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I do not understand how Trump Supports put Russia first and betrayed this Great Nation! especially since no one had any idea about Russia allegedly pulling political stings in the U.S.A until after Donald J Trump took the presidency in a land slide during the 2016 election! Nothing about Russia pulling alleged political stings in The good ole U.S.A was stated until after the unprecedented land slide victory for the presidency. Where can I find such information about Russia' alleged political string pulling of American Citizens prior to Donald J Trump winning the 2016 election and beating out Hillary Clinton?
Auditioning for Epoch Times?

You like trump more than you'll ever admit and conceded that fact already




Have a great night, lying, massive asshole :lol:
This masshole is aping Trump's WH. He just sits on his fat ass with his ugly possessions and plays king of the hill.

Not a good sight. But it is instructive how far the conservative movement has fallen.

And that someone, pointed out that you like trump more than you'll admit

The only thing twisting is your manipulative, massive asshole

What a dumb f'k you are!

I cant stand any of them. left, right or middle! Get your facts straight and stop assuming things you have no idea what you're speaking of. Stop trying to put words into my mouth and push things out of context to fit your stupid narrative and really idiotic agenda! I can see you're extremely blinded by your political rage that you take your trump hating antics out on someone who does not even follow politics but is trying to educate them self on the matter and the issue' we face as AMERICANS. I know your brain washing by the mass media has given you such a sorry complex but just because someone said something funny and I laughed does not mean for 1 bit I like or support trump. I support no one in the political spectrum but again, very nice try. You seem to have a major Donald J Trump complex that you're so blinded by everyone and everything. I actually feel very sorry for you! I can tell that your rhetoric, intolerance and hate is no way to sway someone to vote for your party. This is not the awesome liberal way that people keep speaking about! I will tell you now, as someone who has not voted or followed the circus of American politics. Making things up about people and trying to push an agenda about someone that is just not there is going to scare people away who are undecided. Or is it going to sway someone like me who has never voted in a presidential election. This is definitely not the way to get people too vote for your party. This is only going to push people away and make them not to vote in general. Look what happened in 2016, the Democrats got cocky, they took things for granted and the pushed a huge voter base away. That is ultimately why President Donal J Trump won the election! Its people like you who scared voters away. Instead of explaining things and educating people who do not vote. You would rather bash them to look cool in front of your friends, family and I gaurente quite a few people on this awesome website! So another round of kudos upon you for making potential Democratic votes want to run away and not vote or vote for the Republicans!

Holy purple cows! do you have any type of sense at all, or would you rather just look cool on a website for like' and woke points so you can validate your self as the progressive you are? Its nothing to be ashamed of! Most people in this world base their life on validation from likes and woke points with their friend, family etc. Again no shame you're a child of earth. It is rather sad though if you base your life based on validation from likes and woke points, especially random strangers on the internet that will never meet and actually be friends with you in real life!
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If Clinton was president, she would have had all the benefits that Trump started with, TPP to help negotiate with China, eyes inside of Iran nuclear facilities, Russia would not be able to continually attack us because Trump would be in jail.

And she likely would have still been impeached by the Republicans. And we would have been better off for it.

Really is that true? She would have done all that! Where did you buy your crystal ball? From my understanding, she wouldn't even help out cia members or independent military contractors when they came under attack in libya! That has been a proven fact, she pretty much ran the state department but would not even help her fellow colleagues or countrymen when they came under attack by terrorist'!

So you're saying she would have done all that to benefit Americans but wouldn't help Americans under attack in lybia? Yeah, sounds good! Might want to return your crystal ball for a full refund!
You seem to have a major Donald J Trump complex that you're so blinded by everyone and everything. I actually feel very sorry for you! I can tell that your rhetoric, intolerance and hate is no way to sway someone to vote for your party. This is not the awesome liberal way that people keep speaking about! I will tell you now, as someone who has not voted or followed the circus of American politics. Making things up about people and trying to push an agenda about someone that is just not there is going to scare people away who are undecided. Or is it going to sway someone like me who has never voted in a presidential election. This is definitely not the way to get people too vote for your party. This is only going to push people away and make them not to vote in general. Look what happened in 2016, the Democrats got cocky, they took things for granted and the pushed a huge voter base away. That is ultimately why President Donal J Trump won the election! Its people like you who scared voters away. Instead of explaining things and educating people who do not vote. You would rather bash them to look cool in front of your friends, family and I gaurente quite a few people on this awesome website! So another round of kudos upon you for making potential Democratic votes want to run away and not vote or vote for the Republicans!
You really should look into Russian election interference. You are describing exactly how they operate. But what you might not know is then the same troll goes back onto his "Right" account and attacks the "Left" sock puppet account coming to your rescue. This allows you to see what they say in the hopes that you will use it later on.

If you feel like you are being attacked, you always have the ignore button. But for real, understand that as mad as you get (assuming you are from the United States and not a foreign puppet account), they do the same on both sides, so people that have been dealing with Russian attacking our electorate for years now and people are all worked up regardless of where you are at politically. And when people come in and parrot the worst ideals that are highlighted to rip our personal interactions apart.

It is really evil shit. I just hope whatever comes next because of Putin's attacking all of our democracies does not hurt the people under his rule, but it is hard to see that being the case unless he calls troll and backs off.
Take your f'en home schooled poli-sci theorizing and the ludicrous false equivalency bullshit and cram it back down your shit choked word hole.

The story typically told about recent Democratic gains is that Trump’s hideous personal qualities, his public racism, his corruption, his destructive handling of international alliances, and his most visible cruelties — such as migrant children being kept in cages — are driving white moderates away from the GOP.
That is no doubt true, but it leaves out a big piece of the story. Trumpism has two sides: It fuses his racism and malignant, destructive nationalism with his total abandonment of the economic side of his populist nationalism, via a massive tax cut for the rich and a vigorous but failed effort to roll back health coverage for millions.

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I've never seen trump make one racist remark. That is appalling and down right nasty! Just gross really. Can you please share with me where he said racist things? Racist people should burn!

Though the whole children in cages thing, the last president did the same thing. That president started holding children at the border long before President Donald J Trump did. Why is it ok for one but not the other? It's a horrible situation at the border. I hate the thought of those poor innocent children being kept in chicken coups! I've been told this is done to prevent people from exploiting children though. So while the conditions might be non extravagant. I bet its better than the country that they fled from for whatever the reason might be! I've also seen evidence of those children wearing new cloths and 100.00 Nike shoes while getting an education and being feed and in a warm safe place. It's not the Ritz Carlton but its better than some random person sneaking them into a country to exploit them for whatever the reason is. This is a cold hard fact that has been proven numerous times by all media outlets! If you guys are so worried about the children then surely you will take them into your home and feed, cloth, educate and turn them into proper men and woman who can live the American dream like you do!
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Regarding your news flash, post some of that news. All you've done is talk about what you think as if what you think is important.
I've seen you do the same thing on several occasions in various political threads. At one point were you not a trump supporter? Did you not get bashed and heckled about a year ago for supporting Donald J Trump? I could have sworn you were one of those dirty nasty Donal J Trump supporters until you got bashed and harassed into changing your tone!

have another 4 years of Monty Pythons Flying Circus in the Politics section right here at rollitup , even though I'm not very fond of spam :bigjoint:

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I've never seen trump make one racist remark. That is appalling and down right nasty! Just gross really. Can you please share with me where he said racist things? Racist people should burn!

Though the whole children in cages thing, the last president did the same thing. That president started holding children at the border long before President Donald J Trump did. Why is it ok for one but not the other? It's a horrible situation at the border. I hate the thought of those poor innocent children being kept in chicken coups! I've been told this is done to prevent people from exploiting children though. So while the conditions might be non extravagant. I bet its better than the country that they fled from for whatever the reason might be! I've also seen evidence of those children wearing new cloths and 100.00 Nike shoes while getting an education and being feed and in a warm safe place. It's not the Ritz Carlton but its better than some random person sneaking them into a country to exploit them for whatever the reason is. This is a cold hard fact that has been proven numerous times by all media outlets! If you guys are so worried about the children then surely you will take them into your home and feed, cloth, educate and turn them into proper men and woman who can live the American dream like you do!




just search "trump racist statements"...there are a SHIT TON more links....i picked a few from the top of the list, the more established and credible sources...call the Brookings Institute a fake news source...i dare you
I've seen you do the same thing on several occasions in various political threads. At one point were you not a trump supporter? Did you not get bashed and heckled about a year ago for supporting Donald J Trump? I could have sworn you were one of those dirty nasty Donal J Trump supporters until you got bashed and harassed into changing your tone!
LOL, me, a Trump supporter. Too funny that. Nah, I was mistakenly a Bernie supporter in 2016 but was cured of that when I better understood why Bernie failed to gain more than a shred of support from minorities and women.

I have no problem providing additional information on a subject when asked. Just ask. Though I don't think you care enough to do so and won't understand if you read anything that discusses a complex matter using more than third grade level English.

So, @kgp said there was a news flash. Naturally, I asked him to share the news, not his empty headed thoughts.

Because the next thing you gaslighting right wing assholes do is claim they never said that, I'll include the link to his post. Of course, we all know that his "news" is an old, stale and disproven fake story. If you want to prove me wrong, I'm good for that. Just cite the source.

If you dont think russia has hillary in their back pocket too, then I have ocean front property in arizona I can sell you cheap. News flash! They are all corrupt. Every one of them. If you believe otherwise, jokes on you.
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I've never seen trump make one racist remark. That is appalling and down right nasty! Just gross really. Can you please share with me where he said racist things? Racist people should burn!

Though the whole children in cages thing, the last president did the same thing. That president started holding children at the border long before President Donald J Trump did. Why is it ok for one but not the other? It's a horrible situation at the border. I hate the thought of those poor innocent children being kept in chicken coups! I've been told this is done to prevent people from exploiting children though. So while the conditions might be non extravagant. I bet its better than the country that they fled from for whatever the reason might be! I've also seen evidence of those children wearing new cloths and 100.00 Nike shoes while getting an education and being feed and in a warm safe place. It's not the Ritz Carlton but its better than some random person sneaking them into a country to exploit them for whatever the reason is. This is a cold hard fact that has been proven numerous times by all media outlets! If you guys are so worried about the children then surely you will take them into your home and feed, cloth, educate and turn them into proper men and woman who can live the American dream like you do!

Racist propaganda made to link people right to the most racist shit on the internet.

This tweet alone should be a article of impeachment.
I cant stand any of them. left, right or middle! Get your facts straight and stop assuming things you have no idea what you're speaking of. Stop trying to put words into my mouth and push things out of context to fit your stupid narrative and really idiotic agenda! I can see you're extremely blinded by your political rage that you take your trump hating antics out on someone who does not even follow politics but is trying to educate them self on the matter and the issue' we face as AMERICANS. I know your brain washing by the mass media has given you such a sorry complex but just because someone said something funny and I laughed does not mean for 1 bit I like or support trump. I support no one in the political spectrum but again, very nice try. You seem to have a major Donald J Trump complex that you're so blinded by everyone and everything. I actually feel very sorry for you! I can tell that your rhetoric, intolerance and hate is no way to sway someone to vote for your party. This is not the awesome liberal way that people keep speaking about! I will tell you now, as someone who has not voted or followed the circus of American politics. Making things up about people and trying to push an agenda about someone that is just not there is going to scare people away who are undecided. Or is it going to sway someone like me who has never voted in a presidential election. This is definitely not the way to get people too vote for your party. This is only going to push people away and make them not to vote in general. Look what happened in 2016, the Democrats got cocky, they took things for granted and the pushed a huge voter base away. That is ultimately why President Donal J Trump won the election! Its people like you who scared voters away. Instead of explaining things and educating people who do not vote. You would rather bash them to look cool in front of your friends, family and I gaurente quite a few people on this awesome website! So another round of kudos upon you for making potential Democratic votes want to run away and not vote or vote for the Republicans!

Holy purple cows! do you have any type of sense at all, or would you rather just look cool on a website for like' and woke points so you can validate your self as the progressive you are? Its nothing to be ashamed of! Most people in this world base their life on validation from likes and woke points with their friend, family etc. Again no shame you're a child of earth. It is rather sad though if you base your life based on validation from likes and woke points, especially random strangers on the internet that will never meet and actually be friends with you in real life!
Now that we are talking about citing real news instead of your thoughts. I saw your mention of "brain washing by the mass media". It sounds very sinister. How about posting some examples so that we can understand you better.
LOL, me, a Trump supporter. Too funny that. Nah, I was mistakenly a Bernie supporter in 2016 but was cured of that when I better understood why Bernie failed to gain more than a shred of support from minorities and women.

I have no problem providing additional information on a subject when asked. Just ask. Though I don't think you care enough to do so and won't understand if you read anything that discusses a complex matter using more than third grade level English.

So, @kgp said there was a news flash. Naturally, I asked him to share the news, not his empty headed thoughts.

Because the next thing you gaslighting right wing assholes do is claim they never said that, I'll include the link to his post. Of course, we all know that his "news" is an old, stale and disproven fake story. If you want to prove me wrong, I'm good for that. Just cite the source.
Its a dead horse. Anything I post will get labeled as fake news, propaganda, etc. Vote for whoever you want. I will do the same.
I do not understand how Trump Supports put Russia first and betrayed this Great Nation! especially since no one had any idea about Russia allegedly pulling political stings in the U.S.A until after Donald J Trump took the presidency in a land slide during the 2016 election! Nothing about Russia pulling alleged political stings in The good ole U.S.A was stated until after the unprecedented land slide victory for the presidency. Where can I find such information about Russia' alleged political string pulling of American Citizens prior to Donald J Trump winning the 2016 election and beating out Hillary Clinton?
You are full of shit and not worth wasting words on, you're a traitor to your own country and a lying racist of of low character.
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