What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

I think the answer to your last two questions is yes.

Troll posts pay, and every hot disinformation post is cash in Z’s pocket. He is the news version of a Big Tobacco CEO and will actively seek to cover up that the big profit engine is stuff that is bad for the customer base.
So, the answer is, take out the profit from spreading misinformation. Don't ban it, tax the to hell out of it.
So, the answer is, take out the profit from spreading misinformation. Don't ban it, tax the to hell out of it.
I also think Id like to see two further steps taken.

Break the monopoly up, like what they did to Ma Bell about forty years ago.

Establish an agency or independent and permanent tribunal to determine exactly how much disinformation is being allowed by the companies in question. Fine the living hell out of the corporation(s) found to be noncompliant. Fund the agency out of a portion of the specific tax revenue.
I also think Id like to see two further steps taken.

Break the monopoly up, like what they did to Ma Bell about forty years ago.

Establish an agency or independent and permanent tribunal to determine exactly how much disinformation is being allowed by the companies in question. Fine the living hell out of the corporation(s) found to be noncompliant. Fund the agency out of a portion of the specific tax revenue.
And set up addiction clinics that pump people full of actual information as they detox from the toxic waste the propaganda produces.
There all out in western Ma. with Covid is crushing them. Worcester and the surrounding area is booked solid in the ICUs. Dump territory. 15% vaccination rate.
I'm a south shore boy myself. Going for my booster today.
You just can't let your guard down, 2 guys at work fully Phizered have already had breakthroughs, last weekend a buddy from work had attended a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert on the prev. Thurs. night, seen him Sunday morn. at work and was going to go to his house to pick up $ from some autoflower I gave him on the cheap and also have his wife cut my hair, told him it was too short notice and postponed to what would have been this weekend. Monday he calls in sick and Tues informs the boss he is Covid pos.(fully vacc.), had I gone over there I then went straight to visit my bed-ridden old lady(massive stroke in Jan),just the thought that I could have exposed her and her daughter's family gives me chills as well as the guilt and remorse that would have overcome me had I potentially exposed them to Covid.Fate dealt me a break but man it goes to show how crazy and scary these times still are.ccguns
I also gave his buddy a ride to and from work Mon., they blaze up together all the time, the buddy is unvacc. and boss told him to stay home also,says he is feeling shitty but got neg. pcr test, boss told him to retake, been 6 days since I drove him home (windows down),feeling fine on my end thank heavens, EVERYBODY OUT THERE RE-FOCUS ON YOUR SAFETY BEHAVIOR, Phizer is breaking down,sure hope my invacc. friend makes it OK,he's a heavy dude and 50yrs. old, this could actually have him fighting for life w/tube in his mouth, he's not a righty and just kept holding out for more vaccine info. could end up being a deadly holdout.ccguns
You just can't let your guard down, 2 guys at work fully Phizered have already had breakthroughs, last weekend a buddy from work had attended a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert on the prev. Thurs. night, seen him Sunday morn. at work and was going to go to his house to pick up $ from some autoflower I gave him on the cheap and also have his wife cut my hair, told him it was too short notice and postponed to what would have been this weekend. Monday he calls in sick and Tues informs the boss he is Covid pos.(fully vacc.), had I gone over there I then went straight to visit my bed-ridden old lady(massive stroke in Jan),just the thought that I could have exposed her and her daughter's family gives me chills as well as the guilt and remorse that would have overcome me had I potentially exposed them to Covid.Fate dealt me a break but man it goes to show how crazy and scary these times still are.ccguns

we are still in a pandemic and those vaccines aren't 100%; they're meant to keep you out of the hospital.
You just can't let your guard down, 2 guys at work fully Phizered have already had breakthroughs, last weekend a buddy from work had attended a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert on the prev. Thurs. night, seen him Sunday morn. at work and was going to go to his house to pick up $ from some autoflower I gave him on the cheap and also have his wife cut my hair, told him it was too short notice and postponed to what would have been this weekend. Monday he calls in sick and Tues informs the boss he is Covid pos.(fully vacc.), had I gone over there I then went straight to visit my bed-ridden old lady(massive stroke in Jan),just the thought that I could have exposed her and her daughter's family gives me chills as well as the guilt and remorse that would have overcome me had I potentially exposed them to Covid.Fate dealt me a break but man it goes to show how crazy and scary these times still are.ccguns
Yes, the rates of new cases is higher now than it was a year ago. A lot higher. Got to be careful but also lucky.
I saw Lynyrd Skynyrd in Honolulu in 1977
That was when they were super tight w/pretty much the original line up other than Gaines replacing King I think, they are down to 1 member now Gary Rosington if you don't count back up singers,love their music not sure what their politics are but appreciate the art.ccguns
we are still in a pandemic and those vaccines aren't 100%; they're meant to keep you out of the hospital.
Well originally, they were touted as being almost bullet-proof w/breakthrough infections considered rare, Joe came out in June practically declaring fully vacc. people could pretty much relax, then Delta came by and now it just keeps you out of hospital(better than nothing surely), both breakthroughs at work included pretty severe sickness also though no hospitalization occured . Anyway it is all much more alarming with what has gone down the last couple of months. These breakthroughs less than 6 mos. after 2nd shot are very disappointing and boosters should be universally applied in my opinion.ccguns
Well originally, they were touted as being almost bullet-proof w/breakthrough infections considered rare, Joe came out in June practically declaring fully vacc. people could pretty much relax, then Delta came by and now it just keeps you out of hospital(better than nothing surely), both breakthroughs at work included pretty severe sickness also though no hospitalization occured . Anyway it is all much more alarming with what has gone down the last couple of months. These breakthroughs less than 6 mos. after 2nd shot are very disappointing and boosters should be universally applied in my opinion.ccguns

ummmmm, no originally they were touted at 80-95% effective. that's why we still wear masks (haven't you wondered why vaccinated people would do this?) check your information source; perhaps the one you're watching is lying to you? haven't you heard how many Vets and Americans were left behind in Afghanistan for beheadings*?

ummmmm, no originally they were touted at 80-95% effective. that's why we still wear masks (haven't you wondered why vaccinated people would do this?) check your information source; perhaps the one you're watching is lying to you? haven't you heard how many Vets and Americans were left behind in Afghanistan for beheadings*?

No idea where your Fox reference comes from,Football is on Fox and that is the ONLY time my television is tuned on Fox affiliates and I am disappointed in the amount of breakthrough infections and I bet that Dr. Fauci is even surprised a bit by the numbers now occurring, 8 people at work fully vacc. already 2 breakthroughs, that's already 25% and we're no where close to finished yet dear.ccguns
No idea where your Fox reference comes from,Football is on Fox and that is the ONLY time my television is tuned on Fox affiliates and I am disappointed in the amount of breakthrough infections and I bet that Dr. Fauci is even surprised a bit by the numbers now occurring, 8 people at work fully vacc. already 2 breakthroughs, that's already 25% and we're no where close to finished yet dear.ccguns
How many people at your work have gotten the virus total now? How many are working unvaccinated?
Rich white people always claim to be a victim, here's one of the GOPs lap dogs playing the victim.
