What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

This is SO faked…that ‘guy’ screams “Non-Player Character”…from the hands up, this is a CGI ‘guy’. Even if it were a real photo to begin with, that face, that head, was made by a computer.

Is this, like, the flip-side to that woman who carved a B backward on her cheek, early in Obama’s first term?
idk, I guess it could be, but he looks like a INCEL that I wouldn't be surprised that he would hit her, and it is on the security camera (or at least looks like it). But you can never really tell what is real and what is fake until there are court documents anymore.
Yeah, but that requires thinking, and a certain comfort with nuance (funny, practically every sermon I’ve ever listened to has been *full* of nuance)…and as Born-Again George reminded us, they “don’t do nuance” anymore. Except when they’re trying to weasel out of consequences for their actions and behavior.
But isn’t nuance just a way to allude to The Truths We Do Not Discuss?
Not so different from being a noob grower. When people don't know anything, they look for specific rules to follow, since they don't have the skill needed to think for themselves. And following rules to the letter will often lead to a shitty grow.
But isn’t nuance just a way to allude to The Truths We Do Not Discuss?
Nuance is the difference between ‘a woman and child’ and ‘a woman with child’.

It’s a way to display distinctions that bear on things like truth and falsehood, and I hope that’s NOT a truth we don’t discuss…there’s plenty of details and distinctions that need to be made in parsing terms like “peaceful protesters” and “terrorist attackers”, or in examining questions of quid pro quo. These particular distinctions are particularly important in my eyes, and there’s a shit-ton riding on whether we can factually distinguish between these in, say, the Jan6 investigations, or in the mountains of material that the DOJ was supposed to turn over to the House.

I plan on discussing the truth for as long as I’m physically able.
The Delta variant changed the dynamic. More vaccinated people will get sick but they will still be protected against hospitalizations and deaths, fir the most part.
It sure did…I was setting up to go back to work (I urgently need money - who would have guessed after 18 months) but my locations remain shut to business traffic *explicitly* due to the changed set of circumstances that Delta brought. My big dread is that I’ll lose the physical ability to work before I’m able to ply my craft again.
Thanks for reminding that one of the deadliest downstream effects is the monopolization of hospital space, equipment, & personnel which put those *not* part of the crisis at the same or greater risk as the COVID-sick themselves.
Thankfully MERS petered out as it was not successful enough at transmission, w/a fatality rate like that it would have been catastrophic had it spread like Covid does and hell yeah something that comes along worse than Delta is our worst nightmare at this point.ccguns
Sounds like it could have spread faster if it hadn’t killed its hosts so quickly…odd to think of that as a positive development, but real crises are like that
Nuance is the difference between ‘a woman and child’ and ‘a woman with child’.

It’s a way to display distinctions that bear on things like truth and falsehood, and I hope that’s NOT a truth we don’t discuss…there’s plenty of details and distinctions that need to be made in parsing terms like “peaceful protesters” and “terrorist attackers”, or in examining questions of quid pro quo. These particular distinctions are particularly important in my eyes, and there’s a shit-ton riding on whether we can factually distinguish between these in, say, the Jan6 investigations, or in the mountains of material that the DOJ was supposed to turn over to the House.

I plan on discussing the truth for as long as I’m physically able.
I imagine my discomfort stems from my experience of politico-religious thinkers using ossified language like King James English to describe current or prospective projects.

As soon as I see stylized language, I see a deceptive agenda.
A reasonable concern, for sure: preachers, politicians, CEOs and generals, and cheating spouses the world over have used nuance to understate, to manipulate, to hide…but it’s also used to expose deceit, fraud, conspiracy - anything where a cover story must be cut through to expose the crime at the heart of an event. Learning how they do it, and learning to catch them at it, is core to what we’re going thru as a nation, what the House select committee is unraveling, and what we need to know to impose accountability and prevent copycat moves in the future.

It ALL requires very specific language - but it must be done carefully, or you’ll hurt the spell….
Best to think of religion in the most realistic context, imo. It's the same as Spiderman, in that, it's completely made up, but that doesn't mean you can't find some good morals in the stories. The whole "believe or burn" thing oozes nigerian prince scam, so I'd rather burn than join, but I do enjoy some of it from a distance.
It is difficult to extract useful information from this dogma.
It’s not supposed to inform you, it’s supposed to “turn your heart” toward surrender to God, and obedience to the very well-paid hypocrites who tell us what they want us to think - and how they want us to think - and who they want us to believe, and who to blame. The Catholics worked out the basics of ‘submission theology’ well over a thousand years ago - so well that despite the Age of Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, the Renaissance, the rise of freedom and individual liberty, the New World, the modern world, their basic cover stories remain in place, their influence remains huge, and intellectual processes are STILL hooked to their imaginary structures.

Consider, for example, that ‘the “real” Christian’ believes that the ENTIRE PURPOSE and FUNCTION of free will lies in the voluntary surrender of that precious will and its accompanying freedom to the people who claim to be speaking for God. They think they’re surrendering TO God, but it’s not god telling them what is right, what is wrong, and what to do: it’s the humans on the radio, on the TV, in the pulpit, in Sunday School who know how to manipulate 2000 years of intentional psycho-emotional programming to cut people off from the world as it is around them, from the people in their lives who are NOT Christian, and from their own hearts.

This is because in order for the scheme to work (sorry, scheme being to “capture” the United States, replace the Constitution with the Bible, and run the USA as a theocratic state “in Jesus’ name” until his triumphant return to the world, where he will torture and murder all the not-Christians and all the not-“real”-Christians so the ones who’re okay with spending eternity singing to & praising an insecure God can get on with it in peace) - for it to work, they need all their human connections transferred over to the belief system itself and its figureheads, keep believing, keep sending money, keep voting Republican, ‘cause “someday” the Jesus bus will be back on the road, and he’ll want submissive, unreasoning, obedient servants for…something. Because the incredibly-overdue, so-far-missing-in-action Lord and Savior of the Earth(tm) loves “us” (them) so much, he needs to take “us” (them) somewhere else so he can love “us” (them) better.

Anyway…TL;DR = “we” (humans) are supposed to obey, submit, and not think are supposed to choose it “FREELY, AND OF OUR OWN WILL”…which is exactly how Count Dracula wanted Jonathan Harker to enter the Castle…. We’re not supposed to BE informed…we’re supposed to be servants and BEHAVE.

Endnote: after 10 years of being groomed for the ministry, I discovered that the people who run things, in church and out, are not “believers”; for them it’s about population control, crowd control. The story of Jacob and Esau comes to mind, in which Jacob, beloved of the volcano god who is not to be named (thus, The Unspeakable Name routine), swindled his own brother Esau out of his inheritance, and his place in the family. For this Jacob retained the favor of YHWH The Unpronounceable, and was powerful among the Jews…and we really don’t hear much more about Esau…just another jettisoned loser, I guess. Point was, and is, that the international business conglomerate known loosely as Christianity is run by the same sort of cynical con-men we had running the country until recently - the spiritual descendants of those who twisted the Bible to justify treating humans as livestock, and to exonerate them of their own unbiblical cruelty and inhumanity.

“An unexamined belief isn’t worth having” - me