What To Do In Times Of No Weed?

I have learned that for reasons of money I need to slow down how much pot I smoke (I usually go through 2-3 grams easily a day). My question is for those out there that have tried to cut down on the amount they smoke, how do you go about doing this? Today is day one and I am already getting bored out of my mind and finding myself semi-irratable. Any suggestions??


Have sex. always cures irritability. or fire up some sheesha in the hookah pipe. takes the edge of for sure.
I hear you bro.....I have gone about 3 months, since the start of my grow....
A couple things you can do is....
I got some legal weed the best stuff is the hawaiin weed, but i got a sampler pack....
It is cheap....dirt cheap, and you can mix it with your weed...I like to mix the bluberry with some weed...so you dont smoke as much week...still gets you real high...
Also, from a friends plants or yours...get some leaves...sounds bogus but...
I also mix my weed with some leaves.....it helps the joint burn purer and alot slower....you dont use as much weed...and i get just as high....
and cut down to a joint a day...thats all i smoke, if i dont have work or something else to do that needs all my attention...smoke a 1/3 of the joint...you get just as high...
If you go a week without smoking...your immunity goes down and you get real high...
Hope any of it helps...
a friend with weed is stoned indeed

Are you talking about that Hawaiian shit?


Does it even contain THC?
Are you talking about that Hawaiian shit?

Does it even contain THC?

No, he's basically using it as 'cut' because it tastes like weed.

All of Britain is apparently under a drought of actual marijuana--rare enough that it's referred to as 'green' to distinguish it from other Cannabis products.

Hash is a lot more common in Europe but apparently its even hard to find good hash in the UK--they have to put up with this crap called 'solid,' 'block,' 'rocky' or 'soapbar.'

Why go into such detail? Well

1) I shouldn't feel so sorry for myself when I get lazy, run out, and wind up smoking resin so strong it peels my eyelids back--which is something you might try. Go scrape out your pieces when you run out.

2) It gives me an excuse to link this absofuckinglutely hilarious Goldie Looking Chain fan vid:
YouTube - goldie looking chain

Now, in terms of wanting to be smoking less--finding other hobbies and getting out more is good advice. Also, cooking more elaborate meals can take up time at home when you'd otherwise be getting high and you'll probably be healthier for it. Try and buy multiple strains. Mixing strains gets you higher with less weed. Vaporizers help. Bongs help. Joints are just about the most wasteful way to smoke in my opinion.
I UNWILLINGLY am without weed. It SUCKS BAD. I have a little plant, just ONE thats growing out of a whole 13 seeds. But I have NONE to smoke. I have no money, no connections, NOTHING. It sucks ass. Hard. So, what I DO smoke is Shisha. Its NOTHING like weed, but it is somewhat relaxing, and for smoke, tastes good. I am only able to get this because my dad buys it for me. I'd give it up for weed, but with no one I trust willing to sell, (plus almost everyone I know is AGAINST weed) its REALLY hard to find any. Not to mention the last time I actually got to smoke ANY was nearly 4 months ago :cry: :cry:
A day without weed sucks for me. Ill be hungry all day but not feel like eating anything. Kinda stupid.... Without weed I just abuse tobacco products and my right to use the word FUCK!
mix tobacco with your weed
5 parts weed 1 part tobacco.
goes further and gives you a more of a 'trip'
maybe a glass of cheap wine as a chaser?

and take viagra or valum before use, it increase blood flow (absorbs mor THC).

and also limit yourself.
mix tobacco with your weed
5 parts weed 1 part tobacco.
goes further and gives you a more of a 'trip'
maybe a glass of cheap wine as a chaser?

and take viagra or valum before use, it increase blood flow (absorbs mor THC).

and also limit yourself.
Umm viagra to help you get high....no thank you
I have quit weed for a year before. Theres really nothing to it, simple mind control. Basically there are some things you need to realize....

First of all, you need to realize that once you are have gone for about a week of no smoking, you will start feeling really good. The only thing in the way of making it a week is you doubting yourself that you can make it. It is a simple mind game, and is easy for those who understand, and difficult for those who do not have control over themselves. The more you think about how you want it, the more likely you are to have it. The more you think about how good you will feel once you quit the more likely you are to make it through.

Every day you make it without weed is more Momentum added to your cause of quitting. Every day you will feel a little bit better. Eventually if your mind is powerful enough you can transition between addictions easily.

I actually quit weed, cigs, alcohol, nicotene cold turkey. After maybe a week or two without them, I started to realize how easy it is to do. Also I realized that being sober is just as good as being stoned. Both options are good.
Pick up an addictive video game. I recommend Shadowbane, I hear you can run it in Linux and it's free. Read books. If you're only 'cutting back' I recommend at least a week or two completely sober to allay the tolerance a bit to match your desired consumption rate. I also reccomend smoking more efficiently. A good bong with a stash filter makes good shit go a long way.
I know how it can be when you've been smoking every day for a long period of time and then you find yourself out of weed with no way to get more. Turning to other drugs or alcohol isn't always the best idea, but I've found good ways of coping.

1. If you get bored, write. Doesn't matter if you're a good writer, just do it anyway. Write poems or stories or write about how bored you are.

2. Play video games! If you don't have a good system, or if money is an issue, I recommend a computer emulator for a classic console (like the Sega Genesis or SNES). You can get those for free and there are tens of thousands of games out there that are also free.

3. Exercise. I'm fat as hell so I can't do heavy-duty stuff, but go for a nice walk every day, even if it's just around the block. For exercise that doesn't seem like exercise, check out a museum or wander around the mall.

4. Take up drawing or painting. Like writing, you don't have to be "good", you just have to do it for yourself and no-one else.

5. Remember that weed isn't the end-all-be-all, and that you went many years without it before you smoked for the first time.

These have helped me out during my long weed-less periods, maybe they'll give you a lift too!
booze.....???are u serious? to replace weed?
My fiance says she can always tell when I'm smoking less because I drink a lot more.....so my suggestion would be alcohol. Then again, that costs money too :-?

Sorry, my issue is supply.


yup alcohol is a good alternative. I also find weight lifting great. You get a body buzz and your doing something good for yourself.
wow. What a great answer coyote.
I know how it can be when you've been smoking every day for a long period of time and then you find yourself out of weed with no way to get more. Turning to other drugs or alcohol isn't always the best idea, but I've found good ways of coping.

1. If you get bored, write. Doesn't matter if you're a good writer, just do it anyway. Write poems or stories or write about how bored you are. I love writing and doing art work

2. Play video games! If you don't have a good system, or if money is an issue, I recommend a computer emulator for a classic console (like the Sega Genesis or SNES). You can get those for free and there are tens of thousands of games out there that are also free.

3. Exercise. I'm fat as hell so I can't do heavy-duty stuff, but go for a nice walk every day, even if it's just around the block. For exercise that doesn't seem like exercise, check out a museum or wander around the mall.
absolutely. Walking is the simpliest pick you upper
4. Take up drawing or painting. Like writing, you don't have to be "good", you just have to do it for yourself and no-one else. very very good attitude

5. Remember that weed isn't the end-all-be-all, and that you went many years without it before you smoked for the first time.

These have helped me out during my long weed-less periods, maybe they'll give you a lift too!
also journal writing. Sometimes when you stop smoking all the stuff you have been burying for years comes up and when I have no weed I like to sort these thoughts out by writing down what they are and how I feel about them otherwsie I am lost in an empty void. :blsmoke:
In times of No Weed?

I usually slam my head against the concrete sidewalk until the voices in my head quit screaming!