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That is incorrect. Most politicians actually understand that by flat out lying they will lose the trust of the people that vote for them. So they do their best to do things like answering the question they want to answer, say no comment walking away, say something that is completely true, but then say something like 'people say'.

Or the best, Republicans lately just go with "Trump said", which funny enough is what Trump did when MBS and Putin lied and he wanted to support their lies. Gas lighting with 'all politicians lie' is not going to work anymore. Trumptastic has taken lying to a really new level.

It can't be that incorrect because they do it all the time. Omitting is a lie and its something that Elizabeth Warren has done her whole political career! I mean who lies on a college application about race? Only a loser would do such a thing and take away from someone who actually needed the help with college expensesa You know she was also a Republican only until within the last 20 years. I guess she figured if the sharade wont work with Republicans I'll just pull it with the Democrats! Democrats will fawn over any silly story they are told by people in their party.
He is a racist, I see him bashing the poor white folks on riu all the time. Calling someone white trash is the equivalent of calling a black person that ignorant name the beings with an N. Its surely and terribly racist!
So, you are the one that keeps bringing it up.
It can't be that incorrect because they do it all the time. Omitting is a lie and its something that Elizabeth Warren has done her whole political career! I mean who lies on a college application about race? Only a loser would do such a thing and take away from someone who actually needed the help with college expensesa You know she was also a Republican only until within the last 20 years. I guess she figured if the sharade wont work with Republicans I'll just pull it with the Democrats! Democrats will fawn over any silly story they are told by people in their party.
See, you bring it up again. It seems that the little troll flowchart that you are using is needing updated.
Oh good, you think we are not being attacked, I will rest easy tonight knowing that every single intelligence agency who has said that Russia is attacking us is wrong because you don't think so. I posted proof earlier, you ignored it and trolled race, dispute that and I can grab you more if you like.

Yeah, a year whoa, you got me there.

Other than all fact reporting news outlets, FBI, CIA, NSA, on and on, several bi partisan reports, and then there is you. I think that your typing and turn to total troll pretty much proves the point that we are under attack from trolls like yourself. I don't think you are Russian, could be mistaken, but I am guessing you are one of the Falun Gong nutters. Just based on your going full troll after asking what Epoch Times was.

I think @UncleBuck might have some pics of the 1st lady handy if you have such a hard on for Dear Leader.

I didnt see you post any facts just news articles from a biased media. You say the FBI, CIA, and NSA. Right you mean the intelligence committees that that weird dude with the bug eyes said will ruin Donald J Trump 7 ways from Sunday, before he even won the Presidential Election in a Land Slide! You mean the same alphabet agencies who have never lied too the citizens of the United States ever? Right ok if you say so buddy dude!
It's a bedroom obviously dude has a dresser in his room. That's what a bedroom is used for! Are you not civil, do you not have a dresser in your room? I bet you're the type of slob to mix your clean cloths (if that's even a thing in your home) into your dirty clothes pile stuffed under your broken IKEA futon!
Did your parents have any kids that lived?
I didnt see you post any facts just news articles from a biased media. You say the FBI, CIA, and NSA. Right you mean the intelligence committees that that weird dude with the bug eyes said will ruin Donald J Trump 7 ways from Sunday, before he even won the Presidential Election in a Land Slide! You mean the same alphabet agencies who have never lied too the citizens of the United States ever? Right ok if you say so buddy dude!
So don't believe anyone but Trump (who has lied to us over 10k times since taking office), Putin, MBS, and the nut religious cooks Epoch Times, but not the thousands of professionals trying to keep our country safe from the outside attacks. Don't believe the actual news, because you read propaganda website that tell you what to think.


70k votes over a few states won Trump the election, Hillary Clinton had over 2million more votes than Dear Leader.
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Nope she is the First Lady. Every president's wife is referred to as the first Lady! Just because you do not like it does not mean it is going to ever change!

What a dirty little racist with a control complex.

Hey, you never answered my question. What are you going to do if President Donald J Trump wins the 2020 election in a land slide once again?
You mean third lady. Or racist prostitute
Nope I'm very healthy. Thanks for your concern! I knew deep down under that fake persona you were probably a decent human. Lol just kidding, YOURE A RACIST PIG. that does stink if he did. Hopefully he will be ok, if not the vice president will take over and dont you Democrats hate him more? Is not one of the liberal mottos " Thoughts And Prayers"? You should send him your thoughts and prayers pal. He is your president he needs your support. Lead by that liberal ideology you follow. Or are you not only a racist but also a hypocrite as well?
Seems like you’re having a heart attack

Or manic episode

or meth bender
No sir my friend they are definitely not about that life! All poops and giggles while behind a computer or phone screen but too afraid of the out side world to leave their moms basement or their section 8 hovel! They tout around and brag they are these smart, moral, sane people. They are not they eat their own like dirty hamsters. It must really suck to have only internet friends and be afraid of the real world. I'm wanting to educate my self on the political climate because I'm not a voter and have no clue what's going on in the political world. Instead of showing good cause and trying to sway someone to vote for their party or candidate. They see the name DONALD J TRUMP and fly out of the fucking soil and attack you like a pack of rabid water drunk fungus gnats! They say, they hate and dont support our elected President but, they are just too dumb, brainwashed and idiotic to see and understand that they are really just supporting PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP more and more as every day gets closer to 20202. They just cant set the crazy aside to see. So when DONALD J TRUMP WINS AGAIN IN 2020. I'm going to come here and laugh my ass off. Haaaaaaaaaaa
No sir my friend they are definitely not about that life! All poops and giggles while behind a computer or phone screen but too afraid of the out side world to leave their moms basement or their section 8 hovel! They tout around and brag they are these smart, moral, sane people. They are not they eat their own like dirty hamsters. It must really suck to have only internet friends and be afraid of the real world. I'm wanting to educate my self on the political climate because I'm not a voter and have no clue what's going on in the political world. Instead of showing good cause and trying to sway someone to vote for their party or candidate. They see the name DONALD J TRUMP and fly out of the fucking soil and attack you like a pack of rabid water drunk fungus gnats! They say, they hate and dont support our elected President but, they are just too dumb, brainwashed and idiotic to see and understand that they are really just supporting PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP more and more as every day gets closer to 20202. They just cant set the crazy aside to see. So when DONALD J TRUMP WINS AGAIN IN 2020. I'm going to come here and laugh my ass off. Haaaaaaaaaaa
The stock market went up more and faster under Obama
says the guy who:
1. drives an old man ca
2. lives in Suburbia
3. carries a gun b/c he's not man enough to chuck knuckles.

but we're the soft ones.

Seems like your jealous he has money to afford such a beautiful car. It's not his fault you're poor and cant own a home in the burbs because you're a derilect. And just because someone carries a firearm does not mean they cant throw down.
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