What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to retire. Will his replacement be blocked so the GOP can put another cult member on the court?
They have already broken that precedent when they installed the church lady on SCOTUS with a simple majority vote in the Senate. "Because we won", as Trump said.

Biden will have his pick and he will have them confirmed before the fall.
Unless Manchin and Sinema block it.
Remains to be seen but I suspect that the blocking of SC nominees is off the table this round. There will be a lot of posturing and stupid shit said, but McConnell got what he wanted already, which was a conservative SC majority. It worked out even better than Mitch hoped when Trump got to appoint a total of 3.
Biden will get to fill the Breyer vacancy, it won’t shift the current balance. There will be foaming at the mouth over whom ever he nominates but unless the hearings reveal Bork-level crazy, Biden’s nominee will be on the SC.
Jerry Falwell Jr. and his wife now admit the whole evangelical power couple thing was an act. “Because of my last name, people think I’m a religious person. But I’m not,” Falwell told Vanity Fair magazine. “We had to put on an act,” his wife added.

Gee, what a surprise.
They'll be back to lynch them later, probably at night and wearing white robs with pointy hats.


I really wish we could just kick back and laugh at the looney tunes. There have gotten to be too many though and they are dangerous weirdos.

We need to go back to when only 1 in 10 families had the weird aunt that showed up at family gatherings with a hat that had live birds on it and told everyone about the moon landing being fake. Now there's a bunch and they just marinate in their crazy till ready to roll out and shoot up a pizza place.
Oklahoma Republicans file bill to allow parents to sue teachers for teaching ANYTHING that is “in opposition to closely held religious beliefs” for $10k per incident, and also sue the school for $10k a day per banned book that isn’t removed.
Oklahoma Republicans file bill to allow parents to sue teachers for teaching ANYTHING that is “in opposition to closely held religious beliefs” for $10k per incident, and also sue the school for $10k a day per banned book that isn’t removed.
So the religious nuts finally are getting around banning the teaching of evolution using the Texas bounty method?
Oklahoma Republicans file bill to allow parents to sue teachers for teaching ANYTHING that is “in opposition to closely held religious beliefs” for $10k per incident, and also sue the school for $10k a day per banned book that isn’t removed.
Why risk a $10K fine? Quit teaching, since you can be fined for anything at all, even opening your mouth. They won't have any teachers and there's already a big shortage.

They won't have any problem getting reelected, no matter how fucking stupid they are, racism causes people to fuck themselves while trying to fuck others.