What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

No idea where your Fox reference comes from,Football is on Fox and that is the ONLY time my television is tuned on Fox affiliates and I am disappointed in the amount of breakthrough infections and I bet that Dr. Fauci is even surprised a bit by the numbers now occurring, 8 people at work fully vacc. already 2 breakthroughs, that's already 25% and we're no where close to finished yet dear.ccguns

i know you're being nice but women don't like when you refer to them as 'dear'..they also don't like> little lady..the worst>.smile more.
How many people at your work have gotten the virus total now? How many are working unvaccinated?
I only count grounds crew in my building as we are not connected to the pro shop or office staff, We had 12 people on crew this year,one quit in August,he was unvacc., 3 people on crew are unvacc.and 8 are vacc. . My boss contracted Covid from his wife a trav. hospice nurse last yr. before vaccines were availlable, this yr. 2 vacc. workers not including my boss who is vaccinated also have had breakthrough infections one in late August and the other this week after the Synyrd concert most likely, he has given it to a unvacc. worker that he blazes up with. The dude who went to concert Thurs. Sept21 and felt sick Sunday night and called in Monday Sept22. I gave his buddy a ride Monday, he has since tested positive but was told not to report by my boss after Monday due to his close contact(sharing joints) it's been almost a week since I gave him a ride (windows down) and I'm good(fully Phizered), dodged a bullet thank God. ccguns
I only count grounds crew in my building as we are not connected to the pro shop or office staff, We had 12 people on crew this year,one quit in August,he was unvacc., 3 people on crew are unvacc.and 8 are vacc. . My boss contracted Covid from his wife a trav. hospice nurse last yr. before vaccines were availlable, this yr. 2 vacc. workers not including my boss who is vaccinated also have had breakthrough infections one in late August and the other this week after the Synyrd concert most likely, he has given it to a unvacc. worker that he blazes up with. The dude who went to concert Thurs. Sept21 and felt sick Sunday night and called in Monday Sept22. I gave his buddy a ride Monday, he has since tested positive but was told not to report by my boss after Monday due to his close contact(sharing joints) it's been almost a week since I gave him a ride (windows down) and I'm good(fully Phizered), dodged a bullet thank God. ccguns
It is scary, but it sounds like the vaccines are still working to keep you guys mostly safe. Hopefully you can stay that way and be even more safe once you are able to get the booster.
it's actually a derogatory held over from the 50s imo i don't know of any women who likes it you don't refer to the men here as dear..you do this to me because i'm female and that my opinion is lesser 'yes, dear'..a mans go to phrase.
OK,like I said sorry, I was just being "cute" i guess, I'm a gentleman and am one of few guys who freely admit that woman are stronger than men exempting sheer physical strength, you'll never have a prob. w/me disrespecting you or any women.ccguns
It is scary, but it sounds like the vaccines are still working to keep you guys mostly safe. Hopefully you can stay that way and be even more safe once you are able to get the booster.
Thanks, much appreciated, the last few months have lessened the initial elation that I felt once I was fully vacc. and obviously we must still mask up and maintain safe practices because we're not where we want to be yet.ccguns
Thanks, much appreciated, the last few months have lessened the initial elation that I felt once I was fully vacc. and obviously we must still mask up and maintain safe practices because we're not where we want to be yet.ccguns
The Delta variant changed the dynamic. More vaccinated people will get sick but they will still be protected against hospitalizations and deaths, fir the most part.
The Delta variant changed the dynamic. More vaccinated people will get sick but they will still be protected against hospitalizations and deaths, fir the most part.

I agree, it rained on a summer that started out looking promising as far as feeling like things were almost "normal" again, now in what has been a Pandemic that has thrown us alot of curveballs let's hope that Covid is out of tricks as far as variants are concerned, I fully expect more mutations but hopefully in a more harmless direction, the last 2 weeks w/vacc. friends testing pos. and getting pretty sick along w/me just dodging contact by the hands of fate and the implications that could have resulted have definately ROCKED me.ccguns
I agree, it rained on a summer that started out looking promising as far as feeling like things were almost "normal" again, now in what has been a Pandemic that has thrown us alot of curveballs let's hope that Covid is out of tricks as far as variants are concerned, I fully expect more mutations but hopefully in a more harmless direction, the last 2 weeks w/vacc. friends testing pos. and getting pretty sick along w/me just dodging contact by the hands of fate and the implications that could have resulted have definately ROCKED me.ccguns
Virus mutations typically evolve to be more contagious. The Delta variant is more contagious than smallpox and has become the dominate strain. Another variant taking holdI is less likely and I’m becoming more optimistic we are on the homestretch and hopefully by this time next year, it will be behind us.
Virus mutations typically evolve to be more contagious. The Delta variant is more contagious than smallpox and has become the dominate strain. Another variant taking holdI is less likely and I’m becoming more optimistic we are on the homestretch and hopefully by this time next year, it will be behind us.
Like your optimism,hope that it rings true,I think we all deserve a break to put this in the rear view mirror.ccguns
you were a person who spent many sundays listening to made-up stories?

i did too: i called them sunday morning cartoons, not gospel though.
The difference being my heart was in it.
But as the rest of my statement says, I did my own personal homework.
I found the real Jesus in the Torah. Which is what he was preaching.
The Pastor didn't appreciate that.
This virus and all others mutate and as long as it is circulating at anything near the current rate, more contagious an deadly mutations are indeed possible.

MERS, which is another Corona virus, has a mortality rate of 32%.
Deadly mutations are certainly still possible, I’m not saying they aren’t. The common cold is also a coronavirus.

I’m being optimistic but realize anything can happen.
This virus and all others mutate and as long as it is circulating at anything near the current rate, more contagious an deadly mutations are indeed possible.

MERS, which is another Corona virus, has a mortality rate of 32%.
Thankfully MERS petered out as it was not successful enough at transmission, w/a fatality rate like that it would have been catastrophic had it spread like Covid does and hell yeah something that comes along worse than Delta is our worst nightmare at this point.ccguns
Deadly mutations are certainly still possible, I’m not saying they aren’t. The common cold is also a coronavirus.

I’m being optimistic but realize anything can happen.
The next variant,(Epsilon), could make us have a right leaning ideology.
McConnell would move to shut down the CDC, cut all virus funding and send Graham to Florida to release the Kraken.
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The dick head had 2 little kids with him it looks like in the security video when he punched this woman.

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This is SO faked…that ‘guy’ screams “Non-Player Character”…from the hands up, this is a CGI ‘guy’. Even if it were a real photo to begin with, that face, that head, was made by a computer.

Is this, like, the flip-side to that woman who carved a B backward on her cheek, early in Obama’s first term?
Christianity as a philosophy is better than Christianity as a religion
Yeah, but that requires thinking, and a certain comfort with nuance (funny, practically every sermon I’ve ever listened to has been *full* of nuance)…and as Born-Again George reminded us, they “don’t do nuance” anymore. Except when they’re trying to weasel out of consequences for their actions and behavior.