- for those who can afford it. The rest of the dregs can fight amongst themselves and struggle to survive.


New Member
Hey coyote chick. How do you copy your threads like that? I can't seen to do it gurl.
Anyway yes I was repeatedly gang raped and it was a very horrific ordeal. I've spent 6 years of my life all cooped up in my house terrified to even go outside until the last couple of years. This year is getting a LOT better for me as I am actually getting back some self confidence since that was non existent.

I went through all the scenerios of what I would like to do to these Mofu but I'm so past that now. Holding in the anger wasn't doing me any good.
That was a very difficult process to go through. To forgive these bastards and myself for what happened and let it go. Not that I will ever let it go because most days it comes back to haunt me but recently there have been some days when i don't even think about it and thats amazing in itself because for years that is all I could ever think about.

Up unitl recently I used to have nightmares all the time and a few weeks ago i actually had a sweet tender dream. I can't even remember the last time I had a tender dream before that. So yes it is a HUGE issue still for me.

Oh gurl I so have to agree with you about the topic of sex and how we are so conditioned about the very topic itself. The media adds sex to just about every commercial ; its everywhere but yet if the subject is brought up openly and honestly we are considered the pervs. And what really pisses me off is when guys bring up the subject its just men will be men but when women bring up the subject...they are just considered sluts. wtf?

The funny thing is lately I have been joking and talking about sex a lot here lately and it is doing me a lot of good. Its like a release or an outlet to me. If I can't laugh and joke about the subject then I just torment myself with these painful rape memories. I happen to prefer the joking around. Some people here do get all bend out of shape but i think it has more to do with their issues than anything.

The states don't like US. haha. thats news to me. We are probably one of the worlds most loved countries. Whenever you travel and say you are from canada.....people instantly LOVE you. They do not feel the same way about amercians. Not that I care one way or another but I think amercians are the most despised people in the world.

Its all kinda silly really. :|


Well-Known Member
Lacy thank you for this thread,between you and Coyote im starting to feel completely normal! Both of you are just ringing bells all over the place,really thanks.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Ringing bells!? In a good way, I hope. ^^ Seriously, it's taken me a long time to get where I am now, and a huuuge part of it is going to be discussed in a thread I'm putting together in a minute. I don't feel worried about being ostrascised for what I'm gonna talk about.

Lacy thank you for this thread,between you and Coyote im starting to feel completely normal! Both of you are just ringing bells all over the place,really thanks.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey coyote chick. How do you copy your threads like that? I can't seen to do it gurl.

((Hit the "quote" button and type in between the quoted text in your reply. I add the "(())" to make my text easier to distinguish from the original post. It's easier to do it this way, and I can address each thing said without forgetting anything. ^^))

Anyway yes I was repeatedly gang raped and it was a very horrific ordeal. I've spent 6 years of my life all cooped up in my house terrified to even go outside until the last couple of years. This year is getting a LOT better for me as I am actually getting back some self confidence since that was non existent.

((I know the feeling of getting my real "self" back, I've spent the last 9 years trapped inside my own head (once again, see the post I'm gonna make about that in a minute here), and within the last six months I'm finally starting to be a, well, PERSON. Self confidence has always been a problem of mine, but I'm feeling better about myself with each passing day.))

I went through all the scenerios of what I would like to do to these Mofu but I'm so past that now. Holding in the anger wasn't doing me any good.
That was a very difficult process to go through. To forgive these bastards and myself for what happened and let it go. Not that I will ever let it go because most days it comes back to haunt me but recently there have been some days when i don't even think about it and thats amazing in itself because for years that is all I could ever think about.

((Wow. That's showing a lot of strength right there. And courage, dammit. All I can say is: Girl? Fuck. YEAH.))

Up unitl recently I used to have nightmares all the time and a few weeks ago i actually had a sweet tender dream. I can't even remember the last time I had a tender dream before that. So yes it is a HUGE issue still for me.

((Reading that almost brought tears to my eyes, y'know. Sounds like you're healing, and I'm willing to bet you've got people around you that are helping you along. Not that I'm saying you're not strong enough to do it on your own, I just get the impression that you're well loved. :) ))

Oh gurl I so have to agree with you about the topic of sex and how we are so conditioned about the very topic itself. The media adds sex to just about every commercial ; its everywhere but yet if the subject is brought up openly and honestly we are considered the pervs. And what really pisses me off is when guys bring up the subject its just men will be men but when women bring up the subject...they are just considered sluts. wtf?

((Double standards, of course. Applies to more than just sex, too. Girls being strong and honest seems to frighten some people, so it's easier to demonize the idea. The whole world isn't like that, a lot of people are grown up about it, it's just the people in power are decades behind the times so chicks still have to struggle against the grain. Guys say we complain too much, but they don't know exactly what we have to put up with.))

The funny thing is lately I have been joking and talking about sex a lot here lately and it is doing me a lot of good. Its like a release or an outlet to me. If I can't laugh and joke about the subject then I just torment myself with these painful rape memories. I happen to prefer the joking around. Some people here do get all bend out of shape but i think it has more to do with their issues than anything.

((As I often say, if you can't laugh you can't live.))

The states don't like US. haha. thats news to me. We are probably one of the worlds most loved countries. Whenever you travel and say you are from canada.....people instantly LOVE you. They do not feel the same way about amercians. Not that I care one way or another but I think amercians are the most despised people in the world.

((Friends of mine have traveled overseas and I've told them to say they're from Canada if they want to be treated nicely. They snorted and laughed at me, and when they came back they said they told people they were Americans for awhile, but after they said they were Canadian they got treated much better. Americans have no idea how much the rest of the world hates them. They think the whole world worships the USA, but it's the opposite. People really do resent Canada here, I'm not really sure why.))

Its all kinda silly really. :|
And a waste of time. (-_-)


New Member
hey lacy

Sorry bad things happened to you.

Wish it was something better I had for you
:blsmoke::hug:just saying that is helpful. Thank you.

Lacy thank you for this thread,between you and Coyote im starting to feel completely normal! Both of you are just ringing bells all over the place,really thanks.:peace:
Thats great. I was VERY reluctant to start a thread like this but I do have issues especially since the gang rape and chatting and joking aboout an otherwise terrifying topic is extremely healing for me. I have feel abnormal most of my life and it is good to talk to others who have felt similar regardless of why. It is very comforting to know.

Ringing bells!? In a good way, I hope. ^^ Seriously, it's taken me a long time to get where I am now, and a huuuge part of it is going to be discussed in a thread I'm putting together in a minute. I don't feel worried about being ostrascised for what I'm gonna talk about.
well thats good. Just don't let any of the mods:roll:
(no names mentioned )shame you into silence either.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Most of them hilariously disappointing. I remember when I was with my older daughter's father...he was my first and his idea of foreplay was to warn you before he pounced. As we were laying in bed after yet another dry f*ck session, I told him, "Baby...when we have sex, I never get to cum." And ever so sweetly, he patted my shoulder and said, "I know." Then he rolled over and went to sleep.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Most of them hilariously disappointing. I remember when I was with my older daughter's father...he was my first and his idea of foreplay was to warn you before he pounced. As we were laying in bed after yet another dry f*ck session, I told him, "Baby...when we have sex, I never get to cum." And ever so sweetly, he patted my shoulder and said, "I know." Then he rolled over and went to sleep.

LMAO classic


New Member
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG sorry but yeah some dudes are just clueless.

I don';t even know what to say but I am laughing so hard.
Sorry for you but I think we have all had one of those .:roll:

Oh fabio NOT!:roll:
Most of them hilariously disappointing. I remember when I was with my older daughter's father...he was my first and his idea of foreplay was to warn you before he pounced. As we were laying in bed after yet another dry f*ck session, I told him, "Baby...when we have sex, I never get to cum." And ever so sweetly, he patted my shoulder and said, "I know." Then he rolled over and went to sleep.


New Member
I can't copy your post coyote but I feel very similar to where you are right now in that I am finding myself finally. I was never a super confident person but now I am ok with myself. Now I figure that I try my best and if anyone doesn't like me then that is their loss.
Yes I am very loved thnak you coyote. I have loving family and friends in my life and I am in a good place right now.

Yes and there is a double standard for sure. Men do not understand or acknowlege what it is like to be female in a male dominated world. They just take it for granted I suppose because that is all they know. We are conditioned from an early age. Its sad but a fact of life.

And yes Canadians are probably the most loved or one of the most loved people in the world cause CANADA ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're a very cool chick coyote. Its a pleasure meeting you.:)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG sorry but yeah some dudes are just clueless.

I don';t even know what to say but I am laughing so hard.
Sorry for you but I think we have all had one of those .:roll:

Oh fabio NOT!:roll:
Yes, unfortunately I've had several. My sexual misadventures are a constant source of amusement for my family and friends. I thought about writing a sexual autobiography to sum it all up. The title is Sasquatches, Sheep Fuckers, and Underdeveloped Penises of the World.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Yes, unfortunately I've had several. My sexual misadventures are a constant source of amusement for my family and friends. I thought about writing a sexual autobiography to sum it all up. The title is Sasquatches, Sheep Fuckers, and Underdeveloped Penises of the World.

So did you have a hairy mofo, one thet liked fucking sheep or animal and another that had a malfunction with his pecker....Damn Id make a killing off of that autobiography:hump: