What Went Wrong (The Real Reason)..

didn't trump spend weeks pointing out that jon stewart is actually jon liebowitz? ya know, a JEW!

look past the racism and anti-semitism at my own peril.

It certainly should be acknowledged. There is no doubt that a large portion of his voters are racist. Possibly even a majority of them. But to suggest that they all are, or that this is the reason he won is misguided. A lot of folks that voted for Obama decided to vote for Trump this time around. I personally know several of them. They voted for Trump *in spite* of his racist rhetoric because they disliked Hillary that much. She embodies everything that is wrong with DC to them.
It certainly should be acknowledged. There is no doubt that a large portion of his voters are racist. Possibly even a majority of them. But to suggest that they all are, or that this is the reason he won is misguided. A lot of folks that voted for Obama decided to vote for Trump this time around. I personally know several of them. They voted for Trump *in spite* of his racist rhetoric because they disliked Hillary that much. She embodies everything that is wrong with DC to them.
anyone who voted for Obama and then voted for Trump is one confused individual..oh cool story bro
which means they are OK with racism, which means they are racists.

So, everyone that voted for Trump is a racist?

I guess the dems should just give up then. All the republicans need to do is run a candidate that appeals to the nation full of racists, and they win.

That's what you're suggesting.
Examples of this "cry wolf" behavior? Real world, not hypothetical.
"Safe spaces", trigger warnings, comedians getting in trouble for telling offensive jokes, etc. That behavior is annoying to moderate voters and independents and the Democrats and the Clinton campaign doubled down on the culture warrior aspect and abandoned the middle class' real economic concerns.
It's become very clear that you don't know your ass from a balloon knot where this subject is concerned. I'll quote you if I want your feedback....or if I have a question about laundry detergent.
Hey don't get mad at me because you have dumb ass friends who would vote for Obama then vote to undo everything he did. Birds of a fucking feather
I only sell two brands of detergent right now. If you know of any wholesale for single wash detergents... I buy.
"Safe spaces", trigger warnings, comedians getting in trouble for telling offensive jokes, etc. That behavior is annoying to moderate voters and independents and the Democrats and the Clinton campaign doubled down on the culture warrior aspect and abandoned the middle class' real economic concerns.
Fair enough. I'm sorting through my own thoughts on this and appreciate your reply. There are some good reasons why safe spaces and trigger warnings are helpful to some people. Totally agree about over reaction to comedians attempts at humor.

Fuck the culture warrior term. It's an attempt to marginalize people that we are going to need during this time of Trumpism. Racism and hate speech should be confronted but a lot of people don't have the nerve to do so.

Agree about the blind side regarding economic anxiety and displacement being a real problem with the Democratic party's campaign this year. I hope they get that part together.

I don't want this society to retreat back to the "Grand Torino" age. It was pretty ugly towards minorities.