What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

I'm sure the alpha particles are oozing out of "Stinky" ( p f'ing U).....hope this nut isn't in my part of th country.........
The same color as your balls!
Strange color......and pubes too...wow.....what planet are you from.....that hair has to be a pain in the ass.
Well first and foremost, democracy should end. Democracy is part of the problem. This country is a sovereign republic. It was never suppose to be a democracy in the 1st place. 2nd, when trump gets back in office, this country will be restored to the glorious republic it once was.

You know, democrats amaze me in how they want to forget history. They want to forget that the confederate south were democrats, they want to forget, it was the democrats that fought tooth and nail to keep slavery! They want to forget that President Lincoln was a republican and in the end, gave his life for the freedom that all citizens enjoy today.

You guys need to crack a book and figure out what you truly stand for. There is a reckoning coming and it's good versus evil and I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but democrats are NOT the good guys!
Forgetting things is bad. But never understanding in the first place is even worse. Congrats!
Just found this looking at properties and thought of this thread. Probably look a lot like photo #7...
To answer the original question, I have spent a year in Saudi Arabia and it's the Muslim version. And it is horrendous, just simply horrendous.
There's a fool born (again) every minute. (Texas bumper sticker)
So true, lots of blue states like mine (Mass.) give more in taxes than they take on the federal level, was always impressed w/ southern manners and hospitality,but beneath this lies a level of cruelty that is hard to reconcile.ccguns
So true, also there is an intense pressure from peers and older men to conform to the conservative status quo and an unspoken patriarchy.
So true, also there is an intense pressure from peers and older men to conform to the conservative status quo and an unspoken patriarchy.
That's a good point, I often wonder when I'm watching a SEC game on saturday and I see 100,000 Alabama fans and so many beautiful southern belles cheering and all the player's are virtually blacks any other time to a lot of these people their called boy's but if you can play football for Bama it's all good, don't they recognize their hypocracy.ccguns