What Went Wrong (The Real Reason)..

the white poverty rate in the midwest is 9%. that's the same as the white poverty rate in boulder county.

"economic anxiety" is the shittiest cover for racism i have ever heard.

A family of four making $30k a year is well above the poverty line. They shouldn't be concerned with bettering their lot in life?
I know. Any excuse but the truth that people are hurting economically and they know Washington isn't listening.

I know one side isn't listening. The side that did everything to obstruct Obama after openly stating that they would. They wouldn't even hold hearing on a centrist supreme court nominee because Scalia can only be replaced with another Scalia.
whether you voted for trump because of his racism, or in spite of it, you still voted for racism.

how is that so hard to get?

Why is it so hard for YOU to understand they might have other reasons than the ones you're cramming down their/our throats?

These two concepts are not mutually exclusive and the attempt to make them so is a blatant ploy to control the narrative.
There are some good reasons why safe spaces and trigger warnings are helpful to some people.
What are some of those reasons?
Fuck the culture warrior term. It's an attempt to marginalize people that we are going to need during this time of Trumpism. Racism and hate speech should be confronted but a lot of people don't have the nerve to do so.

If you truly believe that to be the case, then you should be condemning this behavior along side me. I've been watching this very closely over the last 16 months. Racism and sexism are wrong and should be opposed at every opportunity, but the way many on the extreme left have chosen to oppose it has led to the opposite wanted consequences; people have flocked to Donald Trump's message in droves. To believe all of these people, nearly 60 million Americans of all nationalities and demographics, are racist is patently absurd. His voters make up people who are simply sick of the status quo. They're sick of politics as usual, and Hillary Clinton represents, better than nobody else in Washington, the quintessential American establishment politician. They were so sick of it in fact, that they elected a conman to the highest position on the planet. Which is the main reason why I laugh when establishment shills deny that a legitimate populist progressive candidate without the political baggage would have crushed him in the general election.
Why is it so hard for YOU to understand they might have other reasons than the ones you're cramming down their/our throats?

These two concepts are not mutually exclusive and the attempt to make them so is a blatant ploy to control the narrative.

I don't believe that every Drumpf voter is a vicious racist/homophobe/soul-deep bigot, but 90-95% of them sure as fuck are. If you can't come to terms with this fact then you are living in a ("white man's burden") fantasy, man.
'Joe Sixpack' doesn't get a pass when he votes for Hitler/Pol Pot/Stalin because he wants to "shake up the establishment".