What To Do In Times Of No Weed?

meaning, put like a bud in a test tube, or whatever u have, flame that sucker. all this smoke builds up, suck it out! And u get waaaaaaaaaaaay less burnt plant matter in your throat. its like a cheap vaporizer
meaning, put like a bud in a test tube, or whatever u have, flame that sucker. all this smoke builds up, suck it out! And u get waaaaaaaaaaaay less burnt plant matter in your throat. its like a cheap vaporizer

oooo so smoke it like your smokin crack. im gonna try that some time
these sell little pipes like that on ebay and in high times..Not a fucking test tube but like a mini glass vaporizer..
Too Funny .. If I had the rock.. I would not smoke not one crumb ... i'd use it to get me some bitch's and have fun with them .. There are some crazy crackhead bitch's out there... I'd Film it and chuck it on the web for free perv's

noooo, charge for it and make those perv's pay so you could get more weed
I get angry when i start tolerance breaks...the day goes by slower (atleast it feels that way) and i get really bored out of my mind...and i end up getting in fights over being angry...sucks but gotta do a break every once in a while
I get angry when i start tolerance breaks...the day goes by slower (atleast it feels that way) and i get really bored out of my mind...and i end up getting in fights over being angry...sucks but gotta do a break every once in a while

Yeah man
I know what you mean
i had to stop 3 months stragiht from smoking weed
the first 4 days were the worst, i felt like going around and breaking windows or some thing lol
Yeah man
I know what you mean
i had to stop 3 months stragiht from smoking weed
the first 4 days were the worst, i felt like going around and breaking windows or some thing lol
Yeah i felt like confronting everyone on anything that annoyed me...but as soon as i smoked a joint i was relieved and feeling good and i got some good highs for going on that tolerance break...tolerance breaks sucks but there rewarding when you start smoking again...
I've been chasing these chickens for a while and I still don't feel anything, am I doing something wrong?

damn, i don't think you was high from chasin chickens. i think you was high which is WHY you was chasing chickens. lol last summer i went to my uncles rance in churchton maryland and me and my cousin got cloud 9 high and we went cow tippin' at the next farm and the farmer came out with his shotgun and started shootin in the air. but he dident see us cuz it was dark. lol
i think we are all on this site for a reason. WHen we dont have any weed we dont know what to do with ourselves. So to fix that problem we are all learning how to grow.That way we have weed all the time
I tend to drink. and that sucks.alcohol blows. next time I,m gonna to try Valium instead. hopefully thats never gonna happen. Not as long as my grow is OK.
i go into a comatose hibernation period until i hear the distinct ringtone for my dealer go off, then i magically rise and answer with the password...and the problem is solved....same applies with my own....when it's all cured i rise again until im out...then in turn "I'm out"
i go into a comatose hibernation period until i hear the distinct ringtone for my dealer go off, then i magically rise and answer with the password...and the problem is solved....same applies with my own....when it's all cured i rise again until im out...then in turn "I'm out"

wow that sounds just like me, scary.....
Firstly dude you should PLAN AHEAD.

I recommend you grow your own again, so that way you won't have to pay street prices for weed once your harvest is ready in about 3 months. You don't need much space to grow. I've got a space 2 feet by 1 feet with 10 seedlings in there.

In the meantime try cutting down slowly. Do some excersise. I've started jogging, rowing, weights and I feel good. I only smoke 1 or 2 small joints a day. Smoke a bit of a joint, and then leave the rest in the ash tray for a while until I want to smoke the rest.

I'm growing Nirvana Northern Lights and Sensi Skunk now. F*ck my summer's gonna be good.

Man I wish I knew how to grow that much that I could just support my own habit like that, that would be amazing. I did do a grow myself and I was happy with the smoke but I've been using flourescents so it takes longer for everything to mature blah blah blah.... I just wish I knew a grower like that so I could slip them some $$$ to keep me supplied :peace:
it seems like most people are missing the point. im in the same situation as you. heavy smoker who wants to ween his way off a little to save more.. im also like you. i dont want to replace my addiction to pot with alcohol. right now im on day 13 of not smoking pot. after the first week it gets A LOT easier. through that first hellish week i tried lots of stuff.. i tried meditating, playing video games, also i have been reading a lot. whether its online, magazines, or a book. i would say reading is the best way to get your mind off of it. exercise is another great alternative.. im trying to get myself to do this, but i cant seem to find the motivation. if you have any friends that dont smoke, hang out with them. just remember that the boredom is all in your head. its not going to kill ya, only make you stronger

Thanks for the reply, I have been reading everyone's responses and even though it would be great to constantly have a supply of fresh weed it isn't necessarily realistic if yo udon't have the tools to do a good grow.... So yes you are like me because I am trying to find things to help make myself a weekend warrior again and not a 1-3 gram smoker per day (cost adds up) :peace:
do something else i hear your pain i get irritated whith this world without my maryjane some call it dependancy i call it management when im without after i call absolutly everyone and i wait till 2:30 am w8ting for this "dude to call" i realize tommorow im going out i find if you do something that makes you tired like paintball "chicken chasing" hiking building something cow tipping or whatever you are less likely to need to smoke a joint cause you are relaxed having a blast....
but when its rainy out and i cant do shit i jump in the car go to my local headshop and i buy a 24 pack of crackers aka whippets and i do whippets and blow my hits on my plants heheh
fuck all that!!! keep smokin, holyy.
i thought about slowing down to but like you said its 2 hard to keep your mind busy and mary helps alot with that