What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

What's Alabama law? They should have upped they're position.
That's a joke right? I honestly can't tell.

Its so hard to tell satire from the actual views of the Republicans these days.

The only thing I know for sure is that I want nothing to do with those women.

Edit: Yikes. You would think you could do a little checking and see if it is a parody - but it just muddied the water even more. So I went to yootube comments on the video. If it is a parody, the commenters certainly don't know it. Maybe it started out as one but made enough money that it isn't anymore. I don't know. I just don't know. Goddamn, the fact that this isn't understood as parody when it really seems like it is ("we'll probably send a man to the sun?") makes me really embarrassed for us.

I have some inlaws that didn't really grasp Talladega Nights was making fun of some Nascar aspects. They got that it was a comedy, loved it actually, but the jokes hit in an entirely different manner. Whatever floats boats

It's funny, I often see people that were raised with religion having a hard time comprehending the notion of not having a religion.
It blew people's minds when I was a kid that I just didn't have any. It wasn't that i left any sort of religion, I was raised with none. Just that people believed in various things we did not.
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It blew people's minds when I was a kid that I just didn't have any. It wasn't that i left any sort of religion, I was raised with none. Just that people believed in various things we did not.

Can I asked what part of the country you grew up in? Growing up in NorCal, it was backwards from yours, where it was unusual for anyone in our group to go to church. We never talked about it or really even thought about it.
Can I asked what part of the country you grew up in? Growing up in NorCal, it was backwards from yours, where it was unusual for anyone in our group to go to church. We never talked about it or really even thought about it.
Coastal NorCal is one thing. Valley and east are a whole ‘nother.