What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

Opinion: A Tennessee couple's struggle to adopt shows religious freedom is under siege in America
Opinion: A Tennessee couple's struggle to adopt shows religious freedom is under siege in America
i hate bill lee almost as much as i hate manchin...rich fucker who got into politics to protect his families big business ventures, and the businesses of his golfing buddies as well, the fucker has no morals, no empathy, and no fucking business in politics

if she's telling the truth, that's some deep shit...but...even if she isn't telling the truth.....

"Juniper Russo's 13-year-old daughter spent fewer than two weeks in her "Bible as literature" class at East Hamilton Middle School in Chattanooga, Tennessee, before her mom removed her from the course.

Advertised as a nonsectarian approach to the Christian Bible, the "Bible in the Schools" program partners with nearly 30 public middle and high schools in Hamilton County, Tennessee, offering for-credit elective classes about the religious text during normal school hours.

The local Christian organization pays school districts to teach the Biblical history classes in public schools. Last year, the nonprofit donated almost $1.8 million to Hamilton County Schools, according to The Chattanoogan."

get fucking religion out of schools, and fucking keep it out....no place in a non biased, non sectarian educational system for religious indoctrination...
and make not a single mistake, that is exactly what that is...no fucking educational value at that grade level, any instruction in religious education should be college level, and even then, strictly monitored to stay neutral and not be used as a brainwashing tool
The fact that he has an "audience" is disturbing, who would go to his whack a doodle church anyway? They sure ain't deep thinkers.
carrying a bible on you is required at all times, daily prayer required in schools, practice of any religion other than Christianity will result in a fine and possibly arrest, race and religion segregation in schools and public events, police state government, no health or safety regulations for goods sold to consumers (laissez faire, buyer beware). you can do whatever you want at god's own will, as long as you believe in him. you won't need protection from the government because god will protect you. social security and insurance is the devil's work. taxes shall go towards the church instead. church is the ruling government body and rule of law.
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I can’t believe this shit is allowed to happen. I feel sorry for the people living in Texas. WTF.
i'd be very interested to see what percentage of the population of texas supports this fuckery.
i would hope it would be a small but vocal minority that has abbott's limited attention, and appeal to his neolithic sense of morals....
but we are talking about Texas...it might be 90% for all i know
mind blown
Part of Putin's 5th column in America, lead by Trump, Pompeo and a cast of familiars. Civil warriors often want foreign support and allies, even hostile ones. I keep asking these people, Who else has thousands of nukes pointed at you? The right in America went right off the road and into the ditch. One thing though, it is causing division among the republicans, some are finding it all too hard to swallow.