I only count grounds crew in my building as we are not connected to the pro shop or office staff, We had 12 people on crew this year,one quit in August,he was unvacc., 3 people on crew are unvacc.and 8 are vacc. . My boss contracted Covid from his wife a trav. hospice nurse last yr. before vaccines were availlable, this yr. 2 vacc. workers not including my boss who is vaccinated also have had breakthrough infections one in late August and the other this week after the Synyrd concert most likely, he has given it to a unvacc. worker that he blazes up with. The dude who went to concert Thurs. Sept21 and felt sick Sunday night and called in Monday Sept22. I gave his buddy a ride Monday, he has since tested positive but was told not to report by my boss after Monday due to his close contact(sharing joints) it's been almost a week since I gave him a ride (windows down) and I'm good(fully Phizered), dodged a bullet thank God. ccguns