What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

Taxation of the wealthiest at what 90%? That is something from the 50's that led to the suburban expansion for all those returning vets.

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I could do without all the bigotry, red lining to keep minorities out of those fresh new burbs, police brutality of minority communities, stepping on women and minority rights, etc though.

All this feel good shit make you feel better? Last I checked when my dad went to get food stamps for us he got a grand total of 20 dollars a month while he had a fixed income of $700 per month. Sorry but your feel good shit doesn't actually line up with real life.

I fund their free housing, their free food stamps I'm sorry but it seems they got more rights then I do
Yep, there were a lot less guns around in the 50's and lot's of laws against them too, in lot's of places, so if ya wanna go back in time, just bring the level of guns down to the 50's, problem solved. The cops won't even need Kevlar vests, just like back in the good old days.

Did you know that the largest number of guns being bought these days are by black people, by a lot? Cellphones and police body cams changed the old game of shooting black people caught with guns and now they can conceal carry and so can terrorists. Black people are powerful in the democratic party and now they are gaining the real right to own guns too, even in the south, so watch yer mouth.

As more racist cops are busted by camera, the rest will grow more reluctant to shoot first at black folks. That's aside from the law changing to make them more accountable and a bad cop list will keep them from getting hired again. A domestic terrorist list will take the guns from many good ole boys, while the black men carry around AR15's.

All cops are murderers, define the damn police already
All cops are murderers, define the damn police already
Hey there are plenty of black democratic lawyers these days, plenty of cellphones, body cams, security cameras and dash cams too, much more police accountability through technology alone. Much more accountability for racist Karen's too as cellphones held by black folks show the hate and stupidity written across their ugly faces. It all leads to change and if the democrats win, they will have a domestic terrorist watch list and if you are on it, forget about owning a gun or even flying. The will also have anti racism and hate crime laws with a low bar and a great way to end up on the domestic terrorist list will be by committing racist acts and social assaults on black people or other minorities, or conspiring to do so.

People will be sued federally, lose their homes and black victim families will move in after winning the law suit in court. They will bait more moron racists to act out and then they will take their houses too, after due process of course. Their new white neighbors better watch out, because if they act up or out, they might have to pay a big fine, go to jail or be sued. Now since most of these fear driven assholes can't help themselves, I expect a lot of fines to be paid and a lot of Black folks to get new homes with a cellphone video of a racist asshole.
All this feel good shit make you feel better? Last I checked when my dad went to get food stamps for us he got a grand total of 20 dollars a month while he had a fixed income of $700 per month. Sorry but your feel good shit doesn't actually line up with real life.

I fund their free housing, their free food stamps I'm sorry but it seems they got more rights then I do
Russian food stamps......
Just take a look at any sh*thole red state to see how bad things could get...
Yep, ya can starve em and fuck em, if ya brain wash them enough. If they can make them believe absurdities, they can make them commit atrocities, even to themselves.

White women who voted for Trump was 47%, compared to 45% for Clinton. I wonder how many of these women are second guessing now? Does the GOP have their best interests and rights in mind?
All this feel good shit make you feel better? Last I checked when my dad went to get food stamps for us he got a grand total of 20 dollars a month while he had a fixed income of $700 per month. Sorry but your feel good shit doesn't actually line up with real life.

I fund their free housing, their free food stamps I'm sorry but it seems they got more rights then I do
Back to playing the victim. So troll 101
Troll the trolls, we know he is triggered by black folks, I wrote a nice little future scenario for him and our "Christian" went off the deep end. This boy is a true son of the south and their buttons are usually easy to push.
I still really think if a woman would have anything to do with him he would revert to heterosexual ;)
Back to playing the victim. So troll 101
If the democrats win enough, at some point in the future you will have anti hate laws, a domestic terrorist watch list, gun regulation and restrictions. It will happen, sure as the sun will rise and set, it's just a question of when and if you can keep your democracy and the rule of law. There will be federal hate crimes and they will enable federal lawsuits in red states where racism and acting out on it is endemic.
If the democrats win enough, at some point in the future you will have anti hate laws, a domestic terrorist watch list, gun regulation and restrictions. It will happen, sure as the sun will rise and set, it's just a question of when and if you can keep your democracy and the rule of law. There will be federal hate crimes and they will enable federal lawsuits in red states where racism and acting out on it is endemic.
Sadly with the radical right Supreme Court not in my lifetime
Sadly with the radical right Supreme Court not in my lifetime
It could be adding up to the perfect storm for the republicans with Trump going down and taking a lot of them down with him, then turning on them for screwing him and keeping his base home, remember, the hardcore are morons and might obey! It also depends on women, how aroused they are and if they organize an effective ground game in every district in America. The democratic vote could be unusually energized for a midterm and the republican vote suppressed by J6, abortion and even Donald going nuts on his way to prison. It's a lifetime until November and a lot will happen between now and then that could result in the democrats holding the line or having a major victory and pushing through enough change where it counts the most in evening things up a bit.
Troll the trolls, we know he is triggered by black folks, I wrote a nice little future scenario for him and our "Christian" went off the deep end. This boy is a true son of the south and their buttons are usually easy to push.
William M bass is a forensic anthropologist, the founder of the "body farm", a famous, respected training facility used by forensic pathologist and anthropologist from all over the world.
Beebe Steven Lynk served as the professor of medical latin botany and materia medica at the university of west Tn. in 1900. she was also an author, writing the book "advice for black women".
Carolyn C Perrucci is a sociologist specializing in gender roles, family and education. she has written several books on the career patterns of women in STEM fields.
Nancy Grace Roman was an astronomer, who made important contributions to understanding stellar classifications and movements. she served as NASA's first chief astronomer through the 1960s and 70s.
Richard Dolbeer is a biologist who has pioneered research on interactions between wild animal populations and humans settlements, and is consulted by urban planners and biologist worldwide.
Tamara E Jernigan is a former astronaut with 5 space shuttle missions under her belt. she now is a consultant at Lawrence Livermore national laboratory.
Thomas W. Talley was a chemistry professor at Fisk University in the early 1900s, after doing post grad work at harvard. he was also a black man.

ALL of these people were born and raised in TN....they are sons and daughters of the south. do you suppose their buttons are ( or were) easy to push?
i'm going to break you of the habit of thinking southerners are stupid, inbred, and ignorant...
rednecks and hillbillies are stupid and ignorant, and quite possibly inbred...they live all over the country, and all over EVERY country...including Canada. do i have to remind you of the little trucker party you all just had to break up?
William M bass is a forensic anthropologist, the founder of the "body farm", a famous, respected training facility used by forensic pathologist and anthropologist from all over the world.
Beebe Steven Lynk served as the professor of medical latin botany and materia medica at the university of west Tn. in 1900. she was also an author, writing the book "advice for black women".
Carolyn C Perrucci is a sociologist specializing in gender roles, family and education. she has written several books on the career patterns of women in STEM fields.
Nancy Grace Roman was an astronomer, who made important contributions to understanding stellar classifications and movements. she served as NASA's first chief astronomer through the 1960s and 70s.
Richard Dolbeer is a biologist who has pioneered research on interactions between wild animal populations and humans settlements, and is consulted by urban planners and biologist worldwide.
Tamara E Jernigan is a former astronaut with 5 space shuttle missions under her belt. she now is a consultant at Lawrence Livermore national laboratory.
Thomas W. Talley was a chemistry professor at Fisk University in the early 1900s, after doing post grad work at harvard. he was also a black man.

ALL of these people were born and raised in TN....they are sons and daughters of the south. do you suppose their buttons are ( or were) easy to push?
i'm going to break you of the habit of thinking southerners are stupid, inbred, and ignorant...
rednecks and hillbillies are stupid and ignorant, and quite possibly inbred...they live all over the country, and all over EVERY country...including Canada. do i have to remind you of the little trucker party you all just had to break up?
Attack your culture and you attack your community! :lol: I was trolling an individual using common stereotypes. However someone elects these assholes and something is jerking their chains so hard their heads fucking pop off!

Yes they are to be found everywhere, but when governments fuck up as badly as these clowns do and drive the agendas they do and associate with the people and causes they do, it has some impact on elections. When horrible elected people can do no wrong, you know yer headed for trouble. Trump could do no wrong, his support among white women went from 46% in 2016 to 52% in 2020 after four years of chaos and incompetence.
Ya know these evangelicals need something to keep them busy and an attack on their culture should do it. How about the FUCK JESUS movement with bumper stickers and memes online! Maybe FUCK JESUS! bumper stickers are the answer to those Christian and Trump ones? Seriously, fuck Jesus, you either believe that bullshit or you don't and if you don't, you don't want it crammed down your throat or influencing your laws. Jesus said a lot of good things, so did a lot of other people, some wiser than Jesus. Mythical Jesus also said a lot of bad and stupid things, crazy things too, so FUCK JESUS, or his followers will fuck you.

Assault their culture and get in their face, they already went tribal, so abuse them like their right wing masters who understand them, manipulate them and have utter contempt for them. If they are busy fighting off alligators, they won't have time for other issues. Protest their churches on Sunday's FUCK JESUS, grab them by the pussy and hypocrite signs should greet them when they leave their churches. We don't go to church, we wait outside their churches and protest them brainwashing and abusing their children with bullshit. FUCK JESUS would not be in front of all churches, just the most anti abortion ones and those who supported Trump and thus revealed themselves. It's not hate, it's political action against political opponents and the root cause of national problems. It's about ideas, not colors or ethnicities or even sex, their ideas against yours.

Don't bother with protesting the SCOTUS go for the throat, the root cause of the problem, they brought you the SCOTUS and you should bring them political and cultural impotence. Maybe grandma had an excuse for believing this bullshit, however in this day and age nobody under 50 has any such excuse, unless they were brainwashed as a kid or are fucking idiots. Believe spiritually if you want, but Adam and Eve, along with literal interpretations are off the table for adults. You are free to believe what you will, free to be a fool or not too, but whatever gets ya through the night I guess. People believe all kinds of things and almost everyone believes one conspiracy or gives it weight, there are conspiracies after all and the J6 panel is dealing with one now, but there's Jesus again, this time the orange kind.