You just can't let your guard down, 2 guys at work fully Phizered have already had breakthroughs, last weekend a buddy from work had attended a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert on the prev. Thurs. night, seen him Sunday morn. at work and was going to go to his house to pick up $ from some autoflower I gave him on the cheap and also have his wife cut my hair, told him it was too short notice and postponed to what would have been this weekend. Monday he calls in sick and Tues informs the boss he is Covid pos.(fully vacc.), had I gone over there I then went straight to visit my bed-ridden old lady(massive stroke in Jan),just the thought that I could have exposed her and her daughter's family gives me chills as well as the guilt and remorse that would have overcome me had I potentially exposed them to Covid.Fate dealt me a break but man it goes to show how crazy and scary these times still are.ccguns