What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

Jesus loves you for all your faults and all the sin you have done and are doing right now.
He forgives you and has taken your sin in the world.

Here's the issue. If your sins are taken from you, then basically you can do no wrong. Get forgiven on Sunday, then start sinning again on Monday - otherwise he died for nothing. Have seen it far too many times - stuff nightmares are made of - cannabis helps me with that.

According to the good book, god is a mass murderer with anger management issues. He killed over 25 million to the devil's less than a dozen. Somewhere somebody picked the wrong entity to worship perhaps. Hmm? I believe in neither.

Heaven/hell is not a destination, it's a state of mind. :bigjoint:
Here's the issue. If your sins are taken from you, then basically you can do no wrong. Get forgiven on Sunday, then start sinning again on Monday - otherwise he died for nothing. Have seen it far too many times - stuff nightmares are made of - cannabis helps me with that.

According to the good book, god is a mass murderer with anger management issues. He killed over 25 million to the devil's less than a dozen. Somewhere somebody picked the wrong entity to worship perhaps. Hmm? I believe in neither.

Heaven/hell is not a destination, it's a state of mind. :bigjoint:
Without an objective and quantitative assay for sin, the structure folds.
Idi Amin, Stalin, Hitler, Wars, "...and the rumors of wars."
Killing seems to be our specialty.
David, as a tool of G*d, did nice work.
Who can tell the difference.
You mentioned a contrite heart earlier.

I’d be interested to see an objective assay for such.

It would do for the politics that beset this and similar topics.