What Went Wrong (The Real Reason)..

Well we've proven that fascism isn't gonna do it, so why not try some liberalism and progressive thinking?

American politics is neurotic; we keep electing the same right wing authoritarians and then wonder why things never change for the better.
The butthurt from Bernie Babies was delicious and funny at first, it's getting sad.

You sound like a Ron Paul diehard.

Inb4: "Wake up!"
Complaining about personal attacks in the same post as making them yourself is pretty much the classic definition of hypocrisy.

Seems my rusty ol' logic beats your broken down trolling points yet again.

No one is shocked by this but you.

I didnt complain about personal attacks, I put the person on ignore.

What you are responding to is my response to someone whining that i was ignoring Big Lou.

I didnt complain about personal attacks, I put the person on ignore.

What you are responding to is my response to someone whining that i was ignoring Big Lou.

I was not whining little man. I only asked why you are afraid of @Big_Lou. You told me he hurt your feels and that was enough for me. .
Maybe all of you should try some better weed... relax breath we're still here after 8 with mr o and we survived the peanut farmer and tricky dick hell even the bush clan so pull up your big boy panties and enjoy the show......what a country:peace::hump::weed:
Maybe all of you should try some better weed... relax breath we're still here after 8 with mr o and we survived the peanut farmer and tricky dick hell even the bush clan so pull up your big boy panties and enjoy the show......what a country:peace::hump::weed:
Trust me, for most of us the popcorn is already in the microwave...

That doesn't mean its not fun to poke fun at Trump supporters and poke hole in his already broken campaign promises.

You are correct tho, this is the only country in the world where a Presidential Candidate can get over 1.4mill votes more than their opponent and still lose.
Only country in the world where you can break you campaign promises without even getting into office yet.


Trust me, for most of us the popcorn is already in the microwave...

I had to buy EXTRA corn and pull my old hot air popper out of storage in anticipation! (I was relying on the microwave variety, but I ended up running short after a multi-redneck meltdown last night....)

I am here to ask you why you have made almost 6 thousand posts in 5 months

or in other words why have you made 40 posts per day?

you joined this website 1 month after i joined this website in this time i have made fewer than 150 posts
in 5 months you have made almost 6 thousand

A few observations about your character any reasonable mind could make

1 You joined this website it was so fantastic you decided to make 40 posts per day every day for 5 months,lets just say you were overwhelmed.
2 You grew up to be Rain man
3 Even a stupid person such as yourself would realize your behavior appears suspicious to others so you go around calling other folk sock puppets.
4 When you were a small child you would hold your teachers hand very tight because all the other children frightened you.
Dedication, pure hard work
What are some of those reasons?
As I said, I'm still forming an opinion on this topic and so I'm just telling you what I've read and not what I agree with. The concept in college campus safe spaces is to give a place for students who are part of a minority a place where they can study and talk with others without being the outsider.

The very people those minorities are trying to get away from are the ones complaining the most about safe spaces. I find that complaint to be petty, small and insecure.

Trigger warnings during a program to warn the listener that a violent or sexual content is perfectly reasonable. Especially for somebody dealing with trauma. Again, the people who aren't hurting are the ones complaining about this. Why should anybody feel this is such a terrible thing?

If you truly believe that to be the case, then you should be condemning this behavior along side me. I've been watching this very closely over the last 16 months. Racism and sexism are wrong and should be opposed at every opportunity, but the way many on the extreme left have chosen to oppose it has led to the opposite wanted consequences; people have flocked to Donald Trump's message in droves. To believe all of these people, nearly 60 million Americans of all nationalities and demographics, are racist is patently absurd. His voters make up people who are simply sick of the status quo. They're sick of politics as usual, and Hillary Clinton represents, better than nobody else in Washington, the quintessential American establishment politician. They were so sick of it in fact, that they elected a conman to the highest position on the planet. Which is the main reason why I laugh when establishment shills deny that a legitimate populist progressive candidate without the political baggage would have crushed him in the general election.
How do you condemn racism and sexism without offending the racist or sexist person?

As far as your butt hurt over Bernie's loss is concerned, we should probably provide a safe space for people like you where you can be given more time to deal with your hurt. Trigger warnings too.