What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

They ditched Jesus for trump long ago. Kept the name for tax purposes and public relations. Evangelicals wouldn’t want much to do with the real Jesus, not Warrior Jesus.
Well they are giving real Christians a bad image and name, so they need to defend their reputations and that of their faith against those who preach heresy, maybe burn a few at the fucking stake! They want that "old-time" religion after all and I say give it to them, complete with an inquisition for those who proclaim Christianity! Bring back burning at the stake, can be their slogan. First up the snake charmers and southern Baptists for Hersey, don't forget the Mormons! They can stand outside their churches with MABA Make America Burn Again hats on, while holding pitchforks and torches...

They actually should be shouting we will not be replaced while holding those torches, since evangelicals grow at the expense of traditional churches. The easy pre-punched ticket through the pearly gates of being born again appeals to the lazy looking for an easy way out and "convenience". To attain a state of grace one must change and grow spiritually and that is difficult, so it's easier to lie to yourself. Only blind faith is required, that and believing absurdities and if they can make you believe absurdities, they can make you vote for Trump, the logical antithesis of Christ and his message.
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Churches are by their nature small villages of families bound together into a community by common belief. They are also tribal by nature, there is an us and a them, another. There is an dangerous enemy, Satan and the stronger the cult, the more it is under siege. At onetime parishes were the primary form of social organization outside the family, but births and deaths are civil matters these days and so are marriages too, as civil society replaced many of the churches vital social functions. These included education and welfare too, churches were community centers of social activity and the spaces were used for other functions as well as religious ones, until civil school houses became available.

It is civil society that gives us much of our modern values, Christians would be burning people at the stake, until civil society forced them to stop. This happened with a lot of things and our society is still dealing with imprinted Christian values, that are inappropriate for our society. It is no coincidence that those who believe Trump's big lie, also believe the bigger and more easily disproven lie of revealed truth Abrahamic iron age religions. So if you already believe bullshit, it is more likely you will believe more bullshit, more likely if you lie to yourself about one thing, you will do the same for another thing. If you are already delusional, what's one more?
Churches are by their nature small villages of families bound together into a community by common belief. They are also tribal by nature, there is an us and a them, another. There is an dangerous enemy, Satan and the stronger the cult, the more it is under siege. At onetime parishes were the primary form of social organization outside the family, but births and deaths are civil matters these days and so are marriages too, as civil society replaced many of the churches vital social functions. These included education and welfare too, churches were community centers of social activity and the spaces were used for other functions as well as religious ones, until civil school houses became available.

It is civil society that gives us much of our modern values, Christians would be burning people at the stake, until civil society forced them to stop. This happened with a lot of things and our society is still dealing with imprinted Christian values, that are inappropriate for our society. It is no coincidence that those who believe Trump's big lie, also believe the bigger and more easily disproven lie of revealed truth Abrahamic iron age religions. So if you already believe bullshit, it is more likely you will believe more bullshit, more likely if you lie to yourself about one thing, you will do the same for another thing. If you are already delusional, what's one more?

Spare us with your so called knowledge of God

You pretty much openly call for the heads of republicans, you pretty much worship Satan homie. Nothing but hate and rage spew out of you, none of which are even remotely christian values and you're gonna... Preach to the masses?
Spare us with your so called knowledge of God

You pretty much openly call for the heads of republicans, you pretty much worship Satan homie. Nothing but hate and rage spew out of you, none of which are even remotely christian values and you're gonna... Preach to the masses?
I don't claim to be a Christian, I'm an atheist who believes in natural explanations for phenomena, not superstition. I have read the Bible though and do know about Christian theology and more about Christianity than most Christians, who don't know the first thing about it.

If you actually believed in God, you'd think you would spend some quality time learning about it, salvation should be the most important thing in your life. You wouldn't be here with a heart full of malice on the highway to Hell, you'd be acting nice and would never consider owning a gun, you would turn the other cheek, as Jesus commanded. You would not be a bigot or a racist either, those character flaws are incompatible with Christianity, Christ commanded that you love your fellow man, even liberals and Black folks, Muslims too!
Spare us with your so called knowledge of God

You pretty much openly call for the heads of republicans, you pretty much worship Satan homie. Nothing but hate and rage spew out of you, none of which are even remotely christian values and you're gonna... Preach to the masses?
1 in 3 Americans support your beliefs
The rest of us fear people who believe anything
Supreme Court sides with high school coach who led prayer on football field
The Supreme Court’s conservatives ruled on Monday for a high school football coach who was reprimanded for leading postgame prayers on the football field’s 50-yard line.

The 6-3 decision marked a win for coach Joseph Kennedy in his dispute with the Seattle-area school district that placed him on paid leave for violating a policy that bars staff from encouraging students to engage in prayer.

“Respect for religious expressions is indispensable to life in a free and diverse Republic—whether those expressions take place in a sanctuary or on a field, and whether they manifest through the spoken word or a bowed head,” Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote for the majority.

“The only meaningful justification the government offered for its reprisal rested on a mistaken view that it had a duty to ferret out and suppress religious observances even as it allows comparable secular speech. The Constitution neither mandates nor tolerates that kind of discrimination,” he added.

Starting in 2008, Kennedy began kneeling on the school football field after games and engaging in brief prayer. Eventually, many of his players joined him, as did members of opposing teams. This continued without formal complaint for seven years until the school told Kennedy to stop.

The coach went on to defy the school’s order and was placed on administrative leave. He later filed a lawsuit alleging the school violated his First Amendment speech and religious rights in disciplining him for what he depicted as a form of private religious expression.

The school painted Kennedy as having led a prominent public demonstration of his religious beliefs on school grounds. His influential capacity as a coach, they argued, put pressure on the football team — including nonreligious players — to join in prayer or risk their playing time being cut.
I don't claim to be a Christian, I'm an atheist who believes in natural explanations for phenomena, not superstition. I have read the Bible though and do know about Christian theology and more about Christianity than most Christians, who don't know the first thing about it.

If you actually believed in God, you'd think you would spend some quality time learning about it, salvation should be the most important thing in your life. You wouldn't be here with a heart full of malice on the highway to Hell, you'd be acting nice and would never consider owning a gun, you would turn the other cheek, as Jesus commanded. You would not be a bigot or a racist either, those character flaws are incompatible with Christianity, Christ commanded that you love your fellow man, even liberals and Black folks, Muslims too!

I can't act nice to you people, you call for the heads of half the population. You're deranged, I forgive you for it as Christ asks, but that doesn't mean I can't disagree with you on basically everything. I've hardly said a single word about black people on here let alone let's say... Lynch or hang them!

Idk where the hell you get this bigot shit at either, as if you're some kind of beacon of light and hope with all the garbage hatred you spew towards white people on here.
Supreme Court sides with high school coach who led prayer on football field
The Supreme Court’s conservatives ruled on Monday for a high school football coach who was reprimanded for leading postgame prayers on the football field’s 50-yard line.

The 6-3 decision marked a win for coach Joseph Kennedy in his dispute with the Seattle-area school district that placed him on paid leave for violating a policy that bars staff from encouraging students to engage in prayer.

“Respect for religious expressions is indispensable to life in a free and diverse Republic—whether those expressions take place in a sanctuary or on a field, and whether they manifest through the spoken word or a bowed head,” Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote for the majority.

“The only meaningful justification the government offered for its reprisal rested on a mistaken view that it had a duty to ferret out and suppress religious observances even as it allows comparable secular speech. The Constitution neither mandates nor tolerates that kind of discrimination,” he added.

Starting in 2008, Kennedy began kneeling on the school football field after games and engaging in brief prayer. Eventually, many of his players joined him, as did members of opposing teams. This continued without formal complaint for seven years until the school told Kennedy to stop.

The coach went on to defy the school’s order and was placed on administrative leave. He later filed a lawsuit alleging the school violated his First Amendment speech and religious rights in disciplining him for what he depicted as a form of private religious expression.

The school painted Kennedy as having led a prominent public demonstration of his religious beliefs on school grounds. His influential capacity as a coach, they argued, put pressure on the football team — including nonreligious players — to join in prayer or risk their playing time being cut.
republicans like to quote dead politicians to prove their points...
Thomas Jefferson : erecting the wall of separation between church and state is absolutely essential in a free society.
Thomas Jefferson : christianity neither is, or ever was a part of common law.

The declaration itself says that “governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,” essentially saying the government’s powers are from the people who govern it, not God.

why are a small minority of religious zealots in control of the United States Government? because they say god wants them to be....had enough of that horseshit yet? is that gibbet still standing in front of the capital building?
I can't act nice to you people, you call for the heads of half the population. You're deranged, I forgive you for it as Christ asks, but that doesn't mean I can't disagree with you on basically everything. I've hardly said a single word about black people on here let alone let's say... Lynch or hang them!

Idk where the hell you get this bigot shit at either, as if you're some kind of beacon of light and hope with all the garbage hatred you spew towards white people on here.
Stop with the blasphemy and bullshit, Christianity demands self reflection and honesty too, honesty with one's self, cause ya can bullshit the Lord like ya bullshit yourself. You hide the truth from yourself, but on judgement day nothing is hidden, everything is revealed as you are weighed in the balance and found unworthy.

It you are not a racist and a bigot, then you are ok with it, associating and supporting those who practice such a foul sins. You are on the path to perdition and know it, but I won't be the one judging you, or sending you to Hell.

Texas Paul gives DIRE WARNING about GOP fascist theocracy
41,880 views Jun 29, 2022 Pro-democracy champion Texas Paul gives red alert plea that if we don’t stop the GOP they will turn the United States into a fascist theocratic state as they have already begun.