What Went Wrong (The Real Reason)..

As I said, I'm still forming an opinion on this topic and so I'm just telling you what I've read and not what I agree with. The concept in college campus safe spaces is to give a place for students who are part of a minority a place where they can study and talk with others without being the outsider.

The very people those minorities are trying to get away from are the ones complaining the most about safe spaces. I find that complaint to be petty, small and insecure.

Trigger warnings during a program to warn the listener that a violent or sexual content is perfectly reasonable. Especially for somebody dealing with trauma. Again, the people who aren't hurting are the ones complaining about this. Why should anybody feel this is such a terrible thing?

How do you condemn racism and sexism without offending the racist or sexist person?

As far as your butt hurt over Bernie's loss is concerned, we should probably provide a safe space for people like you where you can be given more time to deal with your hurt. Trigger warnings too.
Trigger warnings; I dunno how I feel about them.

Seems like a way to just shut down conversation over "feels".
Trigger warnings; I dunno how I feel about them.

Seems like a way to just shut down conversation over "feels".
I'm not sure about them either. The argument "they are bad because they annoy people who don't need them" is devoid of intelligence. But, if they shut down discussion about topics that should be discussed then I can see argument against.
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