What Went Wrong (The Real Reason)..

It's true that when you have nothing you have nothing to lose. Small comfort but something.

It wasn't rural whites that affected this election, it was post industrial rust belt states that tipped the balance of power. Things really have gotten worse for them and it's been going backwards for them for about 40 years. For you and yours, it's been more than a hundred years since rural agricultural populations of this country were of consequence. I find it amusing that you take comfort in this fact.

At least we can both agree that your demographic are insignificant.

I hate that they are saying rural whites..it's working class, period.
Some article I read today stated that one of the dems' biggest mistakes was not going after rural white voters (farmers), and they lost that demographic by a 3 to 1 margin.

Even Bill Clinton tried to get the DNC to campaign more in those areas, but the advice was not taken.

Nothing would have changed the outcome.

Those who elected Obama did not show for Clinton..Obama was the change president over Clinton in 2008, the expectation that they would show because Obama said so was not enough.

Adoption of Sanders platform was not enough.
I could give a shit about trump Hillary or any politics bullshit for that matter ....there just seems to tons of excuses and opinions on why things went the way they did ......I just laugh a little cause rural white people having that impact on the outcome sounds funny .....fuck politics rite in the pussy ....I'm rural

Yes!! Fuck politics right in the pussy. Although, I'm thinking Hillary may suffer from vaginal dryness.
I keep hearing this from pundits..it MAY have been:

  • The FBI Letter
  • Benghazi
  • Vince Foster
I understand they have a job to do, election is over and they still must sell advertising..but do you want to know the REAL reason Clinton lost?

Clinton 60.4 million votes
Trump 60 million votes

120 million votes stayed home because they weren't going to accept being TOLD who to vote for..this is a wake-up call for the DNC!

For the record, I'm the dude holding the bread.
Part 2 - why Clinton lost:

The vacuum created by the loss of Sanders; was leveraged by Trump.

Trump was still into the hate rhetoric at his rallies- he had NOTHING and saw an in.
Part 2 - why Clinton lost:

The vacuum created by Sanders people not voting or doing write-in; was leveraged by Trump.

Trump was still into the hate rhetoric at his rallies- he had NOTHING and saw an in.
Sanders did his part, he voted for Hillary after she took parts of his platform.
From the numbers I saw, Obama won in 2008 and 2012, he had a much higher turn out for voters compared to Hillary. People didn't really turn out as much for Hillary.
So, I think this just speaks as Hillary being the weak candidate, rather than an uprising of angry whites or whatever.