What Went Wrong (The Real Reason)..

They will get the benefit of a paycheck and make more than Seattles minimum wage, something a sweatshop owner like you wouldnt know anything about...
workers comp insurance, vacation days, health insurance (because we know you hate ACA), sick leave, bonus???
workers comp insurance, vacation days, health insurance (because we know you hate ACA), sick leave, bonus???

Do you hire illegals because you dont have to pay them minimum wage or because you can threaten to turn them over to ice for sex? Or is it both? I could see that from you... Running a toxic sweatshop and not even willing to pay minimum wage. How do you live with yourself?
Do you hire illegals because you dont have to pay them minimum wage or because you can threaten to turn them over to ice for sex? Or is it both? I could see that from you... Running a toxic sweatshop and not even willing to pay minimum wage. How do you live with yourself?
Sounds like something you do. Kind of funny how you assume I hire only brown people . You have said this once before. How racist can you get ? Do you not remember you are the one who ran a warehouse and don't even know how to use E-verify.
I can give you employment and it might match what you make now. lol
Sounds like something you do. Kind of funny how you assume I hire only brown people . You have said this once before. How racist can you get ? Do you not remember you are the one who ran a warehouse and don't even know how to use E-verify.
I can give you employment and it might match what you make now. lol

did you hear about the one time NXSK1 hired an underage illegal immigrant girl to clean pools for him when his back was out, then forced her to have sex with him or he would have her deported? she couldn't even report the rape that NLXSK1 committed.

i can give you the link to the thread if you want.
did you hear about the one time NXSK1 hired an underage illegal immigrant girl to clean pools for him when his back was out, then forced her to have sex with him or he would have her deported? she couldn't even report the rape that NLXSK1 committed.

i can give you the link to the thread if you want.
please do. I would love to read how grown man pool boy ran his operation
Do you hire illegals because you dont have to pay them minimum wage or because you can threaten to turn them over to ice for sex? Or is it both? I could see that from you... Running a toxic sweatshop and not even willing to pay minimum wage. How do you live with yourself?
damn jackass talking about minimum wage. Seems I'm willing to pay more, you POS.
You are no good at this.
I think it is unreasonable to affix any arbitrary wage to a job.

Let the people who think 10-12 is a reasonable minimum wage take jobs that pay that much. If there is something else that pays less then let people do that.

How about a job where you sit in front of a computer all day and if something happens on a screen you have to call someone. Otherwise, you can surf the internet all day from your home. Does this job sound like it needs to pay $10.00 per hour to have someone interested in doing it?

Setting a concrete minimum wage eliminates flexibility and the ability for two individuals to agree to a contract that benefits both of them without government interference.

Walmart will not suddenly drop their pay to 4.00 per hour. They already pay above minimum wage so what are you so afraid of?
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Why don't we break up the cartel of oligarchs and mega corps and throw them out of our government instead? It would be a lot simpler and more effective than divvying up the country.

It's hard when idiots keep voting for these crooks. Is this the common ground? If so I do believe that a progressive platform is the best offense to go after these pricks.
I put him on ignore. He can do the same to me if he likes. How exactly is that hypocritical?

Logic is not your strong point.

Complaining about personal attacks in the same post as making them yourself is pretty much the classic definition of hypocrisy.

Seems my rusty ol' logic beats your broken down trolling points yet again.

No one is shocked by this but you.
It's hard when idiots keep voting for these crooks. Is this the common ground? If so I do believe that a progressive platform is the best offense to go after these pricks.

Well we've proven that fascism isn't gonna do it, so why not try some liberalism and progressive thinking?

American politics is neurotic; we keep electing the same right wing authoritarians and then wonder why things never change for the better.
I guess better can be view as an opinion. A lot of racist bigots would say Trump is the better candidate. I would disagree.
If you or others think that Donald is about to change anything in Washington DC that would be better for the working class, you all are about to very disappointed. His cabinet picks will reveal this, unless you are too stupid to understand.
Data shows that Obama/Bernie people did not vote for Trump, they stayed home. Lowest turnout in the last 20 years.

You had to be a racist to vote for Trump or really stupid.

If you support racism then you are saying racism is OK. If you think racism is Ok then your a racist.