What Went Wrong (The Real Reason)..

LOL. what a fool Trump has made out of the likes of you. Trump fed on the racism and bigotry of some. We has 8 years of Obama and a certain group were ready to see America White Again. Now you can chose to ignore this fact or you can say yes I agree that was part of the problem. I will admit Clinton became a big turn off to a lot of people who voted for Obama. They decided to sit this one out, whilst Trump was energizing the uneducated white vote. This election the uneducated white vote won. We will see where this takes us.

Thanks for your two cents, but considering how very wrong you were about this election, you'll have to forgive me for not giving a single shit about your analysis.
I supported Bernie and supported his health care initiative. Whether you believe Bernie was cheated or Bernie lost the primary or something in between, fact is, Bernie later on supported Hillary for prez. He did so for pragmatic reasons.

Obama/Hillary would not take on the insurance lobby. For pragmatic reasons. If you recall, Clinton's early debacle in his attempt to enact universal healthcare in 1993 pretty much stalled out when the public didn't support it. It helped bring in the Gingrich's GOP congress and threatened the Clinton run for re-election in 1996. What makes you think things would be different for public support for universal coverage 20 years later?

Result was nothing done between 1993 and 2010 until the ACA, a pragmatic weird hybrid that satisfied nobody it seems but did good for many millions of people. I saw the ACA as a bridge to universal healthcare which is why I'm not surprised at conservative's antipathy to it. What I don't understand is antipathy from the left. Or this idea as you say, by just holding out for universal healthcare coverage the american people will have a change of heart. That didn't work 1993, what was different in 2009, when this country was in a terrible recession and the last thing people wanted to consider was a new expansion in government programs.

Maybe Trump will break the system so badly that universal coverage will be the only reasonable fix. To people with the means to ride out a disaster like that, maybe this is acceptable.

I can't say for certain that Obama could have sold the country on a single payer system, but he could have tried. He's a very articulate man.

I wouldn't have thought that we'd have recreational weed with 55%+ of the country in support of it either back in 1993, but it happened. When something is right, and makes sense, it shouldn't be scrapped just because it didnt work the first time.
maybe you can point out to us where you were right then, and called the PA-WI-MI collapse.

I didn't call that specifically. I said that Hillary was the wrong candidate to run, and I was right. Was it not obvious to you Buck? Obama had record turnouts because of his populist message of change...and the dems tilt the table to run an establishment candidate. lol
I can't say for certain that Obama could have sold the country on a single payer system, but he could have tried. He's a very articulate man.

I wouldn't have thought that we'd have recreational weed with 55%+ of the country in support of it either back in 1993, but it happened. When something is right, and makes sense, it shouldn't be scrapped just because it didnt work the first time.
Failure has no fathers. Success has many of them. It's kind of weak to say trying is better than doing. Especially when the "trying" bit had about 20 years without going anywhere.

It's moot. The GOP will scrub off the ACA stain that everybody is complaining about. I'm guessing you will be ok with or without it.
I said that Hillary was the wrong candidate to run, and I was right. Was it not obvious to you Buck?

i knocked on hundreds of doors and made thousands of calls. it wasn't obvious to anyone i talked to.

what did you do to keep michigan from turning red?

for the record, i checked back and i predicted no democrat could win over two years ago, back in 2014.
warren can stay in the senate, that's where she is most needed. we don't need old faces on our party anymore.


what would you have said when the news broke that bernie's wife committed bank fraud to scam the catholic church out of $2 million? or how about the rally that bernie attended where they were chanting "death to the yankees"?

vetting is important. bernie was never vetted.

Vetting candidates for their suitability to the power elite matters not one bit to me.
Grow up, Bernie baby. Do you think he is crying about this? No.... He put on his big boy pants voted for Hillary and went back to work, I suggest you do the same.
Vetting candidates for their suitability to the power elite matters not one bit to me.

vetting matters.

it would have been week after week after week of headlines about bernie's sordid past. he would have been destroyed. that's why trump wanted bernie as his opponent.
I don't understand the seesaw effect. Eight years seems to be the magic number. Might be due to term limits, but it feels deeper than that.
What do you think?
Failure has no fathers. Success has many of them. It's kind of weak to say trying is better than doing. Especially when the "trying" bit had about 20 years without going anywhere.

It's moot. The GOP will scrub off the ACA stain that everybody is complaining about. I'm guessing you will be ok with or without it.

So it failed in 93, and due to that you feel it should never be mentioned again?
You shouldn't speak to Ttystikk this way, he deserves a bit more respect. I might not be in bed with him 100% where politics are concerned, but I've always felt that he is one of the 'good guys'.

It's pretty funny, poor Hillary will be taking blame all the way to the grave and beyond.
That was for on the sidelines hockystikk:-)
@ttystikk -- sorry I called you a racist a while back. I was wrong.
I was going to send a private msg, but since it was said in a public forum, might as well apologize here.
And I believe that you can actually pull 2 lbs of dry flower off one plant in a 5 gallon bucket. (But only after seeing the pics. :shock:)