What Went Wrong (The Real Reason)..

What are some of those reasons?

If you truly believe that to be the case, then you should be condemning this behavior along side me. I've been watching this very closely over the last 16 months. Racism and sexism are wrong and should be opposed at every opportunity, but the way many on the extreme left have chosen to oppose it has led to the opposite wanted consequences; people have flocked to Donald Trump's message in droves. To believe all of these people, nearly 60 million Americans of all nationalities and demographics, are racist is patently absurd. His voters make up people who are simply sick of the status quo. They're sick of politics as usual, and Hillary Clinton represents, better than nobody else in Washington, the quintessential American establishment politician. They were so sick of it in fact, that they elected a conman to the highest position on the planet. Which is the main reason why I laugh when establishment shills deny that a legitimate populist progressive candidate without the political baggage would have crushed him in the general election.
what percentage of Trump supporters do you say are racist/bigots ?
people have flocked to Donald Trump's message in droves.

not really. he got less votes than romney, despite winning, white, rural counties by massive, massive margins.

he would have beaten the living dogshit out of bernie "dump the toxic waste in the hispanic neighborhood" sanders, and his wife, the bank defrauding con.
I don't believe that every Drumpf voter is a vicious racist/homophobe/soul-deep bigot, but 90-95% of them sure as fuck are. If you can't come to terms with this fact then you are living in a ("white man's burden") fantasy, man.
'Joe Sixpack' doesn't get a pass when he votes for Hitler/Pol Pot/Stalin because he wants to "shake up the establishment".

This is the biggest most outrageous fallacy of this election.

Nobody has 'shaken up the establishment'. It just shifted further to the right. No jobs are coming back, health care costs aren't coming down, the deficit will go up if taxes are cut and anybody who bought into that shit is a damn fool.

How fucking stupid can people be?
Your lives aren't going to improve unless you're rich. Middle class gets dicked.
This is the biggest most outrageous fallacy of this election.

Nobody has 'shaken up the establishment'. It just shifted further to the right. No jobs are coming back, health care costs aren't coming down, the deficit will go up if taxes are cut and anybody who bought into that shit is a damn fool.

95%, likely more.

Kind of like a bunch of people supporting the construction of a massive dairy factory and then saying "well, I don't really care for cheese, or milk, or butter...I mean, errrr, I didn't want, ummmm, errrr..", EH?

How do you live over there,cringe. Not that I can celebrate.I live near a blue town in a red county, in a blue state, in a red country, lol.
When talking about conservatives, two issues usually take precedence:
  • Abortion
  • Guns
They will talk about other differences between the parties, but those are superfluous.
The old stereotypes are alive and well -- I saw it with my own eyeballs.
"Those fucking lib-tards want to repeal the 2nd amendment, take our guns, and kill our babies. They even sell dead babies on the internet! It's true! Look it up on the internet."
Believe me, arguing with them is pointless... :wall:
I don't believe that every Drumpf voter is a vicious racist/homophobe/soul-deep bigot, but 90-95% of them sure as fuck are. If you can't come to terms with this fact then you are living in a ("white man's burden") fantasy, man.
'Joe Sixpack' doesn't get a pass when he votes for Hitler/Pol Pot/Stalin because he wants to "shake up the establishment".

I've agreed to this idea more than once now, although I think 90% might be over generalizing. If you say it's fact, please provide your source?

I think their economic concerns are legitimate and they often state that their primary purpose was to keep the quintessential establishment player out of office.

Lou, go back and look at the politico-economic circumstances surrounding Hitler's ascendancy to the German chancellory. The German economy was a fucking mess and people were desperate. Who he turned out to be later was not evident the night of his election.

I'm glad you brought up some history, because I think we'll find some answers there. I also think they may not be popular ones.
not really. he got less votes than romney, despite winning, white, rural counties by massive, massive margins.

he would have beaten the living dogshit out of bernie "dump the toxic waste in the hispanic neighborhood" sanders, and his wife, the bank defrauding con.

I disagree and it's a scrap I'd like to see for myself in 2020.
How do you live over there,cringe. Not that I can celebrate.I live near a blue town in a red county, in a blue state, in a red country, lol.

Too many such divisions are allowing the elites to run away with the game. It's time for that to end, and to do so we must start focusing on our common ground.
I've agreed to this idea more than once now, although I think 90% might be over generalizing. If you say it's fact, please provide your source?

I think their economic concerns are legitimate and they often state that their primary purpose was to keep the quintessential establishment player out of office.

Lou, go back and look at the politico-economic circumstances surrounding Hitler's ascendancy to the German chancellory. The German economy was a fucking mess and people were desperate. Who he turned out to be later was not evident the night of his election.

I'm glad you brought up some history, because I think we'll find some answers there. I also think they may not be popular ones.

He might not be too far off, That's only about twenty percent of the population or one in five?
I know one side isn't listening. The side that did everything to obstruct Obama after openly stating that they would. They wouldn't even hold hearing on a centrist supreme court nominee because Scalia can only be replaced with another Scalia.

In a divided country, such tactics rule. Against a united front, they're an express ticket to political oblivion.
You seem to run away when I asked are you going to offer your employees benefits ?

They will get the benefit of a paycheck and make more than Seattles minimum wage, something a sweatshop owner like you wouldnt know anything about...